| 04 April 2014 (USA)
Honour Trailers

A story centered on a young woman targeted by her family for an "honour killing" and the bounty hunter who takes the job.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Prismark10 Honour deal with the subject of honour killings in sections of the Pakistani Muslim community although prevalent amongst Hindus and Sikhs.Mona (Aiysha Hart) is a modern young woman who lives with her mother (Harvey Virdi) and two brothers Kasim (Faraz Ayub) who is a police officer and much younger Adel (Shubham Saraf). Her mother is strict and devout, I would probably add a hypocrite as well.Mona is going out with another Pakistani Muslim Tanvir (Nikesh Patel). However this is not good enough for her family because he is Punjabi or something. So in effect he is Muslim, he is from Pakistan but the wrong region or caste so not good enough for the family and enough to bring shame to them. You see what I meant when I called her mother a hypocrite.When the rest of the family hear about her plans to marry this they go off the rails. Kasim threatens Tanvir and frightens him off. For bringing shame to the family they attempt to kill her but she escapes and the family hire a bounty hunter (Paddy Considine)to find her. Considine is happy to take money from Asians although we note he is a racist.Writer/director Shan Khan mixes the time line to heighten the suspense of what is a straightforward thriller. It works to an extent but too often the film becomes a hysterical melodrama with the focus on Karim the foul mouthed cop turned bad guy as he has been too brain washed by his repulsive mother.There is a scene where his mother tells him that as a policeman, a pillar of the community, with his family's standing, he is an eligible catch and could marry a top Pakistani girl. His sister'r behaviour has put all this at risk.At least the film highlights the sensitive issue of honour killings but it needs to have placed more explanation to the viewer as to why Tanvir was deemed to be unsuitable for Mona or else the viewer could be left confused.The film is set in London but there is a glaring scene of a main road in the Isle of Man which I recognised as it was near where I used to live.
g-h-f I am going to keep this short. This movie paints an extremely unrealistic and ignorant view of British Asian culture, especially British Pakistani culture. None of the characters have any real depth, there are copious amounts of foul language thrown about with no real thought to context. I was also very confused by the order in which the scenes were presented to the viewer, half the time it made no sense at all.Lastly I would like to point out that as a British Pakistani, I was offended by this movie. I believe the topic of honour killings is a very relevant and serious one and if a director/writer wants to tackle that subject, it should be done so with respect and consideration.
Nemesis42 The film addresses the insanity of extremists who are so spiritually void that they believe it is okay to kill a member of their own family if that member wishes to choose their own lover, specifically a lover whom is out of favor with the said extremists. This kind of death-wish upon another is plain nuts and has no place what-so-ever on our planet or in the universe.Anyone who considers honour killing an acceptable way to behave needs re-education in the ways of logic and compassion.Crimes of passion will likely always happen, and happen across a variety of cultures worldwide. But when it happens, the appropriate penalties must be applied. It is a shame that in some counties it is tolerated by local authorities, this is the problem.It is a murderous and sub-human practice. If severe punishment were dispensed to the imbeciles who order these murders, worldwide, then more children will learn the right way.They will learn that love should not be restricted by race or religion.
The Couchpotatoes I would not call this movie a thriller but a drama. Unfortunately a drama that still happens in these ages. The barbaric beliefs of people still living like in the middle ages. Whatever somebody wants to do with his life is his or her choice and nobody should interfere in that life as long as the person doesn't harm anybody. I thought the movie was well made with good actors that made the story believable. For me as a convinced atheist it is painful to watch that in the twenty-first century there are still people who act like that. I hate every religion or sect and I think we can only have a better future if all religions were to be abolished. I know this will never happen and that's too bad but if at least every believer of whatever religion would just get on with his own life and leave all the rest in peace then maybe we would get somewhere. From all the religions there are Islam is by far the most retarded of them all. It looks like they didn't evolve in time. Anyways, I thought the movie was interesting to watch even though it made me mad. Certainly worth a watch.