Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood
Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood
NR | 05 November 1942 (USA)
Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood Trailers

Blackie receives a call from a friend who asks him to retrieve some money from his apartment and deliver it to him in California. Performing this good deed, he is accused of theft, but is allowed to proceed to Hollywood to help the police find a lost diamond.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
bkoganbing Boston Blackie and sidekick Runt as they're about to go to Florida on a vacation get a transcontinental call from their good friend, playboy Lloyd Corrigan. Get $60,000.00 from a safe in his apartment and bring it to California. Corrigan has a couple of hoods pointing guns at him as he makes this call and of course Chester Morris thinks something is up. So Morris and George Stone get the money and make the trip with NYC cops trailing them because they think he's involved in a nice jewel heist also having taken place in California.Columbia was doing both the Boston Blackie and Lone Wolf series at the same time and the plots were pretty interchangeable. Both retired master criminals, both with helpful sidekicks, both living good and no visible means of support, and both with cops constantly questioning them every time some notorious crime breaks at which they're always innocent. My own theory is that they lived off the proceeds of their previous criminal lives, the money having been laundered clean and untraceable. Just what were Blackie and the Runt vacationing from?In this Lloyd Corrigan who's a good hearted and empty headed soul with too much money to burn always finds someone to help him burn it, usually of the female variety. That was Corrigan's function in all the Blackie films he did. Columbia starlet Constance Worth fulfills the function here, she's a poor man's Rita Hayworth.Corrigan does have himself peripherally involved in the stealing of a legendary jewel, it's up to Morris and Stone to get him out of the jackpot if they can just shake loose from NYPD's not so finest Richard Lane and Walter Sande. They do it as usual with aplomb.This one is a nicely paced Blackie entry that also features an up and coming Forrest Tucker as one of the hoods. This is a good one for a potential Blackie fan to be introduced to.
csteidler Inspector Farraday, in his never-ending quest to get the goods on Boston Blackie, is even more pigheaded and persistent than usual in Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood. Farraday, ever suspicious and always ready to go to any lengths necessary, loads himself and his loyal assistant Sergeant Matthews into the cargo hold of an airplane flying Blackie and the Runt across country. Blackie, of course, catches on, and manages to unload on ant farm into their hiding place, thus setting in motion an ongoing itching gag that lasts through the whole film.The mystery has to do with the famous Monterey Diamond, Blackie's wealthy friend Arthur, and the girl and the gang who have pulled a swift one on Arthur out in California. Arthur calls Blackie for assistance; Blackie hops a plane; Farraday pursues; and it's all over in an hour.Lots of humor in this one, including Blackie in disguise as a professor and the runt dressed up in a sort of Lord Fauntleroy outfit that doesn't really fool anybody, especially since he's constantly forgetting he's supposed to be a little boy. Matthews takes the brunt of both insults from Farraday ("You know, Matthews, every time I'm out with you I think I ought to be wearing a nurse's uniform") and trickery and general disrespect from everyone else.Good fun for Blackie fans.
classicsoncall A frenetic entry in the Boston Blackie series, this one gets downright farcical at times with the Runt (George E. Stone) masquerading as an Our Gang Alfalfa type character, and Boston Blackie (Chester Morris) donning the guise of a Professor to help a friend in California. The caper involves the missing Monterey diamond, followed by the sixty thousand dollars Blackie brings with him from Arthur Manleder's (Lloyd Corrigan) safe back home. The film utilizes all sorts of ruses and gimmicks that wouldn't even be attempted in a movie today because quite frankly, they wouldn't work, literally or figuratively. Like buying a plane ticket with cash! Can you do that today? I don't think so.But given the time, I'm sure this was a fun diversion, and probably the best way to view the film and the series today. It's also cool to see some Hollywood names before they made it, like the unrecognizably young Forrest Tucker as a henchman named Whipper and an uncredited Lloyd Bridges. The bumbling police detectives were of course a staple for the genre, and you'll find them constantly foiled at the hands of era detectives like Charlie Chan, Mr. Wong, the Lone Wolf and plenty of others. There might be better ways to spend an hour, but in a pinch, this one will do as well as most.
Wilbur-10 The first Boston Blackie film I've seen, so don't know how it compares to others in the series. In this entry Blackie ( a reformed jewel thief ) has to transport a large sum of money to a friend in Los Angeles, whose gotten involved with a typically dodgy 'B' movie female who's in with the mob. Film has typical character array from these type of early film serials; Boston Blackie is a wise-cracking handsome hero, his sidekick is a snivelling strange looking man/child called 'Runt' whose only purpose seems a perverse kind of comic relief, while we also have the dumb Police Inspector and his even dumber Sergeant.Even for low-budget crime films of the type, this seems like a below-average entry in what is probably a below-average series. That said the film potters along nicely and is fun for those with a big nostalgic streak - despite the last third of the film degenerating into farce.Incidentally the title is misleading, as the only Hollywood connection is the use of L.A. as a location for the second half of the film!! Even then we aren't treated to any exotic outside location shooting - never trust an ex-jewel thief