Cargo Trailers

The story of CARGO takes place on rusty space-freighter KASSANDRA on its way to Station 42. The young medic LAURA is the only one awake on board while the rest of the crew lies frozen in hibernation sleep. In 4 months will Laura's shift be over.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
godmodedog Worst mistake in the movie. Right at 1:24:00 shes in a suit outside the ship, the ship starts to accelerate and she jets towards the door. That physics is not possible. Impossible. What the .. Did they think it was like if your inside a moving train?? The ship would have just accelerated away. Thee is no force applied to the girl outside the ship. So Annoying.
ralphkelly Cargo is a great effort. The first science fiction film made in Switzerland by first time directors. The first thing you notice are the amazing sets and look of the film. This is how CGI should be- seamlessly blending in, to an extent you cannot differentiate between what is real and what is computerized. The story is set aboard a spaceship in the future and it is obvious that the filmmakers have been heavily inspired by the likes of Alien and 2001 ASO and the story itself is more cerebral than most science fiction films which are usually categorized as horror or action. Regardless, you should watch Cargo at any cost if you like a good science fiction film.
Planet-38 Lucky you if you have a large HD viewing medium. The opening scenes of this film are awesome. As a matter of fact, any of the scenes outside of the Kassandra are equally candy for the eyes.But, a movie isn't built on visuals alone. While the plot outline is good, what I will refer to as the 'meat' of the story leaves much to be desired. For instance, the romance between Portmann and Decker seems to come out of nowhere. There is no lead up of any kind, Decker just kisses her out of the blue. As far as I can tell, there was very little interaction between them until that moment. Then they have sex. At first, I thought it was a casual hook-up, and that I could understand - cabin fever induced horniness. Then I thought, "They are going to "do it" in the passage way? That is like doing it in a cruise ship hallway, but, 'oh well'" Then they are in love. It is like the writer(s) was told that a romantic angle was needed and under duress just slapped something together.Then there is the brief amount of time they have to get their tasks completed while Laura is in the simulation. There are less than 7 minutes left, yet she pauses to look around and admire the view. Then stops and kneels down to spend some time feeling the ground and the leaves. Finally she strolls up to her sister's house and then spends precious minutes having a loving family reunion. Come on! Peoples' lives are depending on her.I really wanted to be able to give this a higher rating because it really is beautifully shot, but the storyline, outside of the main one (evil corporation/government cover up) is just too lame.
blackmamba99971 I had to see this for the first time, but four years later. Cargo, a simple vessel put into space on a journey to a place called Rhea. A planet that was supposed to be a paradise for earth people to dwell on since the earth itself was no longer livable. Laura Portmann (Anna Katherina Shcwabro) is a doctor aboard the Kassandra where the supposed trip is to Rhea. Everything seems to be going smoothly since her exit from Cryo to watch over the crew. But during her routines found something else in the cargo hold where containers of so called construction supplies are held. Through protocols, she has to wake the captain for this information to be submitted to. However something or someone else is aboard the Kassandra. In the investigations they find cargo containers full of people who are headed to the space station 42 where they will live out their lives in full simulation where they think they are on Rhea already. Laura finds out through another crew member Samuel Decker (Martin Rapold) that the simulation is all true. Rhea was once colonized but became highly unstable which decimated the planet back to the stone age. This is why the simulation was necessary to keep the peace among Earthers who still wait a turn to go to Rhea. But laura and her entourage helped to push the truth forward back to earth so the people can know that Rhea was all a lie. I find this film to be fascinating in every way. A small crew working together to a planet which no longer exists, at least to sustain life. The dark and gritty scenes of space along with the hardened emotions of the crew made it all the more believable because there was no overt screaming or gore to capture the essence of horror. However horror did exist to such a point, that when the space walks were shown that in itself was a very cold aspect. Two people alone in the skeletons of the space station 42 not far from the Kassandra, but far enough away that should it take off suddenly, they would be the only two in space until their air ran out. The alone look was terrifying, to be in space like that without any life lines, or possible ways back is enough to give chills up anyone's spine. Even though Laura did make it back through the help of the self sacrificing decker of his fuel cell she had a chance once again. The music was great, the scenery was top notch in all forms. No particular scene indicated a green screen was used which helped. The special effects were not overblown and nothing was left to chance. I thought this was a well done film even though done in another country it was refreshing in every way. Cargo is one of those types of Scifi you can watch again. Anna Schwabo is also in my view a good actress, nothing she did was over enunciated, she kept her cool, had a great persona about her character, and I found her to be an up and coming heroine. I hope if she does something like this again, it would be for a more upgraded Scifi film. I highly recommend this to anyone over fourteen years of age. Subbed yes, but it is more convincing subbed than dubbed. Using the real voices make it more conceivable for the audience to grasp. Using a dubbed voice, would make it look and sound like a cheap porn film. Do not watch this dubbed.