Black Mirror: White Christmas
Black Mirror: White Christmas
| 16 December 2014 (USA)
Black Mirror: White Christmas Trailers

This feature-length special consists of three interwoven stories. In a mysterious and remote snowy outpost, Matt and Potter share a Christmas meal, swapping creepy tales of their earlier lives in the outside world. Matt is a charismatic American trying to bring the reserved, secretive Potter out of his shell. But are both men who they appear to be?

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
paulinatrawka Ok, since this epiosde is rated so high my expectations were also high - and I was dissapointed. Story with boy trying to flirt was interesting, nice plot twist. The whole cookie thing - scary, not really reasonable. Why can't they just use some intelligent robot to do this? Come on, it is not so hard to set up certain options and make it do regular stuff like a toast. Really? You need a special copy of consciousness to do this? Phones can do most of that these days, like waking you up with the music you like and making a plan for a day... Stupid idea. And it is legal? Seriously? You could at least make it illegal there, would make more sense. But there goes anther completely unreasonable option. You can block anyone you want and ruin their life just like that. And they can't even do anything about it. So I will block you because I don't like the way you look. I will block my teacher when I don't want to answer. I will block my neighbour because I don't like him, so I can listen to music really loud. Why not? A woman blocked a guy over nothing and left with their assumed child. He couldn't even go to court to report that he is the father and that he wants to have contact with his child. No rights man, because you are blocked. She blocked you and the child has you blocked too because she did. So I don't care about my husband anymore, I want to be with someone else, bye bye, he is blocked and the children have him blocked too. I don't care if they want it or not. Wow. The society really agreed to this? Really? The court doesn't care that you want to see your child? No cases? This idea was good but exxagerated. Nice concept that went terribly wrong and didn't make sense..
Matt William Rhecony I do not watch black mirror, but as I saw that this episode is rated the best I tried. the first half of the episode was great, good acting, interesting characters, and I really wanted to know what would happen next. But second half turned into depressive boring story about people who can't solve problems in their social/family life regardless of the technology. That is the reason I do not like whole black mirror - usually problems of main characters would not happen at all, or could be easily solved with some basic psychological knowledge or a help of a therapist.And the ending was absolutely terrible - illogical characters and conclusion whose only purpose was to be even more depressing.
Paul Evans I think the first time round I watched it I didn't fully absorb into it, subsequently I would now class it as one of the very best. It's is definitely one of the darkest, bleakest and down right sadistic episodes, and for a show like Black Mirror that's really saying something. I've tried to think up one narrative that links each episode of Black Mirror, and it's tough, the closest I've gotten is that mankind will always use technology to take advantage of others, be it monetary, political or for love. We get three stories in this episode and that rule could definitely apply in each case. I love the idea of three stories combining to make one, it's a technique that's not often used, but when it does it's hugely satisfying, each story links with each other, elements would also reappear in later stories, such as Arkangel.Lots of questions come out of it, did Potter get rough justice, or was he the victim, was Matt a good or a bad guy? Is under cooked toast actually edible? you could debate and argue it for hours. John Hamm and Rafe Spall were excellent, two very strong performances. Visually dazzling as always.The top of many people's Christmas watch list I shouldn't wonder.
imdb-878-923522 In their effort to be clever, myriad new technologies are thrown at us - and the characters - as if we're all still stuck in 2014. No societal adjustment, expectations or learning to deal with these technologies has happened - they've just dropped out of the blue onto the characters, without any explanation or hint that they're widely used and accepted.This is a problem with much modern scifi - uncareful attention to details or backdrop. See instead Blade Runner's extremely careful writing and attention to this. Westworld built up the background of societal tolerance and interaction to the androids - where as Humans again just dropped us into this future with no warning (no one has dealt with attractive female bots living in family homes before? cmon.) Additionally, no discussion or hints to the societal attitudes towards the cookies/eggs. We can interrogate them but they're not exact copies to the point that extended decades of solitary confinement (which is illegal in all western nations even for multiple homicides) is OK? Even for a manslaughter self defence charge? Cmon.It was tweaked to lead the viewer into feeling the injustice of the main character's situation and then suddenly foisting surprise societal norms on the viewer. Poor writing.Very flashy technology ideas but anyone with any background in scifi reading will recognize these as being tried and true concepts developed from the 1920s through 60s. Blade Runner is the same - but the execution of the original and sequel was so environmentally accurate and self consistent, that is gives amazing life to these stock ideas -- but this episode was careless and gratuitous.
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