Blood Car
Blood Car
NR | 09 August 2007 (USA)
Blood Car Trailers

In the near future, gas prices are at an astronomical high. One man is determined to find an alternate fuel source. That alternate fuel source turns out to be blood... HUMAN BLOOD.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Eric_Cubed I am a concerned celluloid citizen. I am concerned because there has always been an unwritten agreement, an unspoken truth, for all low-budget B-Movie makers since beginning-less time: If low-budget, then everyone tries their hardest and gives it their all, with the glorious bigger picture being a production based on passion, humor, camaraderie and most of all fun. Classic examples include The Evil Dead Part 2, Death Race 2000 and Soylent Green. As for Blood Car, the situation is reversed. The producers have only a business model in mind, and that business model is based on spending the majority of the movie's dollars on manipulating the public into believing we've created an avante-garde, Indie-funk art-house master-quirk film, when actually absolutely no emotional energy was spent on the script, casting, direction or production at all. To me this is a sad state of affairs. It's a sign that Ed Wood's vision and passion is going away for good. With this understanding, I encourage you to Boycott Blood Car, as it is a fake, phony and plastic virus that tries to manipulate us all into believing we are going to be treated into something like Quentin Tarantino's Kurt Russel masterpiece. Do the right thing. Send a financial message.
druquzdog It's not really graphic or scary in any traditional horror sense, but it is absolutely brilliant. You do have to have a quite highly developed sense of humour to appreciate a lot of it though. If you like, say...South Park and enthusiastically made low-budget (not necessarily entirely)horror, then you will probably get a kick out of this.If you liked this then check out Ankle Biters, The Janitor, Buttcrack and Gory Gory Hallelujah for starters. There's a treasure trove of great low budget independent gems out there just waiting for the right person (someone who appreciates them) to discover them.Blood Car is one of the best I've ever seen though, and it's not one of the "so bad it's good" style (which are a related, but subtly different taste). The script and acting and all out balls in your face take it to a higher plane than nearly every one of this "type" of films I've seen. It may even be THE BEST etc! Someone mentioned Uwe Boll in another comment, and I do kind of feel sorry for Uwe after seeing this. I have doubts bigger than aircraft carriers that Postal is going to be anywhere near as irreverent, controversial, outrageous and over-the-top funny as this little indie gem.I'm also loving the comments from people complaining or saying that they marked it down due to whatever their little personal boundary was that the movie breached, ...********** SPOILERS FOLLOW! ***************** SPOILERS FOLLOW! ************** SPOILERS FOLLOW! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE YET THEN DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND GO WATCH IT AND LET IT SURPRISE YOU BEORE READING ON. SRSLY.********** it shooting puppies repeatedly with a bb gun (comedy GOLD!) or summary execution of a school full of kids (sheer unadulterated GENIUS), or some were just offended by the baby thing at the end (I lol'd).
squaretip Thats right, avoid this movie at all costs. Not only is it possibly the worst movie i have ever seen, it's the most disappointing. Oh, and it's the worst movie i've'Blood Car' sounds like the shitty movie I would view out of boredom or just sheer intrigue, but from the word go, i was lost. Thanks to its award-winning acting and really well rounded characters, this heightens the words "pure shite" to another level. Badly written (the narrator WTF?) badly acted (Everyone in this movie is under 25, including the FBI Agents!!?) and poorly executed, Blood Car ranks high on my list of regrettable titles I've watched. And if you don't believe me, just wait for the stellar acting inside the car, once the main character has realized what he's done. Crap-o-la!
sal10851 This movie is about Archie, a school teacher who is attempting to build a motor that runs on a natural fuel source. The movie takes place in the future where gas prices are at a ridiculous $30 dollars per gallon and driving is an expensive commodity. This film targets a lot of issues that we see are happening today. For example gas prices, alternate fuel sources, evil government plots etc. Archie by accident, discovers that blood is able to power his motor. Unfortunately only human blood is accepted by Archies car and once he powers his car Archie realizes the attention he gets from an attractive young woman. Her interest is in the car and she clearly expresses it. Archies fuel-finding task spawns a series of events that eventually leads to Archie being contacted by government agents that have been following his progress since the beginning of the movie. In the end the government makes use of Archies knowledge but with a very dark intention. A VERY dark intention!