Never Say Never Again
Never Say Never Again
PG | 07 October 1983 (USA)
Never Say Never Again Trailers

James Bond returns as the secret agent 007 to battle the evil organization SPECTRE. Bond must defeat Largo, who has stolen two atomic warheads for nuclear blackmail. But Bond has an ally in Largo's girlfriend, the willowy Domino, who falls for Bond and seeks revenge.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
ma-cortes The final installment in Connery/Bond series finds 007 on a mission to thwart Spectre which has threatened to blow up cities if a ransom is not paid . James Bond (Sean Connery who shows his face clean-shaven and wearing a variety of grey and brown wigs) matches wits with a nasty , good-looking tycoon , Largo (Klaus Maria Brandauer) , who is holding the world nuclear hostage as part of a diabolical plan schemed by Espectre led by a sinister leader (Max Von Sydow) . As Emilio Largo , is a ruthless and flamboyant enforcer who has hatched a scheme against the North Atlantic Treaty powers . British send his "00" agent , James Bond , to recover the warheads before SPECTRE carries out its threat to detonate the devices on the UK and US mainlands . As the world is held hostage by the threat of a nuclear nightmare , Bond jumps into action , racing against the clock as the trail leads him to tropical Nassau . Later on , Bond facing off heavies and bedding a lot of pink and dust beauties (Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush , Kim Basinger as Domino , Valerie Leon , among others) . Will 007 prevent the killing of millions of innocent victims?Connery returns to the world of Bond after 12 years , it results to be smooth in this peculiar remake of ¨Thunderball¨(1965) by Terence Young with Claudine Auger , Adolfo Celi , Luciana Paluzzi . The noisy action is staged with all the mechanical efficiency of the classic Bond pictures with a bit more bite . After Diamonds are forever (1971) Sean told her he'd never play James Bond again, there he was, playing James Bond again , her response was for him to "never say never again" ; however , for a big salary he accepted this film . Although Connery is back to recover two nuclear warheads stolen , purists will have qualms deeming this part of the official Bond series since longtime producers Albert ¨Cubby¨ Broccoli , Harry Saltzman , had nothing to do with this endeavor . This Bond film was not part of the franchise produced by these producers , but here Kevin McClory who was producer and co-writer of Thunderball (1965), won a legal battle against Ian Fleming to make his own Bond movie , the settlement stipulated that it had to effectively be a remake of Thunderball . Here James Bond/Connery bedding a variety of wonderful women , the bond girls are the followings : Kim Basinger as the beautiful heroine , Barbara Carrera is excellently cast as the nasty villainess and the Hammer-girl Valerie Leon . Bond/Connery is given hot competition in the acting department by Klaus Maria Brandauer who makes ¨Largo¨ a stunning , memorable smiling psychotic baddie from Sprectra criminal organization , replacing prior Adolfo Celi . Being Final James Bond film to feature Spectre until recent film Spectre (2015) . Support cast is frankly magnificent as Bernie Casey , Alec McCowen , charming Pamela Salem as Miss Moneypenny , Rowan Atkinson as Embassy official , Edward Fox , Gavan O'Herlihy , Ronald Pickup and brief acting by the busty Bond girl Valerie Leon as Lady in Bahamas .Colorful cinematography by Douglas Slocombe shot on several locations in Côte d'Azur, Antibes, Beaulieu-Sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes,France , Malta Nassau, New Providence Island, Bahamas , La Alcazaba , Almería, El Ejido, Almería, Andalucia, Spain . However , this ¨Never say never again¨ is hampered by an atrocious soundtrack by Michael Legrand . The motion picture was professionally directed by Irwin Kershener , but with no originality . The main theme that runs through many of his films is social alienation and human weaknesses - although his biggest commercial success was the science fiction blockbuster ¨Star Wars: Episodio V Empire strikes again¨ and made decent sequels as ¨Return a man called horse¨and ¨Robocop II¨. This is an acceptable and passable Bond movie but inferior to other entries . This monarch of mayhem and luxury strides easily back into his kingdom .
