The Gene Generation
The Gene Generation
R | 27 September 2007 (USA)
The Gene Generation Trailers

In a futuristic world, Michelle lives everyday battling with DNA Hackers who use their skills to hack into people's bodies and kill them. She is an assassin, trying to keep her younger brother, Jackie, out of trouble. When Jackie gets involved in a petty crime of robbery, he propels himself into the world of DNA Hackers, Shylocks (Loan Sharks) and Gangs

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
rsvp321 A visual mix of Necoromongers (Riddick), Blade Runner, and steam/cyber punk.Some fun battles and interesting sfx.More a "6" or 7 rate imo, but I gave it an 8 in counter to the pretentious movie-snob snowflakes scrutinizing this one like it should be taken seriously. those I say, "Lighten up!"
tragula Of course it does not need to be all exact to the science but already the first sentence is so riddled with ignorance that it ruins the whole film. Manipulating DNA blah, blah, transformation in seconds. Come on spending millions on those flicks, throw a 100 bucks to any first year biology student to get your science right. I got no problem with an absurdity. turn off gravity, do whatever you want as long as it tells a story and I will love it. However if you try to give it plausibility don't insult the viewers intelligence with pathetic pseudo scientific explanations, when a realistic one will do just as well and not hurt the story at all. The film is a classic B movie, with skinny chicks with guns running around shooting for some reason. Some effects, some music, no brains, no plot, no dialog, no story. Save you money on this one
cjk_35 A device is invented know as the transcoder. It can reform human DNA in order to cure a disease or to kill them. But it has fatal results for everyone who uses if except it's creator. The story centers around Michelle an assassin who is trying to maintain a stable life in a corrupt world, and her gambling brother Jackie who is in denial of his problems and thinks they can be quickly fixed. Solemn (the villain)wants the Transcoder for himself to save his wife and will use deadly force if need be. Not knowing what it is Jackie steals the Transcoder from Christian. Yada yada yada... The Transcode changes hands a couple of times. Then the plot gets a little confusing, but stays entertaining.this movie is gem among those low budget straight to video sci-fi flicks. The acting is good and so is the directing. Although the cgi, production and camera work is the same as other straight to video films, i.e. ten years behind. The look is awesome and heavily influenced by H.R. Giger art. Many think it's suppose to be set in the future, but it is actual set in an alternate reality since there are no advances in technology except the DNA hacking. Bai Ling's out fits are unconventional and look great. She really kicks ass in this movie.The plot is a little confusing and has a few plot holes. This movie is not for everyone. If you like techno punk futuristic waste land sci-fi movies then you will like this.I give this film a 7 out of 10. The movie was entertaining by need work on the plot.Get Your Body Beats, Let Your Blood Flow
sakeb But I actually liked it. Main characters are relatively well played and there are some cool (yet short) fighting scenes where Bai Ling shows some skills (a very quick scene reminds of "Equilibrium" gunning)! Her clothing (mainly) and face paintings are also worth to watch. A nice cyber-punk flick which tries to enter the Aeon Flux (etc) scene. The theme for the story (DNA) is clever but never develops much being a weak storyline. It was in this way that I was expecting more, more DNA hackers, more DNA exploitation (and explanation) and this is never delivered. If you are in this cyber-punk scene or Bai Ling's or this "super-heroin" thing, it's worth to watch, but don't be expecting much!!