PG-13 | 23 November 2010 (USA)
Burlesque Trailers

Ali leaves behind a troubled life and follows her dreams to Los Angeles, where she lands a job as a cocktail waitress at the Burlesque Lounge, a once-majestic theater that houses an inspired musical revue. Vowing to perform there, she makes the leap from bar to stage, helping restore the club's former glory.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Majikat Burlesque is all about a cheesy storyline and cheesy acting, but for those who love song and dance and have dipped their toe into the world of burlesque, you will appreciate for the entertainment value!
texxas-1 I managed to see it through to the end but I couldn't watch this again. There's no real plot, no twists or turns, no excitement. It's basically small town waitress goes to LA and begs for a job as a stripper *cough* a burlesque dancer, because it's "her biggest dream" *rolls eyes*. I find these quite degrading. This actually felt like showgirls but without the action. Although showgirls is trashy and unrealistic, it's still very entertaining. I guess Burlesque was just a platform for Christina Aguilera to make a transition into movies (which rarely works out for popstars). Cher comes off as unlikeable and annoying. I think the point of the film was to watch Cher and Christina perform a song and dance routine...badly.
Dalbert Pringle According to the dictionary, the word "burlesque" is defined as being a variety show characterized by low-comedy and striptease.Well, (unless there are 2 versions of this movie out there) this version of Burlesque (with its PG-13 rating) contained neither one of these forms of entertainment. (It might have helped if it did) I guess that the reason behind this film's erroneous and (deliberately) misleading title has something to do with the fact that a word like "burlesque" has a very provocative and enticing sound to it.From my point of view, I found Burlesque to be, pretty much, an up-dated, carbon-copy of Flashdance and something of a Cabaret-clone, as well, with the distinctive echoes of Dirty Dancing thrown in for good measure.Burlesque's backstage, backstabbing story was so continually marred by clichés, predictability, dumb dialogue and trite personal dramas that this, in turn, quickly reduced its elaborately staged musical numbers to being nothing more than half-ass fizzle rather than full-throttle sizzle.And speaking about Burlesque's mega-extravagant musical numbers, (when you clearly see the exterior of the building where they were being staged) you'll be quick to realize that there was absolutely no way on Earth that a dinky, little venue like that could ever possibly house these fantastic, "Vegas"-calibre productions. No way, Jose! Anyways - Besides the fact that the 64-year-old Cher was never filmed in natural daylight (Gee. I wonder why??), Burlesque really killed me with its pretentious and snooty "I'm-so-classy" attitude.This picture tried and tired (so earnestly) to firmly establish itself as a real class act. But, hey, once the glitzy trinkets and shiny tinsel got stripped away it was nothing but cheap and petty story-telling right to its very core.
ashild-blovvig This is a chick flick to the bone. Now I'm not usually a fan of chick flicks, so obviously I don't like this movie.The script is a huge cliché and it has all been done before, and you're gonna guess what happens very quickly. Small-town-girl with big dreams, goes to the city, doesn't have to fight long to get that star role she wants, has a jealous female enemy, love triangle, gets the hot guy, relationship problems follow very shortly, girl solves problems, forgives the guy and everything is fine again. The end.The only strong parts about this movie is it's musical numbers, obviously, since that is Christina Aguilera's strong side. Since she's a pop star already, she's obligated to be a character that sings in her first (and hopefully last) movie. I'm not against singers in movies, and Aguilera is definitely not the worst I've seen, but her character is so thin and without depth that it goes bad anyway.The songs are good (except the ones they obviously put in to have Cher and Christina sing about their current state of mind), the dancing is very nice and the costumes dashing. I only wish I had seen more of Alan Cumming. His number with the two girls were very similar to the "Two Ladies" number Cabaret. Also, the first scene in the Burlesque club is also a huge reference/rip off to Cabaret's first musical number, which sort of made me a little excited. The biggest problem I have with this movie is that the whole Burlesque club is filled with glitter and expensive costumes and enormous props, and let's face it, Tess's financial problems could've been solved right away if she got rid of even half of those stuff and just toned down the club a bit. It would still be good, the dancer's wouldn't be any worse and it's still easy to make it look good. You don't have to make a Broadway musical to make a show good.I love the art of burlesque (both the old kind and the new kind), and this is NOT burlesque. It is a cabaret, with a little burlesque dancing. But they had to make this movie available to all the teen girls who love Aguilera out there, so actual burlesque was probably out of the question.This movie isn't horrible, but it can't be watched with a serious eye. The poor plot and the thin script is laughable and even with great music numbers, the incredible cheesiness of it all makes me not want to see this movie again.