Biohazard 4D: Executer
Biohazard 4D: Executer
| 01 November 2000 (USA)
Biohazard 4D: Executer Trailers

5 members of the U.B.C.S. are sent to Racoon City to trace Dr. Chameleon and, foremost, her research. However, the horrors they encounter are beyond their imagination.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Horst in Translation ( "Biohazard 4D: Executer" is a 20-minute short film (17 without credits) that shows us what happens when a team of soldiers/scientists enters enemy lines on the search for a doctor. Bad news for them, the zombie apocalypse already happened and the place is infested with these undead. And more dangers await them, like blood-lusty birds. It is an animated movie from Japan, made by Daisuke Okamoto, so you may need subtitles, even if the dialogues aren't too frequent. Overall, the animation is not too good, not even for 2000. The story is slightly better, but still this one does not get me curious about the video game it is based on or other similar projects. Overall pretty underwhelming and probably only worth checking out for the very biggest Biohazard fans. I personally give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended and I felt the first half is better than the second.
meteoraxv Alright watch, but predictable and nothing really spectacular until the end. I like my movies awesome all around, in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. Not JUST the end. Disappointing.The story...well...was there any at all?? Meh. Not really, it was just 5 guys getting to someplace, and well...nothing really.The whole movie just seemed like an excuse to throw around some gore (read: a bit of blood). The only redeeming quality in this movie is the end. And even the end was just 10 seconds of awesomeness and that's it. Too much rice and not enough meat, is how I would describe this short.It was alright. 6*
tributarystu After the major disappointment which consisted of Paul Anderson's Resident Evil(s), it just so happened that I got around to see this small piece of animated film-making. I might not have seen it as it should've been seen, in an appropriate theater, but I still judge it's got more to say than Anderson's two films put together. Especially when it comes down to Resident Evil.The plot outline says pretty much all there is to say about the things that happen in the short without giving too much a way. The disturbing encounters with all sorts of mutated animals prove to be fairly deadly for the special ops who - despite getting quite a glimpse of the sense of utmost terror - continuously strive to find the researcher.I must say that at some points the gore crept deeply beneath my skin and it caused a most creepy feeling within. The great musical score keeps the tension high as the ops struggle to escape the hell they've entered and it's not over until the very last minute. Scary creatures, reasonably fine animation (a la RE 2), a gruesomely fun twist and some great atmospheric thrills make this Executer a worthy watch for any fan of the macabre - and most especially for Resident Evil fans.