Carry On Cabby
Carry On Cabby
| 01 June 1963 (USA)
Carry On Cabby Trailers

Speedee Taxis is a great success, which means its workaholic owner Charlie starts neglecting Peggy, his wife. Suddenly a fleet of rival taxis appears from nowhere and start pinching all the fares. The rivals are Glamcabs, and they have a secret weapon. All their drivers are very attractive women! Who's behind Glamcabs? It's open warfare and only one fleet can survive!

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Robert J. Maxwell I wish I could get with this series. I seem to remember enjoying one or two when they were first released. But now, years later, they mostly add up to a not very successful television comedy program dependent on weird-looking characters, slapstick, and weak jokes. This one centers around the conflict between the love-starved Hattie Jacques and her cabby husband, Sid James. There is an abundance of ancillary characters.I'll give an example of the humor. Charles Hawtrey, who looks like my Grandma, is constantly falling over things, frequently while carrying some delicate objects like tea cups. He falls over empty petrol cans, a table, and so forth. His goal: to become a cab driver.Hawtrey shows up at the cab company and applies for a job. His name is "Terry Tankard" but the boys all call him "Pint pot" -- "because of my name, Tankard, you see?" Sid James squints at him oddly and asks, "You're sure it was PINT pot?" (Joke.) It's all very cheerful, from the jaunty opening tune, and very working class in its plot, its humor, and its characters. And that was probably the intent. Keep it simple and only slightly off color. It probably amused undemanding audiences.But the industry in Britain was capable of far more than this sort of thing. I'll only mention the Ealing comedies of the 50s and early 60s in passing. Maybe my neurology has evolved (or devolved) but the Carry On series seems much less impressive now than it did in the early 60s. Not insulting and not dated, just a bit stale. I can imagine others finding the more amusing.
TheLittleSongbird I really liked this Carry On entry. This is considered as Hattie Jaques's personal favourite of the Carry Ons and it isn't hard to see why. She seems to be having a ball as the neglected wife of cab driver Charlie Hawkins, who is played to perfection by the one and only Sidney James. Carry On Cabby has a very irreverent screenplay, that will leave you in tears of laughter, but what made this particular Carry On stand out for me was that the plot was one of the strongest plot lines in Carry On history. As for the other performances, Jim Dale is hilarious in a small role, and Kenneth Connor is his usual charming self. Charles Hawtrey is solid in his role too. The photography was skillfully done, and the music score was great. My only complaints are its length and its rather slow beginning, other than that, pretty darn good if you ask me. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Chris Gaskin Carry On Cabby is one of the early Carry On movies and I consider this to be one of the better ones too.The boss of a cab company, Charlie is such a workaholic that his wife, Peggy decides to set up her own in competition and calls it Glam Cabs. She uses a fleet of new cars for this and all of the drivers employed are attractive young ladies.This is fast paced throughout and very funny.The cast includes Carry On regulars Sid Kames and Hattie Jaques as Charle and Peggy, Charles Hawtrey and Kenneth Conner. With Amanda Barrie (Coronation Street), Bill Owen (Last Of the Summer Wine) and Liz Fraser.Have a good laugh with Carry On Cabby. Brilliant.Rating: 3 and a half stars out of 5.
paul-johnson107 The Carry On Team have done it again with this cab driving caper. Sidney James Plays Charlie Hawkins owner of Speedie Cabs, however when suffering wife Peggy (Hattie Jacques) gets fed up with his attitude to work she sets out to put him out of business by setting up her own cab business called Glam Cabs run by women, phwoar! Of course seeing these dolly birds driving around people instantly like them and favour them instead of using Sid's business.This is a great addition to the carry on series, with many of the regular faces with the exception of Kenneth williams who could not appear due to other commitments, and introducing Jim Dale as a worrying man who forces Sid to take him and his wife back and forth to the maternity hospital.I love this one and i know lots of you will TOO, so Carry On Watching!*