Brightest Star
Brightest Star
| 31 January 2014 (USA)
Brightest Star Trailers

A recent college graduate sets out to win back the girl of his dreams.

GazerRise Fantastic!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
gerdazentgraf What a load of kak, yet have to see worse than this!
AbundantDay I found the movie thought provoking. I didn't enjoy his relationships that didn't work. Yet one lady encouraged him to be more and another one encouraged him to be himself, despite his success in a position with her dad. What I enjoyed was that it made me think about the importance of doing what we desire, rather than what we're good at or what we're successful at. I also didn't mind that there were lots of close ups of Mr Beautiful. I didn't find it too much since he was easy on the eyes. I also thought they did a nice job of transitioning the main character's image from a student to a businessman. I didn't think it was a great movie but it does have an important message. It was timely for me. The movie kept my attention and got the point across.
Dove Spirit I found the movie awesome to watch. Unlike the previous review of it, I am struck by Chris Lowell's face and thought that it was used well.I say this because I found Chris well able to convey strong emotion just by looks in his eyes and the expression on his face. His eyes and face said it all and there was no need for dialog. I get why the film maker just had a lot of shots of his face. Those pictures were worth a thousand words. Yes, Chris Lowell has a pretty face, but if you look past the face to see what was beneath, you get the pain his character is in. I was deeply touched by his portrayal because it captured the deeper heart level of what was going on internally for the character. I think he carried the film and hope to see him much much more.
zif ofoz There is one thing about this flick that ruined the whole movie for me! Why? Oh, Why? Did Maggie Kiley use so many close-ups of Chris Lowell's face? It's like every 8 minutes --- close-up. Does Ms Kiley have a 'thing' for Lowell's face? Am I the only one to notice this weird obsession from start to finish?Actually the plot gets difficult to follow because Lowell's face is constantly taking over the story. I get the message - he's young, confused, thinks he's in love, and like most people finding direction and focus in ones life is not easy. This would have been a superb story had Maggie Kiley stuck with the conscience direction of 'the boy'. Instead she plastered his face on screen at every chance. It got on my nerve's!So to sum up this review - if you want a shallow story floating around a guy's pretty face - this is the flick for you!