Bullet Head
Bullet Head
R | 08 December 2017 (USA)
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A group of career criminals finds itself trapped in a warehouse with the law – and an Attack Dog named DeNiro closing in.

Lawbolisted Powerful
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
zardoz-13 "Grace" writer & director Paul Solet's grim, unsavory crime thriller "Bullet Head" is one of those movies where everything happens in one location. In this instance, three professional criminals wind up hiding out in a sprawling, abandoned warehouse in an anonymous American city as they wait for the police to call off their search for them. Originally a quartet of criminals, they crash their Cadillac into the warehouse, and the fourth member of their gang-the driver-dies. Until the heat lets up, Stacy (Adrien Brody of "The Thin Red Line"), Walker (John Malkovich of "Con-Air"), and Gage (Rory Culkin of "Scream 4") cannot really do anything but play the waiting game. Meanwhile, what they don't know is that the warehouse is used as a site for dogfights. Blue (Antonio Banderas of "Expendables 3") wages money on dogfights, but his latest discovery-a pit bull-has finally let him down. The man who handles Blue's fighting dogs (Ori Pfeffer of "Hacksaw Ridge") is about to put the pit down. He attaches jumper cables to the poor, bloody beast as it stands in a cement basin of water. At this point, I should say that sensitive souls and canine lovers specifically may not have what it takes to stomach this tale of poetic justice. Brody, Malkovich, and Culkin are around for the main part of the action, while Banderas shows up at the beginning and returns near the end. Our three criminals have a safe that they need to crack, but they must await their accomplices. The dog handler fails to kill the dog. In fact, the dog miraculously survives this act of utter cruelty and kills the handler. It is about this time that our sort of heroes realize that they are up against a big, mean, son of a brute. One other reviewer accurately described this effort as "Cujo" meets "Reservoir Dogs." Despite its depressing storyline, "Bullet Head" provides us with some interesting characters, some endearing dog scenes, and some disturbing dog scenes. As it turns out, the abandoned warehouse is used as a staging area for dogfights. In one scene, we are shown the corpses of canines stacked up like Holocaust victims. Again, I cannot emphasize enough-if you love dogs, you might find several scenes, if not this entire movie objectionable. Everybody in "Bullet Head" has a dog story, and the two characters that Adrien Brody and John Malkovich play share a charisma that isn't true for their younger accomplice. He has brought what appears to be a sack of narcotics and loves to stick needles into the tattoo of a sledgehammer on his forearm. Gage's tattoo has something to do with a tragic dog story. The biggest problem that "Bullet Head" contends with is the air of predictability that hangs over the action. Credit Solet for adding a twist about an hour into the action involving the relationship between the big, bloody pit bull on Stacy. Lensed on location overseas, "Bullet Head" isn't a top tier tale, but Solet and his "Bad Country" cinematographer Zoran Popovic, who collaborated with him on his horror epic Grace, have gone out of their way to make a serious saga. They rely on special lenses to provide the dog's perspective throughout the action. Solet crafts some genuine suspense as the hound goes after Walker and Stacy in one scene where Brody and Malkovich performed their own stunts. Banderas is clearly cast as a villain, and he receives his just comeuppance at fadeout. As ominous as this movie is, there are some lighter moments-the scene between Walker and Stacy, and there is a scrap of a happy ending. Undoubtedly, the funniest scene has Stacy using a huge poodle to help him with his crimes. Although the director and most of the cast are dog lovers or at least claim to be, "Bullet Head" is still a melodrama that dog lovers should approach with caution.
olivier-Dressen I love this film and totally don't understand the comments negatives about it.Awesome job from the whole team, you guys made it.Great writing and directing. The story is well written and driven by an amazing cast. Super interesting angle and point of view through the whole movie, there is a real subject here, really well crafted from the start to the finish point.I really enjoyed it, hopefully review will get higher for this film, doesn't deserve a 5.6 but definitely a solid 7 to 8.
gensbill This was a very good movie and I do not understand the antipathy expressed in some of the reviews.I normally don't like films where the action takes place in a single location, such as a warehouse or a room -- too confining, and usually low budget. Sure, there are points which challenge credulity. For example, abandoned warehouses don't still have electrical service and Thompson machine guns run out of ammo, like any other gun. In addition there is the conundrum of how the police could possibly miss the dead guy in the Cadillac out back when they searched the building. Yet it has a great cast and the flashbacks are entertaining, The production values were relatively high and the performances were above average.I think including the dog's perspective in the story worked well as well.I liked the film. I liked it very much.
vishaltulsian I watched this movie due to big star cast - after watching the movie it seemed like these stars are out of business and not getting any other role so they accepted a role in this movie. Simple plot and predictable ending.