Carry On Dick
Carry On Dick
| 01 February 1974 (USA)
Carry On Dick Trailers

Dick Turpin is terrorising the countryside around Upper Dencher. Captain Fancey and Sergeant Jock Strapp plan to put an end to his escapades, and enlist the help of the Reverend Flasher. Little do they know that the priest leads a double life. Then Madame Desiree and her "Birds of Paradise" arrive in the village...

Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Leofwine_draca CARRY ON DICK is one of the last in the long-running series and indeed the last proper CARRY ON film to feature the likes of Sid James, Barbara Windsor, and many others of the core team. It's also a last gasp for their historical romps (the previous of which was CARRY ON HENRY), and it's as low brow and crude as the title would suggest.It's a shame to see that the scripts by this stage had become so puerile because the cast were clearly still game for a laugh and you get a feeling of wasted talent. James is as irresistible as ever, playing a DOCTOR SYN-style figure masquerading as a clergyman by day and acting the highwayman by night, and there are fairly substantial roles for Bernard Bresslaw and an on-form Barbara Windsor. Sad then that about halfway through you realise the script is a complete rip-off of the earlier CARRY ON DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD, only inferior in every respect.It's been said that writer Talbot Rothwell had a breakdown while authoring the script for CARRY ON DICK, which would understandably be his last film for the franchise, and his paucity of imagination is more than evident. There are tired phallic jokes galore, along with one raunchy scene following another. Only a few moments offer genuine laughs, but it's nevertheless a treat to see the pros going through the old routines one last time.
BA_Harrison The Carry Ons had been getting progressively ruder as the years passed, but this line of dialogue from Carry On Dick, the last film to feature the 'classic' cast, still had me doing a double take. I couldn't remember it being quite so near the knuckle. But as undeniably coarse and unsophisticated as much of the humour is, and despite an over-reliance on Sid James trademark guffaws and saucy giggles from Babs Windsor, the gang's version of the story of Dick Turpin still succeeds in being a lot of delightfully un-PC fun.If the idea of an ageing Sid James as dashing highwayman 'Big Dick' isn't silly enough for you, he's assisted by Peter Butterworth and Barbara Windsor, neither of whom would strike much terror into the the heart of even the most fearful of travellers. Tasked with catching the lovable masked rogues are Captain Desmond Fancey (Kenneth Williams) and Sergeant Jock Strapp, who have gained vital information about their quarry that might help them: Turpin has a distinguishing birthmark on his "insert suggestive sound effect here"...Broad comedy, characters with daft names, innuendo, Barbara Windsor's top flying open, Joan Sims doing her French accent—it's all there, making this Historical romp predictable fare but entertaining nonetheless.
JohnHowardReid Although he has gained almost legendary fame, the highwayman, Dick Turpin (1706-1739), was not actually a romantic figure at all. Just a common thief, without scruples or mercy, who thoroughly deserved to be hanged – and was! However, this film has no relationship to the historical Dick Turpin at all. In fact, it is actually an amusing spoof of Walt Disney's 1963 version of Doctor Syn (starring Patrick McGoohan as the bogus vicar and George Cole as his sexton) – a fact that was not lost on the Disney Organization who managed to delay the movie's U.S.A. release for nearly six months. Sid James has a right royal time in both his characterizations (Dick and the vicar) and is enthusiastically assisted by the petite Barbara Windsor. Kenneth Williams is also in his element as the incompetent captain of the Bow Street Runners, and here he is ably assisted in idiocy by Jack Douglas who had small roles in a few earlier entries, but, given the opportunity, really rises to the occasion in this one. Joan Sims is also on hand with a company of delightful "birds"! All told, this colorful spoof is not half as amusing as Don't Lose Your Head. Too much time is wasted with James in his "serious" identity and Hattie Jacques is a bore – not her fault, it's a boring, superfluous and totally obvious role. Nevertheless, this film is still an absolutely must-see entry for Carry On fans.
zzapper-2 Rather routine, non-stop inuendos but really quite innocent. Like many comedies a bit too carried away with the plot. I think the team were past their best. Barbara Windsor and Sid James strangely subdued. Kenneth Williams works hard but to no avail.