NR | 24 April 2004 (USA)
Casshern Trailers

Fifty years of war between the Great Eastern Federation and Europa - now merged as Eurasia - have taken their toll on planet Earth. As a result of the use of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, much of Earth has become uninhabitable and people have become prey to new diseases. Professor Azuma's "neo-cell" project, which is supposed to be the answer to mankind's hardships, becomes a nightmare come true when mutants spawned from the experiment escape and declare war on the human race. Azuma's son Tetsuya, who was killed during the previous war, is reborn into the cyborg Casshern as mankind's last hope against the new mutant threat. This live-action sci-fi movie based on a 1973 Japanese animé of the same name.

Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
MartinHafer Although "Casshern" is a sci-fi movie, it's based on an anime from the 1970s and plays much more like a live action anime than a sci-fi story. The graphics are VERY splashy and look like a Japanese graphic novel come to life. In this sense, I can really respect the film though I didn't enjoy it in the least--and I normally love sci-fi.This story is set in a dystopic future. The world has been at war for 50 years and the planet has been destroyed. Dr. Azuma, who is from the losing side, has been given funds by his new masters to try to create a new form of cell life that can replace diseased and mutated organs and renew life. But, something goes wrong and a race of twisted genetic freaks result and they are intent on wiping out humans and dominating the world. Can Cassern, an odd reincarnated hero, save humanity? To say the story is confusing is an understatement. I think if you have read the original anime, it won't be confusing and might even be a wonderful film. But, for me, it was a loud mess of a film that I just didn't enjoy.
infinityryvus The movie itself is not so terribly bad (fight scenes are nice anyway), if you consider that it's a Japanese sci-fi action. The (very near) cheesiness and exaggeration of effects comes with the territory, and eventually you just come to appreciate it for what it is.But there is a reason why you can't just take the movie as an entity of creativity in and of itself: it's a remake.For those who consume Japanese Animation, you might have come across a gem of action/sci-fi which blazed into US markets at a time when anime of worth was hard to come by, and when one did find it, the tapes were astronomically priced. That title being "Casshan: Robot Hunter". There are differences between this movie and Casshan other than one being animated. The main difference being the attempt in Casshern to create a human character. In Casshan, the protagonist gives up his humanity to become an androidish entity in order to stop the Black King which his father created. In doing so, he sacrifices love, life, etc, and the anime shows this even in the middle of mayhem and destruction, and quite well considering what its premise is. Casshern however, makes an attempt which is ill conceived and executed, replacing the source of "cool factor" with something nearing mysticism in the form of weird lightning, which just becomes a stretch to even begin to explain. Father's cybernetic creation? Alright, I'll bite. Father's odd experiment on a dying race of people who crawl back from death (oh yes, they might as well be zombies) with the aid of a strange lightning bolt? It gets a resounding: "um.... OK?" with a quizzical brow.If they hadn't tried to create such a human element within the movie, it would have been amazing. The fight scenes are actually pretty good, even if they are just CG live action copies of the animated version's. But since you've been warned and informed (including jaded opinion), go watch it for yourself.
mark_waters01 I/ve just watched this film on SBS at 2am. This film will go down as a Japanese classic simply because it covers so many aspects of life outside the film than in. The ending left me speechless and i cannot wait to see this film on a surround sound set up. Truly one of the best modern sci fi classics i have seen in a long time. Brilliant. 10 out of 10. I loved how they used the theme that humans were the ones to blame for the existence of the human race. Kinda calling the kettle black. Plus blaming ancestors for the way the world is today is a bit harsh. Evolution is evolution. But the old us versus them debate once again became the center of the movie were simple existence between the two is the simple answer!
Carlos Sinuhe Martinez Vallarta First off, I found this film to be the best movie I've seen in my life, I'm not a Japanese fan of some sort, I'm just the movie-watching guy who likes cinema. I went into this film expecting to watch amazing battles and visual effects that would blow my mind, and indeed I found them, but I came up realizing it was much more than just that, but a film that encompasses every aspect of war, and not just that but also about human behavior and a theory on the creation of life. The film combines everything: action, drama, beautiful photography, Sci-Fi and a solid storyline you must watch several times to fully understand this marvel of film.The best movie I've seen in my entire life...a film that will stay in your mind forever, 'cause if Casshern doesn't do it, who will?