Carry On Again Doctor
Carry On Again Doctor
| 05 December 1969 (USA)
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Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
BA_Harrison With the Carry On gang returning to the medical arena for a third time, it was almost inevitable that the laughs would feel more strained. The script is certainly weaker, with more obvious gags and an over-reliance on puerile slapstick and pratfalls, but the real problem here as far as I am concerned is with the casting, the performers seemingly far less comfortable in their roles this time around.Jim Dale, who played such a likable physician in Carry On Doctor, struggles as a womanising doctor who takes advantage of others for profit; Charles Hawtrey, so believable as a highly strung patient, is unconvincing as senior house surgeon Doctor Ernest Stoppidge; Babs Windsor is there simply to flash some flesh; and Sid James is wasted as tropical island doctor Gladstone Screwer, a role that feels like an extended cameo.Meanwhile, Wilfrid Brambell appears in a pointless scene where he gropes a nurse, 70s sexpot Valerie Leon briefly flaunts her cleavage, and Peter Butterworth is demoted to the part of 'Shuffling Patient'. Worst of all, there's no Frankie Howerd or Bernard Bresslaw!6/10, which is a poor rating from such an avid Carry On fan.
w22nuschler This is a good Carry On, but not in the top 10. Jim Dale makes his final appearance as the head doctor. All of the characters are different in this Doctor sequel except for Hattie Jacques who plays the Matron. Valerie Van Ost is also in the sequel and she has a small part as an out patient nurse. I have liked her a lot since I saw her in an Avengers episode. Jim Dale has a lot of funny stunts during the film and they are all done by him. As he gets into trouble, he is sent to a mission in another country and it is run by Sid James. Sid is great as always, but his part is cut way too short. Jim takes back a serum that helps take off weight quickly. Sid follows him to get a piece of the profit. Turns out he took the wrong formula and it changes women into men. They all become partners in the end and Jim marries the girl he was pursuing. Solid film, but I need more Sid James.
jaibo Carry on Again Doctor often gets neglected as an inferior re-run of Doctor, and this does the film an injustice. Gladstone Screwer is one of Sid James' best roles, as he plays a genuine oddity - a man who grew up in isolation on a tropical island and who pursues women not for their beauty or youth but whether they conform to the large tribal buxomness he is accustomed to. He is shocked when Jim Dale's Dr Nookey says he wants a slim girl. There is a wonderful moment where Screwer first sees Hattie Jaques' Matron and gives her a great big whack on the backside. "Do you mind?!" she demands, only to have him brazenly announce "As a matter of fact, I don't." Sid as a dirty old chubby-chaser is more satisfying casting than the usual Sid as pursuer of young women.The film is a satire on slimming crazes and the final 5 minutes are truly perverse. Nookey is making a fortune out of a slimming cure which Gladstone manufactures in and exports from the tropics. Gladstone demands a partnership (as does Kenneth Williams' Dr Carver, who knows something fishy is going on) and, when Gladstone is cheated, he substitutes another serum for the slimming one. It gives all of Nookey's patients a sex-change! Amongst the victims is Barabra Windsor, and the film ends with her marriage to Nookie, who complains as they go on their honeymoon that she hasn't shaved that morning. In the crowd, we spot Charles Hawtrey looking very knowing and pleased with himself as Dr Stoppage, and we realise that he has taken the serum himself and so is now a woman! The clinic is also revealed to be now owned by all of the interested parties.In a way, this ending shows us an extraordinary thing. Gladstone Screwer is a gone-native colonial who sends back to England a very un-Victorian transformative potential which the kind of medical colony he works in was presumably meant to eradicate abroad - the film claims that polymorphous perversity is an unexpected by-product of colonial Capitalism. The film sees, in a Visionary way, how Puritan Capitalism contained the seeds of its own undoing. Yes, products were imported from abroad which make the lucky few a lot of money, but in the meantime everyone wants their slice of the pie (aristocrats & parvenus, old money & new mix as both Gladstone and Carver end as partners in the clinic with Nookey and Joan Sims' Lady Moore). What is more, old ideals of masculinity and femininity have been forever eroded. That final shot, of a man and a woman who are now two men riding away and being waved at by men and women who themselves have no fixed gender is a prophecy we now see being fulfilled around us all of the while.In a couple of hundred years time, these strange, surreal and perverse films will tell people more about how our 20th Century society worked than many a so-called "serious" classic.
Jackson Booth-Millard This is meant to be the sequel to Carry On Doctor, and it is one of the best of all the Carry Ons. All the great British cast are at their best in a situation (hospital) comedy. The story mainly focuses on Doctor Jimmy Nookey (Jim Dale), the troublesome sex-obsessed doctor who wants better things to come to him, and his wish is granted. Model Goldie Locks (a fantastic looking Barbara Windsor) comes in with only hearts on her breasts and bum, and they develop a closer relationship in the hospital. Frederick Carver (Kenneth Williams) however is getting tired of his (to us) hilarious mistakes, so he sends him to a hospital in Africa run by Gladstone Screwer (Sid James). There he first thinks its not a real hospital, but soon he discovers Screwer can make obese eliminating tonic. When he gets back, he buys the building that Carver was going to, who sends disguised Doctor Ernest Stoppidge (Charles Hawtrey) to investigate things. Also starring Joan Sims as Ellen Moore, Hattie Jacques as Matron, Peter Butterworth as Shuffling Patient and Steptoe and Son's Wilfrid Brambell as Mr. Pullen. Filled with great sexy, stupid and innuendo gags, and a great British cast, it is a fantastic Carry On. Carry On films were number 39 on The 100 Greatest Pop Culture Icons, and this film was number 77 on The 100 Greatest Sexy Moments for Windsor's examination. Very good!