Carnosaur 2
Carnosaur 2
R | 23 February 1995 (USA)
Carnosaur 2 Trailers

A team of scientists go to a nuclear mining facility to investigate a possible meltdown and instead find a large amount of cloned dinosaurs.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
GL84 When a special forces team is sent to investigate a distress signal at a top-secret military base, they find the base overrun by carnivorous dinosaurs and must battle the vicious creatures to get away alive.This here is one of the rare sequels that manages to come off as better than the original. It still has the same problem having atrocious-looking special effects for its dinosaurs, which always manage to come across as hand-puppets and miniatures in the scene, but that doesn't really impact the film too much when this one has as much positives as this one does. By taking the plot line of 'Aliens' and substituting dinosaurs, it comes away as a thrilling, high-energy action-packed film that contains a lot of great moments, from the opening introduction of the dinosaurs in the cavern below to their rampage through the compound attacking everyone in sight through some pretty ingenious sneak attacks, the helicopter ambush crash and the finale, which is a real highlight here as it's the grand battle between the bigger dinosaur and the digging equipment makes for a rather thrilling moment, especially as it's a pitched battle that takes place over a period of time and makes its' location all the better due to the precariousness of it. As well, there's plenty of blood and gore to be featured, which is a factor carried over from the first one and is enhanced with more sinewy ripping and tearing. Again, the fact that plot is note-for-note, even managing to replicate the same exact scenes as well, could be a flaw here as well as the rather phony-looking dinosaurs, but even still it's a lot better than the original.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
ekim1982 Similar to the first film, Carnosaur II is a b-movie gorefest intended to capitalize off the popularity of Jurassic Park. Featuring no actors of any notoriety (other than Miguel Nunez...guess he REALLY needed work), this film is a forgettable flop that centers around a boy genius of some sort who has to disable a facility that's mass producing hungry dinosaurs. The raptors are featured prominently and the Rex is limited to a few shots due to a major malfunction with the robot (a rather impressive feat, to build such a huge robot for such a pointless movie). The ultra-gory death scenes start happening in rapid succession, culminating in what is probably the most memorable of all: a secretary of some sort is pulled through the roof of an elevator. A raptor sizes her up, painfully bites off her arm, then...goes straight for the pubic mound. Don't believe me? Rent it or watch the clip on youtube...the Raptor dives right in to the poor girl's genitals and feasts away, ultimately tearing out her uterus. Oddly enough, the girl makes rather orgasmic noises throughout the entire affair...apparently she's a b-list porn star according to some sources, which may explain why.The ultimate rip off death features a female helicopter pilot, bringing the evac chopper over to the troops, only to be ambushed from behind. As the Raptor tears her apart, her blood showers the window as she struggles and flails her arms...I'd almost swear the scene was just ripped from Aliens and spliced in! If the idea of genital-eating dinos and low budget gore fests is your thin, go ahead and give it a won't be disappointed. Otherwise, if you have any self respect or any iota of respect for the film industry, just ignore this movie's existence.
