Carry On Camping
Carry On Camping
R | 29 May 1969 (USA)
Carry On Camping Trailers

Sid and Bernie keep having their amorous intentions snubbed by their girlfriends Joan and Anthea, so when they decide to take them on a holiday to Paradise Camp, they think they're off to a nudist colony—but they couldn't be more wrong, and meet up with the weirdest bunch of campers you can imagine.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
BA_Harrison Desperate to be intimate with their prudish girlfriends Joan Fussey (Joan Sims) and Anthea Meeks (Dilys Laye), sex-mad pals Sid Boggle (Sid James) and Bernie Lugg (Bernard Bresslaw) take the girls to the Paradise Campsite, believing it to be a nudist colony. When they get there, they are dismayed to discover that the clientèle are fully clothed, but decide to stay when a coach-load of well-developed teenage girls (played by women in their twenties or older) pitch their tents nearby.The world of camping proves to be a goldmine for the writers of Carry On Camping who fill this hugely enjoyable and wonderfully un-PC romp with all manner of hilarious, smutty double entendres (although 'opening the flaps to slip inside' and 'maintaining a successful erection' are notable by their absence). In addition to the non-stop suggestive dialogue, this one also delivers plenty of silly visual humour, gratuitous nudity aplenty, and truly memorable performances from the Carry On greats—James, Jacques, Williams, Scott, Sims, Butterworth, Bresslaw, Windsor and Hawtry—with Terry Scott and Peter 'Pound' Butterworth providing the film's funniest moments and Babs Windsor baring her boobs in the classic 'PT in a bikini' scene.
MartinHafer I know the Carry On films were very popular--after all, they made 1038312 of them (more of less). However, as an American who did NOT grow up watching them (and no one in the States did), I have a very, very hard time understanding why they were so loved. After all, at least to me, they look like an extended episode of "The Benny Hill Show" with actual nudity along with all the smarmy and low-brow humor....very, very low-brow humor.This installment finds two morons trying to get their girlfriends to accompany them to a nudist colony by tricking them. When I said it reminded me of Benny Hill--but this also looked like a 1980s slutty teen comedy but with older and unattractive leads. If you LIKE smutty humor that has absolutely no cleverness or finesse, then this film is for you! In addition to genuinely broad and dim writing, there are some horribly broad performances. The worst was the guy who played Dr. Soaper--most 6 year-olds are more subtle and professional! Not all the actors are THAT bad, but most are at least in the same ballpark as Soaper.I am sorry, but I am the dissenting voice. I hated this film and just saw it as smutty and unfunny. About 2/3 the way through the movie, I just turned it off--life is too short.
ianlouisiana This is the "pur sang"of "Carry on",the benchmark against which all other examples of the genre must be compared and found wanting.Here is everything that the self - appointed comedy fascists who want to tell us what we can and can't laugh at detest. Nearly every taboo they have tried to impose is gleefully smashed in very short order.This movie is proof that freedom of expression in art has been brutally repressed,presumably in the name of progress.Since the demise of "'allo,'allo" on TV nothing as remotely as funny as the most average "Carry on" has been allowed on our screens at home,presumably on the grounds that we might laugh at it and cause the end of civilisation as the Highgate Mafia imagine it.The scene in the tent with Miss Brown and Meesrs Scott and Hawtrey is brilliantly done - Laurel and Hardy would have been proud to have made it. Wonderful comedy actors are given a brilliantly funny script.That's all there is to it.It will make you laugh immoderately - I guarantee it. "Carry on Camping" - even the title is a little bit whoops dearie -was not considered to be anything particularly special at the time it was released,yes it was funny,but in an era of funny films it sort of got lost in the mix;Carry on fans loved it of course,but it had a relatively short shelf life and it needed the invention of the VCR to resurrect it and eventually lift it to its proper place at the top of the pantheon of British movie comedy. Be happy that,up to now,the intellectuals have not "discovered" the "Carry on" canon and "explained" the hell out of us peasants. Fearfully I can envisage the day when the "Post - Modern - Ironic" brigade decide that Sid James is the new Jacques Tati,i.e. not actually funny.Until then let's happily accept that Sid,Hattie,Babs,Hawtrey and the others were the finest movie comics in British cinema and man the barricades against the intellectualisation of the last bastion of working - class humour.
Jackson Booth-Millard This is pretty much the only modern day Carry On film of the whole bunch, unless you count Constable or Spying, and it's quite good. Basically Sid Boggle (Sid James) and Bernie Lugg (Bernard Bresslaw) with their girlfriends, Joan Fussey (Joan Sims) and Anthea Meeks (Dilys Laye), see a short film in the cinema about camping, when in fact it is about a nude camp. So looking around a camping shop, they find the information they were looking for, about "Camp Paradise" owned by Josh Fiddler (Peter Butterworth), but they certainly had other expectations when they get there, no nudity. Soon enough though, a bus filled with school girls, led by Dr. Kenneth Soaper (Kenneth Williams) and Miss Haggard (Hattie Jacques), arrive and they automatically change their minds about leaving. Sid has his attention set on the cute Babs (Barbara Windsor). Other characters in the camp include the helpless Charlie Muggins (Charles Hawtrey), and Peter Potter (Terry Scott) with his very irritating wife Harriet (Betty Marsden). It is interesting that most of the stars use their own shortened names, and there are some good saucy gags, including the well known scene where Babs' bra pings off during exercising, just a good old fashioned comedy. Carry On films were number 39 on The 100 Greatest Pop Culture Icons. Good!