Blind Horizon
Blind Horizon
R | 31 December 2003 (USA)
Blind Horizon Trailers

Left for dead in the remote Southwest, Frank is found clinging to life and in a state of amnesia. As he recovers, ominous memories begin to flash back...

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU Another thriller about the killing of the president of the USA somewhere nowhere in New Mexico. In the well named city of Blackpoint. With such a subject you have to be slightly more subtle and contorted and contorted they were. Three killers. One is attacked by some unknown or at least dubious people and he loses his memory but not his life. The unidentified shady assailants can come back to the front as some kind of girlfriend or fiancée. He does not remember and he is ready to do his duty, though he remains dubious. Little by little he recovers his memory and he finally gets to the very heart of the matter. His acolytes want to get rid of him not so simple. But the fiancée comes back and that makes things tricky and very sick indeed. And what's more he likes the nurse who managed to bring him back to life out of his coma and she is waiting for him somewhere with a good surprise that is not only fiery blonde sex. So he cleans up the dirty plate of the assassination by doing his duty and he then can disappear with the blonde. But what was the fashion picture on the back cover of a flashy magazine of that poor solitary cowboy and the blonde nurse doing or representing? They must have met before in a trendier situation and in more glamorous circumstances. But well all is well that ends well, It is well known, and you can assassinate the president and yet run away with a few million dollars to enjoy the sightseeing of some distant country.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Paris 8 Saint Denis, University Paris 12 Créteil, CEGID
katatoe I don't think I would have enjoyed this film as much if I hadn't been sick after 2 days of hard work with my performance troupe (long story!).I love Amy Smart & Neve Campbell. I once loved Val Kilmer (until I heard his band), but as an actor - I definitely respect him. He seems to have an addiction to these types of movies (De Ja Vu, Conspiracy, etc. - aka, Wannabe Psychological Thrillers). He should stop trying to be Bruce Willis and stick to character acting.Pros: Great scoring. Some good artistic shots of cigarette smoke. Cons: The storyline was very easy to predict. Camera angles & pans can be a little cheesy.
somf circa Missouri Breaks. I just love the work of Val Kilmer. Normally he is so great at elevating his material, to me his work in "Tombstone" was the number one case in point, but here he just seems to be messing with the role and probably confounding his costars and director. I'll bet you no one in this film from the talented Sam Shepard to the pretty good Neve Campbell to the deservedly up and coming Amy Smart ever want to work with the guy again. I'd love a chance to have a talk with the director and find out if my hunches are correct, but I will say that the director of this film should probably shoulder far less of the blame for the mess that it turned out to be than Mr. Kilmer. Granted the script was trying to go for a sort of "Memento" narrative and fails miserably, but I did watch the entire film. It kept me interested, but so darned weird. I would only recommend it for Val Kilmer's biggest fans. I hope the guy comes back to reality some day. He is so talented.
siderite A good thriller is one that makes you wonder all the time of what direction the movie will go next. From that point of view, this is a good thriller. You wonder who is who and what they are going to do next. However, a lot of those questions come from a pretty inconsistent plot. It's not a bad plot, quite the contrary, but the details are a bit off most of the time.About Val Kilmer, he again makes a great role. He is more than an accomplished actor, he is still a promising one. From this point of view I recommend all his movies, starting with Top Secret :). There is a casting trend, though, to put him in movies where he is either drugged, amnesic or sick, sometimes him being FBI ,secret agent or somethings in the intelligence community. I don't think he will go far if he ends up with that label.Faye Dunnaway, Neve Campbell and some other actors that you have seen in movies and expect them to be in good roles are actually quite the secondary characters; except Val Kilmer and the basic plot, everything else is a blur.The atmosphere is good, as the movie is set up in a dusty western town and the music is appropriate. I think this is a good film to watch, not an extraordinary one, though, so don't get your hopes too high. There is a limited amount of romance and the action/violence is more suggested than exposed.