Carry On Nurse
Carry On Nurse
| 30 January 1959 (USA)
Carry On Nurse Trailers

Set in Haven Hospital where a certain men's ward is causing more havoc than the whole hospital put together. The formidable Matron's debut gives the patients a chill every time she walks past, with only Reckitt standing up to her. There's a colonel who is a constant nuisance, a bumbling nurse, a romance between Ted York and Nurse Denton, and Bell who wants his bunion removed straight away, so after drinking alcohol, the men decide to remove the bunion themselves!

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VividSimon Simply Perfect
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
bkoganbing The nursing profession gets a look in this second of the Carry On series of films. Carry On Nursing takes place in the public male ward of a hospital where we have one interesting section of cross Brittania Carry On style.Among the patients are boxer Kenneth Connor, professor Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey who seems to be in his own world, Terence Longden who is getting acquainted with nurse Shirley Eaton, Leslie Phillips who just wants a bunion removed and keeps getting that constantly postponed and in a private room a most demanding colonel Wilfrid Hyde-White. Hyde- White is a sportsman and has an arrangement with one of the orderlies to keep his bets being placed.They all live in mortal terror of the head matron Hattie Jacques who is the mother of Nurse Ratched. They'd all like to do something to her, but only Williams actually tells her off.The climax of this film is hysterical as Williams who believes he can master any subject reads a book on surgery and decides to do a little operating to help his mate Phillips out. The others all join in with Hawtrey in a nurses uniform keeping a lookout and Connor applying a little too much anesthesia all around. You have to see it to believe it.Carry On Nurse is a great followup film to Carry On Sergeant and insured this series would have a life.
Leofwine_draca My favourite Carry On films are the ones set within a single location: such plot devices allow the scriptwriters to focus on amusing character aspects and interactions, while the ones that have the team travelling all over the place feel a little contrived.CARRY ON NURSE is set entirely on a men's ward and proves to be one of the very best the series had to offer, made long before the rot set in (i.e. colour, endless tired smut, Barbara Windsor). Sid James isn't present, but most of the team are and on top form with plenty of gentle humour and exaggerated laughs.Of the group, Kenneth Connor bags the best role as a boxer with a broken wrist. Kenneth Williams gives strong support playing his usual snobby character, Charles Hawtrey gets to dress up as a nurse, and Wilfrid Hyde-White may be the most annoying patient ever to grace the screen (the much-remembered end gag is well deserved). The likes of Bill Owen, Terence Longdon and Leslie Phillips round out the rest of the blokes.The nurses are the equals of the gents. Joan Sims supplies the pratfalls, Hattie Jacques is excellent as the Matron (a role that's defined her ever since) and Shirley Eaton is quite wonderful as the one everybody loves. In fact, nobody puts a foot wrong, and that's what makes CARRY ON NURSE so great: it's a genuinely funny film throughout with never a dull moment.
TheLittleSongbird I am quite fond of the Carry On movies, and Carry on Nurse while not the best is no exception. It is too short, the story is rather slight and plays second-fiddle to the gags and while most of them are funny and work very well the film does overdose a tad on the food, bedpan and needle gags. The film does look good enough, I can understand why people would say it's dated, but the photography is crisp and the setting is quite nice too. Carry on Nurse is efficiently directed by Gerald Thomas, the script is snappy and the gags are funny. The performances also add a lot, Hattie Jacques is superb while Joan Hickson, Joan Sims, Shirley Eaton, Leslie Phillips, Kenneth Williams and especially Wilfred Hyde-White are a lot of fun to watch. All in all, an enjoyable film and worth seeing for the cast. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Terrell-4 The next time you're in your hospital bed and two nurses walk in with a long-stemmed daffodil, do not under any circumstance roll over on your stomach. Carry On Nurse was the second in the Carry On stream of British comedies that began with Carry On Sergeant and lasted for nearly 20 years. You'll either love 'em or you'll hate 'em. You'll love Carry On Nurse, or at least feel a warm, gentle glow of nostalgia break out over you like a rash, if naughty humor based on bedpans, buxom nurses, buttock massages and bunions make you smile. We're in a hospital ward where the male patients are ruled by Matron and where almost every nurse is a knock-out. Naturally, they innocently cause acute adjustment problems for the men who are away from wives and girlfriends. The Carry On gang is represented here by Kenneth Connor as an anxious but well-meaning boxer; Kenneth Williams, all intellectual condescension; Terence Longdon, the good-looking observer; Charles Hawtrey, who made mincing about an art form; Hattie Jacques as the iron-willed Matron; and a number of others, including a solo appearance by Wilfred Hyde-White as a demanding patient who winds up in the best joke of the movie. It involves that daffodil. Among the nurses is Shirley Eaton, guaranteed to disturb any man's dreams. The story, such as it is, is even slighter than Carry On Sergeant. Carry On Nurse is really a series of episodic vignettes and jokes, leading up to Hawtrey swishing about in a nurse's uniform, Williams brandishing knives and preparing to remove a bunion while reading how to do it, Connor administering the anesthetic which turns out to be laughing gas, and poor Lesley Phillips, who just wanted his bunion fixed so he could get on with a bit of snogging he'd arranged for the next day. The whole thing's a funny set up. By the gross-out standards of today's movie humor, Carry On Nurse is about as raunchy as Pollyanna. It's vulgar, silly and a lot of fun. Just like the use that daffodil is put to.