Bunker of the Dead
Bunker of the Dead
| 18 February 2016 (USA)
Bunker of the Dead Trailers

After Using the instructions found in an old Jewish diary, Markus and Thomas hope to gain access to a WW II underground military base formerly codenamed: Cerusit. It was used by the Nazis as a secret research institute and is shrouded in rumors to this day about the lost gold of the Third Reich. The entrance to the cave system, however, lies right within the restricted area of a U.S. military base.. the first of many problems Markus and Thomas will have to face.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
RandomFlux I knew nothing about this title when I sat down to watch it and I think that made a difference.I found this movie fun and funny but I'm glad I didn't see it in 3D. There's no way I could have avoided being sick. It was uncomfortable enough watching in 2D.The nausea aside, the movie was a good B-grade zombie flick. And not just zombies, nazi zombies. What's not to love? You know those freaking Nazis, always messing with some 'super soldier' formula and making mutants.And then there's the alien. The alien looks like a guy who got lost on his way to a costume party. XD It's perfect. Some of the zombies look really good. Excellent makeup. I love the "American" soldiers with the German accents. Or were we not supposed to notice that? XDMost of the acting is kind of wooden but it works because the entire movie is like the play-through of a video game and the acting is about on par with that.In the end you literally get to partake in beating up the final boss : Zombie Hitler. (Because you KNEW he was in there somewhere) Also included: Some excellent movie reference puns. (Downfall, Predator etc)I really enjoyed it. Good ending. Thumbs up.
Andy Van Scoyoc I've been wanting to see the film, "Dead Snow," forever, but I'm too cheap to pay to rent, etc...because I'm usually almost always, disappointed in horror.Since I haven't been able to see, "Dead Snow," I've been obsessed with Nazi zombie movies and watch every one that I think might not be a total abomination.Pickings have been slim, but I've seen a couple...they sucked, so I kept bypassing this one. Once again, as happens with me, with no other option, I decided to watch it and glad I did.It's not great, but I'll tell you this much... Markus makes the entire movie. Hands down.If you watch this movie for no other reason, watch it because of him. His dialogue, jokes and smart aleck mocking attitude are downright hilarious.Some parts of the film are stupid...such as why Markus can kick Nazi zombie butt all day, but the American troops get wiped out like whipped cream on a sundae.Still don't understand the significance of the alien and why he wasn't interested in killing Markus, but regardless...Markus makes the film worth watching.Have a look...and enjoy Markus.
trashgang I came across this German flick by visiting a horror convention were the production was promoting this flick by giving away sigh, promo stuff. It became clear that this was an almost no budget flick and it shows somehow.It's not the first German flick I do see were they are trying to speak English. No probs with that but you still can hear the German accent. But not only that, the story is rather weak and the acting isn't Oscar worthy. The effects used if there are any are not up to date. On some they did spend a bit of money for example smashing a head with a foot. Here and there the red stuff do splatter but overall it's stabbing with a crowbar or shooting one in the head. The thing everyone was waiting for is the Hitler zombie but all zombies are doing the same. Fun, yes, I only laughed when Adolf Hitler appears and all Nazi zombies are doing the Hitler salute.Guess if you see this p*ssed and proud you will like it but too much of the same...Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1,5/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
thomasbayer saw it on the premier screening at a festival a few days ago. but what can I say... no suspense, incredibly bad actors (bad English too), boring story, lame 3D. typical trash coming from Germany. after 10 minutes it just gets plain boring and repetitive. 2 points for the nice locations and a few splatter moments. but calling this a film is actually pretty weird. if you are fan of amateur trash in 3D you might want to give it a try, but don't waste more than a dollar or two for it. but there are much better ego-shooter films or even fun splatter films out there.too bad... the director seemed pretty sympathetic on the q&a. :(