Carry On Cruising
Carry On Cruising
| 12 March 1962 (USA)
Carry On Cruising Trailers

Captain Crowther's lot is not a happy one! Five of his crew have to be replaced and at such short notice before the voyage begins there isn't much to choose from. Not only does he get the five most incompetent shipmates ever to sail the seven seas, but the passengers turn out to be a rather strange bunch too. The SS Happy Wanderer will never be the same.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Leofwine_draca CARRY ON CRUISING is, so far, my favourite of the CARRY ON series. Watching it, this film feels like a natural progression from the earlier black and white entries, retaining the same successful set-piece/gag rate and level of innocent charm that made those first films so endearing.The cruise ship setting provides the perfect backdrop for the on-board antics of Sid James and co as they muddle their way through a series of increasingly hilarious hijinks. Much of the humour comes from Kenneth Connor's besotted ship's doctor and James's exasperated Captain, while Kenneth Williams lurks on the sidelines as the first officer.The presence of other notable regulars is missed - there's no Hawtrey, Sims or Jacques here - but the film makes up for it by some alternate engaging casting choices, not least Esma Cannon's delightfully dotty old bat and Lance Percival as the seasick cook.The success rate of the jokes is high with plenty of memorable moments, not least an impromptu table tennis match which marks the series highlight. Altogether this is a true gem of a comedy, with unforced laughs and a real wittiness to it.
Trebaby I'm a Yank who's always loved British comedy and I'm sorta amazed that the reputation of this series never really traveled over to this side of the pond.I haven't seen all of the Carry Ons, but of the ones I've enjoyed, Cruising stands out. I'm not sure why it doesn't get the love of the later films. Maybe it's because it's a relatively laid-back affair with a breezy sense of humor that never really sinks into toilet jokes or smutty double entendres.Some say that Sid and Kenneth are underused - my opinion is that they're like a dash of cayenne pepper in the mix. A little dab'll do ya! I miss Charles Hawtrey but Lance Percival is hilarious. The color works well and the sets are very elaborate, especially the shot when the camera pans down into the ship's swimming pool. I showed this one to my girlfriend (who generally doesn't like older movies) and she was laughing out loud the whole time.There seems to be a minority who rate this entry highly. For my money this one's better than Cleo and Cowboy...maybe not as good as Screaming. Just my 2 cents.
petersj-2 I love the Carry On movies but this entry is awful. Esma Cannon is there and as always has some fine moments but her character is over drawn and there is not much any one can do with a really awful script.At times the things Esma C is asked to do by the director is almost humilating. The scene when she falls into the pool made me cringe. This is set on a cruise ship so there should have been many comedic possibilities but it is a creepy boring cruise for this viewer. Pity as I looked forward to the first one in colour.What I found odd is that a cruise ship has lots of great opportunities for gags but it is all so pedestrian, it could have been set any where. The slap stick of Kenneth Connor makes you cringe. Next one was Cabby and it was in b/w and ten times better. The pace of the movie is slow and laboured.I will try it again but as a huge fan of the series I hated this one.Sid James looks as though he would rather be else where and Kenneth Williams is wasted. Kenneth Connor is awful, at times you feel so annoyed with him you want to fast forward or better still push him over board.. He gives the worse performance of all.By the way, he plays a doctor on this ship. Interesting how times changed. That doctor would be struck off for sexual harassement today. You really miss Hawtrey, Sims and Hatti Jaques. Lance Percival is awful as a cook. He is no stand in for Hawtrey and he gives a wooden unfunny performance. It simply is not funny. I loved Dilys Laye in this film. Her drunk scene is great fun. I liked the gym routine with the gym instructor.There is no warmth in the film and the slap stick is just childish and forced. This one is very contrived and the slap stick is simply embarrassing. Its looks like it was made for kids. Maybe thats why I think I liked it when I was a kid. The other Carry ons seem to have stood the test of time but not this one. It sure puts you off travel by sea. When a laugh is needed do a prat fall. Its pretty horrible. Australian audiences however will love seeing English actor Ronnie Stevens. He is the best thing in the film and plays a drunk. He came here and starred in Australia's most loved sketch show The Mavis Bramston Show. He is the best thing in the movie although there is not much for him to do. Pity he never got the break he deserved. At least Australia saw his talent. What a pity we don't see more of this great performer. Its trite and sadly boring movie.Cabby on the other hand is a delight, it was next!
didi-5 Before the 'Carry On' series had busty Barbara Windsor and more than a subtle touch of the bawdy about it, this funny example took to sea with some of the regulars (the crumpled Sid James, the priceless Kenneth Williams, and boggle-eyed Kenneth Connor). With the wonderful Esma Cannon getting tiddled in the bar, and Lance Percival as a disgustingly inventive cook, it couldn't miss.The best bits by a long way include Connor's clumsy courtship of Liz Fraser; alongside Williams' stilted and self-righteous officer, all nostrils and hardly-hidden indignation. Very funny, as most of the 'Carry Ons' were.