Big Top Pee-wee
Big Top Pee-wee
PG | 22 July 1988 (USA)
Big Top Pee-wee Trailers

Paul Reubens stars as Pee-wee Herman in his second full-length film about a farmer who joins the circus after a storm drops a big tent in his front yard. Pee-wee, along with an outlandish cast of animals and circus performers, puts on the best show ever.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Aaron1375 We somehow went from a rousing cross country adventure that was the first Pee Wee movie with lots of colorful characters and some really strange situations, but overall funny to a one town movie that is strange and not in a good way. We don't get the scenery and we do not get a very good or funny movie this time. Maybe it is because Phil Hartman did not help with the script or maybe because Tim Burton did not direct, but this movie is absolutely nothing like the first film and as I said before that is not a good thing. This time we have Pee Wee on a rather boring farm, where he has a talking pig and the towns folk are a bunch of bores. Then the circus gets blown into town and that shakes things up. That is about it, besides the odd love triangle involving Pee Wee...who for some reason goes from a loner and a rebel to kind of a perv. There are a couple of chuckles to be found near the beginning of the movie, but once the circus hits it is rather tedious to watch. Like I said you go from all the wacky stuff in big adventure to one setting and one setting only. You have a few stars in this one, but they don't add to the movie, only to the misery. The ending is so stupid I could not watch it again. All in all I would say skip this movie unless you are a die hard Pee Wee fan which I am not. He was amusing in the bizarre adventure world, but he comes across as rather embarrassing and even creepy in the Big Top.
Colton-Dunn This Film finely documents Paul Reubens' downward spiral into the perverse. This "family film" contains more sexual innuendo than Pippy Longstocking fan fiction. It's not the original masterpiece, but hilarious none the less. It's the commitment that counts. Never is there a moment of doubt that they might be creating something that is false or contrived. It's odd and quirky and they stick by it all the way. It brings back memories of Pee Wee's classic "kids show", based on the live performance tape that is sick and awesome. Long live Paul Reubens, despite his short lived game show "You Don't Know Jack". And look for Kristofferson's line flub about an hour in. He's addressing the Circus folk and specifically 'Snowball'. Watch it!
MartinHafer This is a terrible film and that's really a shame, as I actually liked the first movie, PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE. I think the biggest problem about this film is that instead of the episodic style of the original that placed Pee Wee in so many different situations and meeting so many different types of people, this film is too static. With a more well-defined plot, you are left with the film resting purely on the character of Pee Wee--something I really can't stand for very long. It reminded me an awful lot of PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE, in that the going seemed very slow and I just needed a break from the character after a while. This was made worse by a lousy and unfunny script--so it forced Paul Rubens just to mug for the camera again and again! Uggh! Plus, without the wonderful direction of Tim Burton, the film just seems lost and aimless in its pacing and plot.
blainedayo This is the sequel of Tim Burton's spectacular "PeeWee's Big Adventure". Watch this movie if you are a fan of PeeWee. This movie is not a very good sequel, never the less an entertaining PeeWee movie. One of the most noticeable aspects of this movie is the use of animals for comedic effect. Examples are the talking pig, the sleeping horse, and the hippo in love. The important thing is to not take it seriously. It's a comedy.And a PeeWee comedy at that. Never the less bad writing and silly plot make for a uncomfortable sitting.But good PeeWee fun. My rating 5/10.