Chain Letter
Chain Letter
R | 01 October 2010 (USA)
Chain Letter Trailers

Six friends receive a mysterious chain letter via text messaging and in their email accounts from a maniac who's hunting down teenagers who fail to forward his online chain letter. Who knew they should take the threats in the chain letter seriously? Or that chain letters using the teens' favorite technologies to track them can kill? This maniacal game pits friend against friend as they race to beat rules that seem impossible to escape. Break the chain, lose a life. Do you pass it on? Does friendship mean anything?

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
dukeakasmudge ***Spoilers Ahead, Most Definitely*** Usually I avoid horror movies that are all guts & gore like Chain Letter but there was something about this movie that made me just want to see it.The way it starts off,WOW!!! If that doesn't get your attention I don't know what will.After the 1st kill scene, Chain Letter held my attention till the very end.And that was my main problem with this movie, the ending.Even though it was a gorefest, I enjoyed it up until then.When the final credits were rolling up the screen I thought, that's it?! It's over?! I thought I had accidentally hit a button & it restarted itself from the beginning.What kind of ending was that??? It left so many questions unanswered.I would say the ending was done like that to leave the door open for a sequel but since Chain Letter came out in 2009 & it's 2016 now, I don't see a sequel ever happening.What was a pretty descent movie ended up being totally screwed up by a lousy ending
Leofwine_draca CHAIN LETTER is yet another SAW derivative, this time made with a plot that copies that of THE RING. It involves a viral chain letter that's being spread by the Internet and mobile phones; little do those who receive the letter realise that it's been sent by a masked killer who's ready to bump off those who refuse to forward it on.Yeah, the plot makes little sense when you look at it like that, so what we're left with here is a series of gory set-pieces combined with a police investigation into the murders. In reality CHAIN LETTER is an excuse for some very gory murder scenes inevitably involving chains, although they're handled quite cheesily and are never disturbing.That's pretty much all the film has going for it, because the characters are extraordinarily dull and the it also manages to waste the talents of not one but two cult actors: Keith David (THE THING) plays a detective, and Brad Dourif (CHILD'S PLAY) is a teacher. Elsewhere we get Betsy Russell to hammer home the SAW connection while Michael Bailey Smith (THE HILLS HAVE EYES remake) is the hulking but brain-dead bad guy. Other than the fun gore there's nothing going for this one whatsoever.
sharkattack1978 This is a throwaway horror. You know the kind that you watch once and then forget about it? This is one of them. It's entertaining and a little shocking at the start but then it just becomes a formulaic by numbers horror/thriller where you just have to leave your brain by the door. The story is NOT well told. You never find out who the burnt man is who is doing these killings. Who is putting him up to the murders or why can't the police find him before he kills again. You just watch a teen fodder is killed over and over again and the fact this movie is called Chain Letter gives you an idea how they are killed. Plus also this film doesn't show that much of the gore. It gives you a little but it's so fast, blink and you miss it. Let me say this, this is not SAW, this is not a teenage version of SAW and as others have stated it will never be like SAW. If they had told more of the story towards the origin of these killings, this film might have been good and yes even THAT ending would have be explained better and therefore more shocking when it plays out as the final act. However it's just a forgettable horror that leaves you confused and underwhelmed.
BakuryuuTyranno It's incredible how minor details can ruin everything.Toward the start, the contacts the letter gets forwarded includes a "Michael", although the character "Kevin" is supposed to receive it instead.Michael mentions not getting it (while rambling); his later dialogue implies he got it and thinks he's being targeted, which, unless you're paying close attention it seems there's one more potential victim than there should be.Perhaps multiple script drafts were mixed up?That's one detail which renders the plot partly incomprehensible, because really, in a film like "Chain Letter" the audience should know which characters are potential victims. This makes the story harder to follow than any slasher flick should be.