slayrrr666 `Carnosaur II,' while borrowing very liberally from another movie, is a great movie in and of itself.**SPOILERS**At a top-secret mining facility, strange accidents happen and workers begin disappearing. A special task force is organized to into the mine and tries to get it operational, but when they arrive, the site is completely deserted and the whole place is littered with human remains. They do find a young boy, (Ryan Thomas Johnson) whose father worked in the mine and is now in shock. The government agent in charge, (John Savage) is apprehensive about letting the soldiers know the true reason for the base, and successfully blocks many attempts to find out. Upset over his team's attempts to find out anything, their captain (Don Stroud) goes into the forbidden bowels of the mine to see what is going on and is savagely mauled by an unseen animal, who drags him down to even lower levels. They escape and try to fly away, but a raptor takes control of the helicopter and crashes it, leaving the team and the boy stranded. They decide to send a message that they need rescuing by crashing the security systems, but that only releases the dinosaurs held below into the facility. With only a few members left, they see a rescue chopper, and leave to escape, but a giant T-Rex crashes the party, until it is finally sealed inside the mine when it is destroyed in a nuclear explosion.The Good News: To me, this is simply `Aliens' with dinosaurs instead of aliens. That isn't a bad thing, because 1) I have this fact written in the good news instead of bad news, and 2) `Aliens' is a classic movie, and to me, this is at least a good movie. Those who have seen `Aliens' will see so many identical plot devices and scenes between the two movies. For one, `Aliens' has a mining company on a distant planet lose contact with their home base and has a team of Marines sent in to check out what went wrong. `Carnosaur II' has a mine break contact with their home base and a Special Ops team is sent in to investigate. Once there, the Marines find the place deserted. The Special Ops team finds the place deserted and the bodies torn to pieces. The Marines find a little girl, hiding from the monsters in the facility. The Special Ops team finds a young boy hiding from the dinosaurs. After descending into the depths of the facility, the Marines find a nest of aliens, which kills two Marines. The Special Ops team goes into the lower levels of the mine and finds a nest of dinosaurs, killing two of them. The Marines race outside waiting to be rescued, only to have an alien in the space craft that attacks the female pilot, causing it to crash. The Special Ops team races outside of the mine, looking to be rescued, with a dinosaur inside the helicopter that attacks the female pilot, causing it to crash. The Marines set traps for the aliens inside the tunnels that pick off many different aliens. The Special Ops team sets traps inside the tunnels of the mine that kills several dinosaurs. After everyone but the survivors have died, they come face-to-face with the Alien Queen, who kills one more person in the most hideous way in the entire movie. After everyone has died, the survivors come face-to-face with the T-Rex, who kills one more person. The hero manages to kill the Alien Queen by trapping it inside a container with a highly mechanical piece of equipment. The hero manages to trap the T-Rex inside the mine with a highly advanced piece of mechanical equipment. There are even more similarities between the two movies, but I want to keep some things a surprise, even though I have given away almost everything about the movie. The major improvement over the first two was that this one has a lot better characters in it that do a better job with acting. The actors do a better job in this one. Also done better in this one is the gore. There is a lot more gore in this one as well as it being done far more realistically. The limbs being ripped off looked far better, as they were sinewy and had more blood from them. The Bad News: Ok, so the dinos still look terrible, and I could go on for days about how fake the T-Rex is at the end, but then again, do I really have to.The Final Verdict: If the only bad thing is how fake the dinos looked, this is a good film. The similarities could be taken either way, but I thought it worked. It is a better movie than the first one and, if you like the first one, you'll like this one just as much. Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence
willywants Plot: Carnosaur II is not a sequel to Carnosaur, it just follows the same principle - humans running away from dinosaurs. Out in the Nevada desert ("80 miles in all directions") is a secret facility with lots of subbasements. When a computer team is called in to repair the place and find out what happened to the crew, chaos reigns. The team starts to get eaten one by one by a group of very intelligent dinosaurs, often smarter than the humans. The two women in the group have the messiest deaths (one like Aliens, the other is a piece-by-piece meal). A boy and one member of the team manage to get out, only to find a single T-rex after them. The facility was sitting on a uranium mine, so with some dynamite the two blow it up and escape on an Evac helicopter.DIRECTING: 4/10- Okay...nothing to be amazed over but a few nice shots and at least a little coherency.WRITING: 3/10- Pretty bad. Lots of people yelling "We got to get out of here" and "We're trapped".ACTING: 6/10- The acting, especially from lead role John Savage, is pretty good for a indie monster film.GORE: 6/10- A severed head, severed limbs, some light blood here and there, a chewed off arm. The kill scenes are graphic and bloody, most are shown on-screen.MONSTERS: A Carnosaur and a group of raptors.SPECIAL EFFECTS: 4/10- The monsters look a little rubbery, but the gore is on the money. The Helictopter crash scene is one of the worst since "The crawlers".MUSIC: 3/10- A few forgetable military-esque tunes. Nothing to write home about.Final verdict- "Carnosaur 2" is a lame monster movie. Good gore, but every thing else is forgetable and dull. It's like a low-budget version of "Alien", except put rubbery raptors in place of bizzare creatures. My rating for "Carnosaur 2"- 3.5-10. Not worth watching.