Home Run
Home Run
PG-13 | 19 April 2013 (USA)
Home Run Trailers

A pro ball player with a substance abuse problem is forced into rehab in his hometown, finding new hope when he gets honest about his checkered past, and takes on coaching duties for a misfit Little League team

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
dale-47-899940 This film is full of heartache and characters caught up in misdirected energy. To me, it looked a lot like the country I've come to know--the rural, downtrodden and largely forgotten shadows of the big cities. This story is the opposite of escapism. As a matter of fact, it is as if the population of a mid-western American town were enlisted to play in a film. You will recognize, I think, not one but many of the characters in this film as they strive to reveal meaning in their lives. This story embodies Biblical truths of salvation and grace. But the theme is allowed to unfold naturally, and it is not forced. This is a real, 100% change from the usual Hollywood fare. It might well be worth your time to explore this story.
homerjohnroodsr This is an excellent movie portraying the difficulties men and women face as adults. Often our past or just our own desires leads us to an addictive lifestyle. Celebrate Recovery is a very successful 12 step program, that identifies the only higher power is Jesus Christ. The original founder of Alcoholic's Anonymous (AA) was a drunk that found Jesus (his higher power) and desired to help others quit drinking and destroying their lives.There are many addictive behaviors that have ruined families and lives. Today, crystal meth is a very common drug of choice. The world says once a drunk, always a drunk. But the Bible says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." I found Jesus at age 45. On that day I became something other than a drunk; I became a child of God.
astravitz The performance by the lead actor "Scott Elrod" makes this movie worth watching. I'm in a mixed marriage, and my wife the Christian, lost interest in the movie despite to the strong religious overtones. As a Jew, I was fascinated by the use of religious values to help cure addictions; it's a strong and powerful message. Vivica Fox also puts in a very strong performance as the lead character's agent (spokes person), so was believable in her role. As a public relations spokesperson, she plays her character exceptionally well, being able to profit from those she represents, yet knowing if they don't get help they will be worthless to herself & others. I'm looking forward to seeing Scott Elrod in future leading roles, Hollywood can use another strong lead actor who's message isn't hypocritical. I'm not sure why people didn't believe this was a baseball movie, with the constant flashbacks to the daemons of his fathers voice "haunting" him throughout the movie. The baseball cards in a closed box, representative of his inner child and letting them go at the end of the movie. Almost every scene was filmed at a baseball field or with a ball / ball; so how exactly is this not a baseball movie on the surface. It might have not been all filmed at the major leagues, but all players have to get their start somewhere. Whether at home growing up or in a little league type program. This is overall a good movie which kept my interest throughout (yes, it slightly dragged at the 3/4 mark), with a positive message and some great lead acting.
Jennifer Johansen My husband and I first saw this movie at a one day seminar for Celebrate Recovery and to watch a Christ centered movie in a room full of people who love the Lord was AMAZING! SPOILER ALERT: When Cory was struggling with his drinking and finally had a break through that was both funny and uplifting the room was all in applause!! We saw the Movie again on opening weekend to support Christian films we brought our entire Celebrate Recovery group and it was amazing to see it a second time. The big shockers that tore my heart previously; I already knew were going to happen so I got to see the underline story, the subtle struggles and stories that are in between the lines.People who could relate to this movie:*People who dealt with high standards ether in sports or academically could really relate with the pressure he felt. *People with alcoholic or drug addict parents could relate with being scared all the time, the need to protect your siblings... not want to grow up like your parents, but when you do its just so hard to change that legacy. *People that ran from a relationship and possibly a child due to their fear; that fear that you were not good enough because that is what your parents said or how they made you feel. *People who may be in an addiction that wants to change, but with God it is just too hard. It's work! *A Widow dealing with that loss. *A mother keeping a secret from her child who their father is. *A family member watching their family member struggling and feeling helpless.This movie could be for any age I believe. My kids are 6 and 10 and I wouldn't mind them seeing it. Yes there is drinking, but they do not glorify it. And they are able to see the outcome. That when you are struggling, you never have to do it alone. There are groups; especially Celebrate Recovery; and people that are there for you to set you on the right path. The path to God.