Cherry Tree Lane
Cherry Tree Lane
R | 10 July 2010 (USA)
Cherry Tree Lane Trailers

Prosperous professional couple Mike and Christine are settling in for a standard evening of wine, TV and low-level marital hostility when a ring on their doorbell changes everything. Turns out their son Sebastian is in a little trouble with some local boys, who are quite prepared to camp out and wait for him to get home ... the resulting culture-clash chamber drama is raw, revealing and nerve-splittingly tense.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
stelomas-960-219950 One of the worst films I have seen. The cast is made up of a stereotype youth gang that break in to the house and stereotype middle class couple, I would say family but you don't see the son until the very last few scenes when he has been beaten to a pulp. There is no plot, watch this film and you will just watch an event not a story. Basically it was like watching a Crime Watch reconstruction (without the budget).The husband was a really annoying character, fortunately for most of the film he was tied and gagged, when he eventually freed himself he took on the persona of a Black Adder character.I am not sure why I watched the film until the end, I rarely do this with a film that is so poor. I guess I was expecting a twist or at least an exciting ending but no, the film did not deliver. I suppose you have to give the film the credit for captivating the attention of at least one person.I have ticked the box to say that I may have given away some of the plot in my review. However, I am only writing this review so that you don't spend your valuable time watching this trash.
cuckookachoo The film opens with a long static shot of a boiling pot in the foreground and some inaudible conversation happening in the background. I think, OK I get it - this film will be a "boiling over" type situation. And then I wait, and the pot still boils. Then I wait some more, and the pot finally boils over. What could've been an interesting open shot overstays it's welcome and becomes the embodiment of what's wrong with the film itself. A dull film where nothing really happens. After the interminable pot shot, we're introduced to two wholly unlikeable people sitting down to dinner in a very strange dining setup in the middle of a livingroom. Anyway, they bicker and become more unlikable and then the "thugs" show up who are just three teens with minimal amounts of threat levels. Somehow they overpower the couple and then the film comes to a screeching halt as we all sit and watch the characters watch TV, eat biscuits, and watch some more TV. Some action ensues after awhile, but by then you're too bored to give a crap about characters you care nothing about.I won't spoil the film for you, the film is spoiled enough, so I'll just say steer clear of this dullfest. If you're looking for a suspenseful and more believable British film about chavs, check out Eden Lake or Harry Brown instead.
FlashCallahan Prosperous professional couple Mike and Christine are settling in for a standard evening of wine, TV and low-level marital hostility when a ring on their doorbell changes everything.Their son Sebastian is in a little trouble with some local boys, who are quite prepared to camp out and wait for him to get home.The resulting culture-clash is raw, revealing and nerve-split-tingly tense......Be warned viewers, this is a grim and depressing movie, one not to be viewed with someone you have not known long.The claustrophobic setting only mounts to the tension, and the feeling of dread right from the moment we see the boiling broccoli, stays with you right until the last reel.There are some predictable moments in the film, The two main gang members are like good cop, bad cop. One having complex/complexion issues, the other being apologetic when the other isn't there.The acting is good, and the camera-work and set is haunting and sometimes quite visceral.There is no way out for anyone in this movie, and even the innocent are doubted in this, many will ask about the final frame 'did he have the knife/axe' or 'was he scared'.The film doesn't let up for the duration, and there were many times i had to heavy sigh, as it was very uncomfortable to watch.But coming from the director of 'from London to Brighton' and 'The cottage', I had a good idea it wasn't going to be a happy experience.Be warned though, if you do want to see this piece, it is good, but you won't feel very good after watching it.
Bookworm6490 Despite noticing that this movie had probably gone straight to DVD I thought I would give it a chance, but boy was I wrong.From start to finish the whole movie was a 'must turn off' rather than a 'must see what happens at the end'. Not only did it take around about 10- 15mins to actually get into the plot (already taking up a sizable amount of the 74mins running time) but the plot never really happened- or if it did happen, I didn't really care. The storyline felt more ad-lib then written and almost felt as if it was meant to be a comedy, and a poor one at that. In fact the only redemption of this movie was the feeling that this film could be used as a perfect example of how not to do crime.The only horror in this film was the acting, script and randomly thrown in spurts of unnecessary crude violence. A huge disappointment despite the 4 star ratings detailed on the box.