Carry On Sergeant
Carry On Sergeant
| 15 August 1958 (USA)
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Fall in for the first ever film in the highly successful Carry On comedy series—now an acclaimed British institution. Kenneth Connor and Charles Hawtrey are the prankish misfits who become the hilarious bane of Army Officers existence when he makes a bet he will turn them into ‘Star Squad’ Award soldiers—or bust!

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
MARIO GAUCI The first "Carry On" is not among the best: it's an all-too-typical army comedy, albeit an agreeable one. William Hartnell stars as a Sergeant about to retire but who has yet to win a contest for leading his barracks' finest platoon, so he determines to achieve just this with his last batch of recruits – unfortunately for him, these include Kenneth Connor, Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey, Bob Monkhouse, Terence Longdon and Norman Rossington (actually, such a dumb subject that he's been rejected by several previous outfits and has been stranded in the camp ever since)! As can be seen, this same plot would eventually be worked into two later series outings – CARRY ON TEACHER (1959), down to the sentimental ending, and CARRY ON, CONSTABLE (1960), with Eric Barker once again as the disciplinarian but flustered Captain.Shirley Eaton provides the eye-candy as Monkhouse's fresh bride, who contrives to get a job in the barracks' kitchen in order to be near him; her companion, ugly-duckling Dora Bryan, has set her eyes on hypochondriac Connor (who is forever appearing before medical officer Hattie Jacques with some mysterious ailment or other, until she decides to have him undertake a thorough test by several specialists so as to declare him physically fit once and for all!). Hawtrey is typically bumbling; Williams scores best as a smug, know-it-all recruit (he plays it quite straight and, again, variations of this were seen in CARRY ON NURSE [1959] and CARRY ON, CONSTABLE). Needless to say, once the boys realize what the outcome of their training would mean for the long-suffering Hartnell, they put their best foot forward to send him home with his well-deserved prize in tow.
Bondek (Bondek) I have liked this movie since I was at least eight and that's been twelve years and still I like it. As a kid I liked most of the Carry On films but now have become browned off by the majority except for Sergeant. Sergeant is a heart-warming tale featuring William Hartnell -the first Doctor Who and with excellent bit roles such as in The Yangste Incident and his last platoon. It features some of the well known Carry On faces such as Terry Scott and Kenneth Connor who is my favourite in this one as Private Strong. Excellent lines that still make me laugh and scenes that do likewise. Also starring the late great legend that was Bob Monkhouse. This is in my opinion the greatest of the Carry On movies and right up there with comedies of the time such as Doctor in the House, Wrong Arm of the Law and The League of Gentlemen.
Markmainwaring Before it all got crude Carry On films were much lighter. This one being the first of all of them. It still as moments that are funny today, but I doubt it will be as seen as say, Carry on Cleo.The performances here are quite good as well. Especially William (Doctor Who) Hartnell as the drilling sergeant.A modern audience may find it all a bit slow. Which, of course it is. But unlike later Carry On films there's a continued plot. Which even though its still only there to bounce jokes off. At least it feels like a plot.Not as funny as some of the later ones, but still better made and acted.
ianlouisiana The success of ATV's "The Army Game" inspired the birth of "Carry on Sergeant",and,by extension,the whole "Carry On" canon.Bill Hartnell,Norman Rossington and Charles Hawtrey were headhunted from the TV ,and later Carry On" alumni such as Bernard Bresslaw cut their teeth on the very popular small screen series. The term "Carry on,Sergeant" is an old British army phrase used by officers in handing over command of the men to the NCOs who,as in every army in the world,actually run things.A captain comes into the hut and all the men spring to attention.He glances quickly around,nods approvingly and drawls "Carry on sergeant",satisfied that all is well in his little world. The success of "Carry on Sergeant" spawned "Carry on Nurse" etc ,the generic title being used for a long series of cheap,cheerful and splendidly vulgar movies that are gradually being recognised as a highwater mark in British cinema.In 1958,a significant proportion of the cinema audience was familiar with military silliness,bullying NCOs,pompous officers,skiving ORs,and had spent enough time painting grass green and coal black on bleak outposts of the Empire all over the world to be only too familiar with conscription. At the time the British army was full of reluctant warriors like Williams,O'Connor and the others. Profesionals like Bill Owen and William Hartnell wearily did their best to turn them into soldiers for 24 stupefying months before they were allowed to get on with the rest of their lives.You didn't need a film to make it seem like a farce,it was a farce.There are a lot of good moments in this movie and it is certainly capable of holding its own (oops dearie!) aside from being judged in hindsight as the precursor of a much - loved tradition of seaside postcard humour all the funnier for being disdained by those who think we should know better. "Carry on Sergeant" contains a wonderfully demented performance by the great Mr Eric Barker and a surprisingly good one from the much - maligned Mr Bob Monkhouse,but it is Mr William Hartnell that is the glue that holds it all together.He is the eternal N.C.O battling against inept recruits and barmy officers,he hardly has one funny line,but he made me laugh more than anyone else in the picture.