Shadow Puppets
Shadow Puppets
PG-13 | 16 April 2007 (USA)
Shadow Puppets Trailers

Director Michael Winnick's chilling tale stars James Marsters as Jack, one of eight captives who awaken in an abandoned asylum not knowing who they are or why they are together. They discover that they've been used in an experiment to erase disturbing memories, but instead, a murderous creature has been unleashed. Reaching out from the shadows, the monster hunts the eight strangers as they race to escape the asylum.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
MrGKB ...which is to say, Tony "Candyman" Todd, who in his waning years seems willing to take a role in any piece of crap that his agent recommends. And make no mistake, "Shadow Puppets" is crap, a prime example of Sturgeon's Revelation, and an utter timewaster in almost every respect except in the service of adolescent voyeurism. Badly written and directed by a nobody who even had the nerve to cast a related nobody in his turgid "thriller" (and I use the term in full sarcasm mode), "Shadow Puppets" has few redeeming aspects, most of them skimpily concealed by tight ladies briefs and t-shirts. Aside from the aforementioned slumming Todd, this money-down-the-drain video fodder features James "Angel" Marsters proving why he'll never be a film star, Jolene "Star Trek: Enterprise" Blalock proving why she'll never be cast for anything beyond her good looks, Natasha "True Blood" Alam, ditto, a handful of others in search of a paycheck, and one of the hokiest and unconvincing CGI critters ever to disgrace a screen. Whoever greenlit this junk should be ashamed, and it cost $2m dollars? You've got to be kidding me. I'd rate it lower if not for the geek value of cameltoe hunting and the evidence of Tony Todd's fall from grace. You've been warned, and indiscriminate library purchasing agents should know better than to waste public monies on rack-filler like this.
mrmannn ...Than watch another minute of this movie. Wtf are they thinking? Even IF this gets semi-entertaining by the end... The dialog and performances (hah, performances) are so terrible it makes the movie unwatchable beyond the first 20 minutes. I have no respect for this movie, or its auteur writer/director. Somebody, please, give this guy a slinky to distract him before he gets money together for another one of his "visions." Blech. P.S. Sorry Marsters, you picked a BAD project to debut your "film" career.P.S.S IMDb is telling me I need to have more lines in my comment in order to post it. I thought I covered it all succinctly, but I guess not. Hmm, what to say? Got nothing. This movie just plain sucks, even for horror fans and Spike lovers. I'm out to go wax my shaft with a Brillo pad. It's that, or finish this movie :P
chrichtonsworld "Shadow Puppets" is movie that has a great cast and a great premise! The biggest problem with this movie that it isn't thrilling! Not one moment you get scared! The ghost isn't threatening enough! The shadow ghost is an interesting concept! It is too bad that they didn't use this idea to it's full potential! But this is a problem the whole movie has! The lack of ambiance! It should be key in a movie like this! It could have been overlooked if they had put in some wonderful twist that would have explained the ghost and actually showed how this ghost was created! We do get some explanation on the situation! But by the time we do you couldn't care less because you were bored to death! The predictable story and the lack of thrills make this a movie that is not worth watching !
rang0319 Could have been great, writing and directing destroyed this movie.Oh, I need to bring the network up to turn the power off... What's a network asks the writer? Someone break out the dictionary... a network is two or more computers says dictionary. So we have to wait until the second computer is running to bring that little network up, to turn the power off? Whats the function of that second computer? The writer should have consulted with at least one technical person. Idiot.Where is the front door of this hospital? Is this the worst sunrise scene ever filmed? Unfortunately, the first 15 minutes of the film were incredible, but dies a fast death from there.
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