Carry On Emmannuelle
Carry On Emmannuelle
| 12 October 1978 (USA)
Carry On Emmannuelle Trailers

The beautiful and sex-starved Emmannuelle Prevert just cannot inflame her husband's ardour. In frustration she seduces a string of VIPs, including the Prime Minister and the American Ambassador. A jealous lover gives a list of all her conquests to the national press and a scandal ensues. But will she ever manage to get her own husband into bed?

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
ShadeGrenade 'Carry On Emmannuelle' ( 1978 ) is thankfully nowhere near as excrementally awful as its predecessor 'Carry On England' ( 1976 ). Sadly, this is not much of a recommendation. The Rank Organisation had cut the funding to the series ( a decision which led to producer Peter Rogers allegedly describing his former backers as 'toffee-nosed b#####ds' ), and meaning finance had to come from elsewhere. Because of this, it became a 'lost' movie for many years, not being issued on video nor shown on television until the 1990's ( it crept out late one night on I.T.V. to no-one's great pleasure ).By 1978, British audiences had not only experienced the 'Confessions' series, but also the 'Adventures' pictures, so one way or another they had had a surfeit of red-faced British actors being chased by nubile girls in varying states of undress. The new kids on the block were Mel Brooks and the Monty Python team, both of whom offered fresher and more daring comedy styles. The 'Carry On' series just could not compete.'Carry On Emmannuelle', as the title implies, is a spoof of the infamous 1974 Just Jaeckin soft porn picture starring Sylvia Kristel. The problem with the subject matter is immediately apparent - just how do you go about spoofing a picture which appears at times to be a spoof of itself? The script originated with Australian writer Lance Peters, though uncredited rewrites were done by Willie Rushton and Vince Powell. Suzanne Danielle is 'Emmannuelle Prevert', sex-starved wife of 'Emile', ( Kenneth Williams ), the French Ambassador to Britain. He lost his sex drive following a sky-diving accident, so she beds every man she encounters. One of her conquests is nerd 'Theodore Valentine' ( Larry Dann ). He becomes infatuated with her, and sets about trying to track her down. The plot, such as it is, has Emmannuelle drifting from one bloke to another, many of whom seem to be old and tired instead of young and virile. There is a lengthy scene where the Ambassador's domestic staff - butler 'Lyons' ( or 'Loins' as his mistress keeps referring to him, played by Jack Douglas ), cook 'Mrs.Dangle' ( Joan Sims ), chauffeur 'Leyland' ( Kenneth Connor ), and decrepit gardener 'Richmond' ( Peter Butterworth, in one of his last roles ) reminisce about past amorous exploits, but these are never as funny as they should have been.'Emmannuelle' does not feel like a 'Carry On' picture, more like Stanley Long's 'Adventures Of A Diplomat's Wife'. Yes, some of the old gang are around, but don't get much to do. Williams gets most of his laughs by baring his bum and speaking in a silly French accent. The script is pretty threadbare in terms of comedy. Sexy Danielle is on screen 99% of the time ( she went on to play 'Princess Diana' in Mike Yarwood's shows ). Nice to see Douglas in a role which does not require him to lapse into his usual twitching and fumbling, and Larry Dann is good as the lovesick 'Theo', ditto Beryl Reid as his domineering mother. Also around is Henry McGee as a David Frost-style television interviewer called ( wait for it ) 'Harold Hump'. Eric Barker has a wordless cameo as a decrepit General. Another Eric - Rogers - is back too; the picture opens with a disco song called 'Love Crazy', written by Kenny Lynch. Disco and 'Carry On' did not mix. The overall impression is one of desperation.Funniest moment - Emmannuelle's seduction of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, which causes the New Scotland Yard sign to sway back and forth in time to their lovemaking! Barbara Windsor gave the film some much-needed publicity when she complained about the level of pornography in the script. But it was not enough to save it from bombing at the box office. In a way, I'm sorry that it happened as we then lost out on 'Carry On Again Nurse' ( which would have brought Norman Hudis back to the series ) and 'Carry On Dallas' ( a spoof of the dire U.S. soap which would have starred Williams as the wonderfully named 'R.U. Screwing'! ). The 'Carry On' movies became firm television favourites, along with compilation series such as 'Carry On Laughing' and 'Laugh With The Carry On's'. Then, in 1992, 'Carry On Columbus' sailed the ocean blue - but the less said about that, the better.
gavin6942 Emmanuelle Prevert has flown from France on the Concorde to visit her husband in the United Kingdom, as he is an important ambassador. Strangely, though, the scrawny ambassador allows her to pursue sex with anyone of her choosing, but prefers to not have her himself.Directed by Gerald Thomas, who has worked on many -- if not all -- of the other "Carry On" films -- and centering around the disco theme "Love Crazy".The video on the Fortune 5 disc is blurry and faded... looks like a poor VHS transfer -- you cannot even read the credits. The sound seems okay, though.The film is in sort of a slapstick style, with some strong sexual overtones. It is also incredibly silly -- it's somewhere between "Airplane" and softcore pornography. Very softcore, with lots of sex but no real nudity beyond buttocks.When the staff shares their oddest love stories, it is pretty great, involving Nazis, a laundromat, a closet, skydiving and gorillas. Harry Hernia has a body, but has the stupidest voice imaginable.
H Quick Don't go expecting a 'Carry On Up The Khyber', or one of the classic Carry Ons - there are a few negatives, such as the terrible animation, a poor back-projection sequence and, it has to be said, a little too much of Kenneth Williams' bottom, but it has a impressive cast and many funny moments. The 'most amorous experience' sequences - particularly Joan Sims in the laundrette and the ever-excellent Peter Butterworth's wartime reminiscence are particularly good. Barbara Windsor was said to have claimed the film as 'pornographic' and turned it down, but it is nothing of the sort, and for a so-called sex comedy, it's very conservative. I think that this is a big part of the problem people have with it, expecting either a Carry On (the humour is more blatant than any other Carry On film) or a Confessions-style sex film; the result is something in-between. The book, by Australian Lance Peters, is remarkably close to the film itself, though fortunately we are spared the sight of Mrs Dangle pleasuring herself on a washing machine (getting instead something far funnier) and a lesbian scene with the Wimbledon ladies champion! It's the last chance to see many of the Carry On greats together (also the last bow too for valued character actor Eric Barker) and is a massive step up from the previous film and series-nadir, England. And if you don't laugh when Kenneth Williams says "we couldn't find the stopcock", you probably aren't human.
lastliberal Emile Prevert: Why me? You could have Tom, Dick or Harry. Emmannuelle Prevert: I don't want Tom or Harry! With 20 years of Carry On... films, the British people got a laugh or two with slightly bawdy humor that featured some favorite stars. Some of those familiar faces are here in the last installment of the Carry On... films and they do a bang up job of keeping the laughs coming.Kenneth Williams leads the cast as the french Ambasador with an impotence problem. No little blue pills in the seventies, so his wife had to find her fun elsewhere. Suzanne Danielle does a good job as the randy wife spreading cheer throughout the land.Old familiar faces are back as downstairs staff (Kenneth Connor, Joan Sims, Jack Douglas, and Peter Butterworth) who provide several laughs as they react to the Mistress and her antics.Well worth a watch,