Carrie Pilby
Carrie Pilby
| 31 March 2017 (USA)
Carrie Pilby Trailers

Awkward, isolated and disapproving of most of the people around her, a precocious 19-year-old genius is challenged to put her convictions to the test by venturing out on to the NYC dating scene.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
isabellajonkman Quick warning for people who read the book. It wont be that accurate. When i read the book i loved the story and the humble amount of lgbt representation. I'm not saying that every movie these days should include something queer, i am saying that the book did involve a bit more dept of Carrie's sexuality and that this element in the story was very enjoyable and relatable for me to read. The movie also cuts off some characters i personally thought of as good additions to the story and as people that shaped Carrie more as a person.Some other things that kind of bothered me was that Harisson in the book i read was portrayed as an older man in his 40s and in the movie he looked like a 25 year old cutie. The list was also not quite accurate but i didn't mind that too much since these points did make the movie itself more enjoyable and more fitting for the movie industry. The thing that bothered me most was the ending. It ended on such a romantic note while i wished it would've ended a bit more similair to the book since that ending gave me more satisfaction that our loved Carrie would finally be a bit more at peace and satisfied with her life. Besides all the bringdowns the movie on is own is a highly enjoyable screenplay to spend your time on. With some relatable moments, quite amazing acting if i may say so myself and overall, a good plot and story.I recommend you watch it since i would never say it was a waste of my time. It was a good movie, yet dissapointing for someone who loved the book so much like me.
ghasaqkareem1997 If a movie was based on my life it would be Carrie Pilby < 3
TxMike My wife and I watched this on Netflix streaming, in fact it may be a Netflix original. We enjoyed it very much, although fiction it rings very true.The titular character is Londoner actress Bel Powley, about 21 during filming, playing Carrie Pilby, 19 and already graduated from Harvard, living in New York City. In a phone call with her dad we gather that he is paying her apartment and a year after getting her degree she still is unemployed.She is very bright and very happy being alone, reading, avoiding social activities, even avoiding dating. She sees a therapist regularly, Nathan Lane in a good role as Dr. Petrov. He just wants to help Carrie be happier, to realize her potential and that requires becoming more social.Also good in a smaller but important role is Gabriel Byrne as her dad, Mr. Pilby living in London and about to remarry, something that doesn't make Carrie very happy.The story goes along, dad helps arrange a job in the evenings as a proof reader for a law firm. She makes a couple of friends there and she goes out some. There is an issue with a former young, good-looking professor that she had an affair with when she was only 17, who had never returned the book she loaned him. Dad sees to it she gets her book back. And a poke in the nose as a punctuation during his Christmas house party.The movie is made or broken by the lead actor and Ms Powley is really superb in the role. I had seen her earlier this year in "A Royal Night Out" where she plays Margaret, the younger sister of eventual Queen Elizabeth in 1945 celebrating VE Day.
kerri_leigh80 I loved Carrie Pilby from the beginning to the end and I was very lucky enough to see the premiere at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) and I honestly could not wait to watch the film again (up to 3 viewings now). The script, the characters and scenes are all adored and beautiful, and speaks loud. I loved all the lines and creativity brought to the big screen by Bel Powley's as Carrie PIlby. Her beauty, charm, wittiness brings 100% delight through out the film. Great choice in main actress, and every girl can truly understand and can relate to Carrie, when trying to find purpose in life. This a an awesome film for men to watch and learn too, not just the ladies. Although the ladies do have great eye candies by the talents of Jason Ritter, Colin O'Donogue, and William Moseley. Other standout favourite cast is Vanessa Bayer, Nathan Lane, and Gabriel Byrne. Susan Johnson, Kara Holden, and Caren Lissner all deserve a standing ovation for a great film. Recommend highly to watch this fuzzy, heartwarming film that will leaving you wanting to watch more.