Casey Jones
Casey Jones
| 18 September 2011 (USA)
Casey Jones Trailers

Casey Jones is the story of a quirky young man with an irresistible propensity for violence. A lifelong outcast, Casey learned at a young age to channel his brutal urges into sports, but after being kicked off the local hockey team for excessive force during practice, Casey moves back in with his worrisome mother to seek solace at his boyhood home. His retreat is soon interrupted though when a vicious gang of street punks, the Purple Dragons, savagely beat him with pipes for attempting to remove their graffiti. After narrowly escaping the encounter with his life, Casey vows to single-handedly rid his neighborhood of crime. Armed with a golf bag loaded with clubs and sporting a fearful hockey mask, Casey stalks the alleyways by night, mercilessly trouncing any delinquents unlucky enough to cross his path. The misguided crusader soon goes off the deep end, and an unlikely ally from the sewers is forced to intervene before the vigilante annihilates every criminal in the city.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Horst in Translation ( "Casey Jones" is an American 35-minute live action short film from 2011, so this one is already over 5 years old and it is among the most known career efforts by writer and director Polaris Banks. His brother Hilarion plays the title character, a young man whose bloody encounter with a group of sprayer punks turns him (after recovery) into a vigilante fighting crimes on the streets at night. So there is almost a bit of a Batman reference here. But actually, the short plays in the universe of other really famous animal-related characters and it was a bit surprising to realize that way after halfway into the movie. But it was all done good. the visual side is convincing and all the characters, especially the non-humans ones look pretty good. And story-wise, it was also a fairly good watch. the film breathes new life into old successful formulas. I liked it and there is certainly some cult potential to this one. It's the level you want to achieve when you make a fan film really. And you don't even need famous big name actors if your creative approach is a success in most other fields like this one here. I thought it was an entertaining little film, even with over half a million clicks on Youtube still very much underseen and also underappreciated I guess. There were moments when i was actually close to giving this one a 4 out of 5 really. It is inspired, creative and fun to watch dellivering on both the comedic and dramatic front. Make this one a little more known and go see it. i give it a thumbs-up without hesitation. Very much worth watching. Shame they never followed up on it really with the ending looking in a way as if there was more to come. But who knows maybe there will be more. For a man in his mid-20s, this is certainly an achievement that even many film greats only could have dreamt of when they were that age. Makes me curious about what Banks (also a voice actor in here by the way) has in story for us the coming years. until then, watch this one here. You won't regret it unless you really dislike the genre.
Steve U Magoo (ibleedgreen1221) As a child of the late 80's/ early 90's I grew up watching the ninja turtles cartoon every week and became obsessed. As I'm sure with most people I couldn't get enough. Got the video game, action figures and of course the live action movies. If you really like the movies and like the darker take of the comics then this short is an amazing complement to it. It adds so much o the turtles mythos. Just a chance to see Casey jones get pushed over the edge and take back his neighborhood back by force is amazing! It really reminded me of an old school revenge movie, but in the turtles universe. The other great thing is you also see a few people from the t.m.n.t. universe make cameos.Really wish this was the direction they were going instead of the Michael Bay crap that is coming out. Kudos to all involved. I saw this movie for free online on the official website and had to own it and proudly put it in my collection.
dragons2607 I typically stay away from shorts from unknown directors, but being a long time TMNT fan I decided to give this one a shot. Let me first start off by saying that it's obviously low budget, but this doesn't mean it's low in quality. The acting (sans Michelangelo) is forced and bad, though the lead tends to do a much better job when he puts the mask on. The script was dry and didn't have much substance to it. However, the director was able to convey a bit of a darker side to Casey Jones.The fight scenes weren't bad, though Casey is most certainly violent. There are a couple of scenes I found myself no longer rooting for him and instead seeing a vigilante that was really no better than the people he was protecting society from. I'd check it out if you have 30 minutes, I think with a bigger budget and better actors, this director could go far with this idea.
aczilla-1 Criminals of the lower east side, your days are numbered. If fan films can provide an audience with this much quality, then Hollywood should consider its days equally numbered. Blending both the gritty traditional style of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book with the more playful 1980s animated series, this short fan film finds a fitting medium to tell Casey's origin. Not unlike The Punisher (or even the original comics versions of the Turtles themselves), Casey is a man without mercy in a place where the law has turned its back. The 1980s animated series made him a farcical Clint Eastwood. The original live movies branded him a neutered Turtle sidekick. The 2003 animated series gave him more edge but still held back. Here, Casey is completely unbridled as the anti-hero he was meant to be. He will make you cheer, but he won't shy away from making you cringe as well. This short film is loaded with action and pays perhaps the most honorable tribute to the Turtles. It isn't a Turtles story for your kids, but it is the perfect treat for any adult who grew up in the late 80s when the Turtles were at the height of popular culture. The return of Robbie Rist, the original live action voice of Michelangelo, is a rare treat for a fan film. The darker tone of the film makes Michelangelo a better fit than Raphael as Casey's first Turtle encounter, and their exchange reminds me of a classic Drunken Master teaching session.Superbly edited, exceptionally performed, and visually realistic, this is by far one of the most well-made fan films I have seen, second only perhaps to Batman: Dead End. Casey Jones looks like a big-budget feature without being one, and it delivers more in 35 minutes than most feature films today can muster in 2 and 1/2 hours. If you are a fan of the Turtles... or even a non-fan looking for a little action... then by all means give this film a look if you have the chance.