aramis-112-804880 For those who argue Sean Connery was the only "Bond"--well, Moore was considered when Sean got the job (Moore was busy and never actually tested, but if he'd got the job and been Bond for 25 years no one would ever have known the difference). This proves Connery isn't Bond, though Connery is enough.Connery does have a powerful screen presence, but in this movie he comes off as an old spy hassled by his younger superiors yet still able to attract strong young women.The fact is, this movie was made because Ian Fleming, Bond creator, did Kevin McClory. Fleming worked with McClory on an earlier Bond treatment that went nowhere. He then took his ideas (and McClory's) and wrote THUNDERBALL, the rights of which he sold to Broccoli and Saltzman.From that point on, McClory dogged the producers of the James Bond movies we all know and love (or hate) with lawsuits anytime he thought he saw an inkling of his work reflected in the movies. McClory won his lawsuit to make his own version of THUNDERBALL and this is it. It's basically a reboot of THUNDERBALL.Unfortunately, it doesn't have the feel of "James Bond." It doesn't have the support staff (Bernard Lee was dead by this time but his replacement, Edward Fox, is a fussy little man concerned about Bond's diet of white bread; Pamela Salem is wasted as a stupid, if funny, Moneypenny; and while their Q, like Fox, is an otherwise good actor, he's not really Q, is he?) We've come to expect a lot of things from Bond: exotic locations, with hot and cold running women; ridiculously enormous, but wonderful, Ken Adam or Peter Lamont sets; John Barry music; villains who are either over the top or snidely self-righteous in a Clinton/Gore sort of way. Gadgets.Well, we have the locales. We have SPECTRE and its villains, the cold Blofeld (Max von Sydow, complete with cat) and the almost painfully over-the-top Largo (Klaus Maria Brandauer). Georgia peach Kim Basinger woefully out of her league as Domino, but dark and fiery Barbara Carrera picking up any decline in sexual heat.We also have Rowan Atkinson as idiotic comic relief (as if we needed more), after Fox and Salem.What we don't have is good music, and especially the "James Bond Theme"--a tune that never grows old and always breaks out, either that or Barry's "007", every time something Bond-like happens. What we don't have is Cubby Broccoli's money thrown into design so even in the days when his Bonds ceased being the only game in town and slid in with the other action movies, they were still a peg up from the others in look.This is what James Bond movies might have been without Broccoli and Saltzman. Slapdash, with new faces thrown in willy-nilly on second-hand ideas. Oh, they updated their technology--to 1983 standards. So what? Outside of Bond, Sean Connery made some good movies ("Murder on the Orient Express" or "The Man Who Would be King") and he's made an ass of himself (Remember "Zardoz"? Or the wifebeating comedy "A Fine Madness"? If you don't remember them, thank your lucky stars) He holds up well (only six years later he was Indiana Jones' father). But we've been conditioned to think of "James Bond" as Broccoli rather than Fleming (in fact, instead of Fleming). This is neither. It's just another Connery movie, not as run of the mill as some, not as good as others; certainly better than Peter Sellers' "Casino Royale." It has the feel of one of the better Bond imitators the 1960s were full of. And we can be grateful it was Broccoli, not Kevin McClory, who got his hooks on the rest of Bond.On a curious note, "Never Say Never Again" was released the same years as "Octopussy"--not one of Moore's best outings. I'm old enough to remember the "competing Bonds" news reports. Well, there was no competition. Octopussy was number 6 at the box office. But both Bonds were blown away--by "Return of the Jedi."
RNMorton I loved the Bond films of the 60s, particularly You Only Live Twice and Diamonds are Forever (the last two for Sean on his first run). I think Connery is the one and only Bond, he made the role his own even if Fleming had something a little different in mind. But looking back the really early Bonds were a little slow to develop and don't age so well. And the Moore Bonds are not watchable for me at this point. Which is why this may now be my favorite Bond movie. Sean is back, self-assured as always, this time there is a lot going on and many scenic locales to visit. Basinger is a solid Bond girl, Carrera is made for the femme fatale role, Brandauer is a little weak but somewhat effective in a delicate sort of way. The basic plot has been done a million times before but it's great to see Connery one more time in his most famous role.
Owen Ogletree Every die-hard Bond fan knows that this movie came to be because Kevin McClory felt he deserved credit for "Thunderball's" original screenplay and for the creation of Spectre and Blofeld. The court case was eventually settled with McClory being allowed to make his own Bond film. Since they wouldn't allow him to do an original screenplay, he decided to do a remake of "Thunderball." I must say, I was never a huge fan of "Thunderball," but it's vastly superior to this lackluster remake.They were able to get Sean Connery to return to the role of Bond after he had said "never again" twice before. That's how the film got its title. It was an obvious attempt to draw in old fans. However, in this movie, it once again shows how Connery had lost interest in playing the character. He pretty much phones in his performance, even more so than in "Diamonds Are Forever," his last official Bond film.Klaus Brandauer is nothing special as Maximilian Largo, and the actors who played Q, M, Moneypenny, and Felix didn't leave too much of an impression on me, either. Max Von Sydow is completely wasted as Blofeld. It was retarded to even use Blofeld at all if he and Bond never came face-to-face in the movie, considering that this is the only movie they were going to make.Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush is one of the weirdest Bond girls ever. I don't want to even mention some of the ridiculous things she did. Kim Basinger is okay as Domino, but nothing too notable.The action scenes are poor and even weird at times. The direction and script are also very disappointing.This movie is a misfire at almost every turn. Maybe "Diamonds Are Forever" and "The Man With The Golden Gun" weren't so bad, because this movie made them look good. This just doesn't feel like a Bond movie. If it weren't for the return of Connery, this movie probably would be LONG forgotten by now.RATING: D