Cadillac Records
Cadillac Records
R | 05 December 2008 (USA)
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The story of sex, violence, race and rock and roll in 1950s Chicago, and the exciting but turbulent lives of some of America's musical legends, including Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Etta James and Chuck Berry.

filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
plee4139-1 I enjoyed the early part of the film, but then, after about halfway through, things about it started to annoy me. First, even though it may be historically correct, everybody smokes all the time. Second, the cars never seem to be from the decade from which they're supposed to be. Fifties cars during the forties, etc. If a studio has to rent cars for period pictures, why not get the correct ones? Lastly, some of the characters, such as Howling wolf, who just glares at everyone all the time, did not ring true. The character who takes off the doors of his '58 Caddy (it was probably 1955 in the story), then sasses the police is way over the top. I turned it off when Leonard Chess is dealing with some woman who appears to be having a meltdown, apparently over nothing. Probably the best thing about the film is the music.
Neil Welch Leonard Chess starts Chess Records and launches the careers of Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Chuck Berry and Etta James.This film starts with the title card "Based on a true story" and many people have been upset because it is (I read) packed with anachronisms and inaccuracies. My knowledge is insufficient for me to be able to make any judgement, so I am happy to simply look at the film as a story.On that basis, it works perfectly well. There is a good sense of period (albeit I understand that assorted props etc. are often out by several years), the story is eventful, and the performances are good, especially Gabrielle Union as Muddy Waters' wife, Mos Def as Chuck Berry, and Beyoncé Knowles as Etta James.Oh, and there is some pretty good music throughout, too.
Jordache Wee Cadillac Records is a 2008 dramatic jazz and blues music biopic written and directed by Darnell Martin. The film explores the musical era from the early 1940s to the late 1960s, chronicling the life of the influential Chicago-based record-company executive Leonard Chess, and the singers who recorded for Chess Records.The story begins with Muddy Waters with his talents being found by Leonard Chess. Thus creating the Chess Records and making Muddy Waters as his business partner. Later we see Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf and Chuck Berry being part of the whole blues gang.The film also depicts the life of each blues musicians as from the background they were to the fame they received.The Rolling Stone formed their band name after one of Waters famous song. Though that guy in that scene sure doesn't look like Mick Jagger at all.The storyline differs from its original true side story but after all it's a good film. We get to see Chuck Berry in his Sweet Little Sixteen and My ding-a-ling. And Beach Boys got sued for copyright changing Berry's Sweet Little Sixteen to Surfin' USA.Cadillac Records is the beginning of all rock 'n' roll. More like the father of rock 'n' roll!
bluesman-20 Cadillac records for the most part is a fun walk down memory lane and it gives you insight into some of your favourite artists of the 50's. Now if your looking truth it ain't here. Just to be clear on that. This is a Biopic after all and when did Hollywood ever let the truth get in the way of the facts.? The true story is Leonard and Phillip Chess founded Chess records and discovered many of the greatest artist who defined the blues and rock and roll. however in this movie we only have Leonard Chess played by Adrian Brody it's not his best performance he did better in Hollywoodland . the Movie opens up with the famed meeting between Alan Lomax and Muddy Waters in which Lomax looking for Robert Johnson could'nt find him but discovered Muddy Waters instead.Muddy records for the library of congress hears his voice on the tape recorder and discovers his voice. this discovery sends him down to Chicago and the Birth of the delta blues there. Leonard Chess owns a struggling night club until one day he hears Muddy playing and decides to open up a recording studio and release these exciting sounds on record. His night club burns down to the ground and suddenly Leonard has money to open his studio. He calls it Chess records and he discovers major blues talents like Little Walter Howlin Wolf Willie Dixon Chuck Berry.and Etta James. Muddy sees the money come in and it changes his life he becomes a drinking womanizer who doesn't care for consequences too much he even tries to get Leonard involved in some of his dealings but Leonard says no. he's married. Time goes by and suddenly it's the sixties and Chess records seems old style no longer in favour. And Leonard has problems dealing with his artists Howlin Wolf and Muddy Waters are feuding both cannot stand each other. Little Walter has become a psychotic wild man with a disdain for authority and Leonard has fallen in love with Etta James who has a harsh drug problem. the Days of Leonard buying his artists Cadillacs for selling records of over a million dollars is gone (Hence the Title Cadillac Records) Chuck Berry is arrested and serving time and an Era goes by just like that. The Film is a bittersweet look at a era gone by when artists were bigger then life where the music actually lived and breathed and it affected the lives of all who heard it. The Best performance must go to Eammon Walker for his portrayal of Howlin Wolf. Walker gives Wolf a cool edge he knows something that we don't he's got style and charisma and most of all he's cool. there's a scene that shows you perfectly when Muddy welcomes Wolf to Chess and tells him about all the money he's going to make Wolf put's him in his place. "You see this truck Well I own it....But it don't own me" Beautiful calm cool and with a edge. Jefferey Wright hits the right notes as Muddy Waters in fact This should 've come on the heels of a Muddy waters Biopic because Wright is that good. Cedric the Entertainer is for once not annoying as he turns in a delightful performance as Willie Dixon. And Beyonce Ah...Beyonce sweet beyonce Shows us she can act with style and class in fact her songs on the soundtrack are a delight or a guilty pleasure,Her rendition of At Last is haunting. She pulls off the role of the first lady of the blues PERFECTLY! the only weakness is Mos Def playing Chuck Berry he plays the role like he should have called it in. But despite that the movie holds together and delivers a Rock and Roll Bio pic that stands up there with American Hot Wax and The Buddy Holly Story and La Bamba. Is there flaws oh yes and inaccuracies but the music and the wonderful performances make it all worth while.
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