The Dilemma
The Dilemma
PG-13 | 13 January 2011 (USA)
The Dilemma Trailers

Longtime friends Ronny and Nick are partners in an auto-design firm. They are hard at work on a presentation for a dream project that would really launch their company. Then Ronny spots Nick's wife out with another man, and in the process of investigating the possible affair, he learns that Nick has a few secrets of his own. As the presentation nears, Ronny agonizes over what might happen if the truth gets out.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Floated2 The Dilemma starring Vince Vaughn and Kevin James as Ronny and Nick who we see are best friends and business partners whose company is on the verge of a major success. However, when Ronny sees Nick's wife Geneva (Winona Ryder) in a hot embrace with a tattooed (Channing Tatum), he finds himself dealing with a crisis of conscience. Should he tell his best friend about his discovery or keep it all under wraps to spare his feelings? While wrestling with this, Ronny himself becomes a bit of a liar, keeping from his girlfriend Beth (Jennifer Connelly) all that he's going through and winding up in uncomfortable predicaments because of it.The Dilemma has its moments at times but isn't so much of a comedy than a drama. It has the feel of a soap television series plot that is stretch to almost 2 hours. The chemistry is there but overall the film just doesn't contain many laughs. Had the movie been presented as a broad comedy, this project may have been posed no dilemma at all for those saddled with making it.
Roger reefer Vince Vaughn is funny, really funny, in a way that he doesn't even have to do or say anything and he's still entertaining somehow. Add Kevin James dumb lovable vibe to the mix and you got a pretty dumb but funny and entertaining film which is what you should expect if your seeing a Kevin James and Vince Vaughn movie. They seem to understand that this is a dumb plot and should not last an entire movie but that's why this movie is kind of funny is because it's so implausible but pulled off with such skill by Vince Vaughn that he can make you believe it. Kevin James and Vince Vaughn who are best friends are both in relationships and Vince Vaughn is thinking he should pop the question. He heads down to this flower house where he sees Kevin James' girlfriend cheating on him with Channing Tatum, which causes Vince Vaughn to fall into a bunch of poisonous leaves. Vince Vaughn wants to tell his bestfriend but can't bring himself to it so through a series of plot manipulations he struggles through various funny situations on how to break it to the guy. The funniest scene in the movies involves Vince Vaughn, Channing tatum, a fishtank and a guitar but I won't dare to spoil it. It all blows up at the end with a big intervention set up for Vince Vaughn who his friends believe is gambling again due to his mysterious behavior and bruises. This scene is what the whole movie builds up to and it doesn't feel as good as it should, it feels kind of sad where I want to be happy that Kevin James' girlfriend gets caught, but pays off later for a good fight scene in a lobby between James and Vaughn. One of my favorite lines came from Vince Vaughn's wife who is listening to all these crazy lies he is telling her and tells him that she doesn't care about him getting into gunfights, playing ball with fat boys or making insane speeches at dinner parties. It works because Vince Vaughn looks so crazy that all of his friends think he's losing his mind while he is just trying to tell his friend a thing that shouldn't be that hard to do. Like if this was real life he would tell his boyfriend in no less than a day not waiting until this big crazy climax but it's pretty entertaining nonetheless. I have never even heard of this film until last night when I was going through the movies at the store I work at and found this one and couldn't believe I haven't seen it yet because I like both the actor. I knew t would be dumb but entertaining which is what Kevin James and Vince Vaughn are made for and they brought their A game.
mameymama Clumsy, over-wrought, graceless. Scenes and dialogue went on way too long, this technique isn't funny, at least in this movie. Has one of those misleading trailers where yup, only 2 minutes of the whole movie is any good. I fast-forwarded most of the movie. Waste of time. Clumsy, over-wrought, graceless. Scenes and dialogue went on way too long, this technique isn't funny, at least in this movie. Has one of those misleading trailers where yup, only 2 minutes of the whole movie is any good. I fast-forwarded most of the movie. Waste of time. Clumsy, over-wrought, graceless. Scenes and dialogue went on way too long, this technique isn't funny, at least in this movie. Has one of those misleading trailers where yup, only 2 minutes of the whole movie is any good. I fast-forwarded most of the movie. Waste of time.
dukevega No having seen a trailer for this, I could only go with the stars as to what kind of movie this was. Given the two leads, this seemed to me like it would be a comedy. Sure, Vince Vaughn has done some dramatic roles, but to me he is a comedic actor first, and Kevin James is strictly comedic.After this movie ended, I was confused; was this supposed to be a comedy or a drama? If it was supposed to be a comedy, then it wasn't very funny, and if it was a drama, then it was rather light. Further muddying the waters was Channing Tatum's character, whose personality seems to change with each line; in one he is a violent lunatic, the next he is a touchy-feely type.All in all, this was 110 minutes of wasted time, except for the scenes at Blackhawks games (I'm a fan).