Barbie in Rock 'N Royals
Barbie in Rock 'N Royals
PG | 12 August 2015 (USA)
Barbie in Rock 'N Royals Trailers

When royal Princess Courtney trades places with famous rock star Erika, two worlds collide while both learn to appreciate new friends and experiences.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Kiera Carroll I occasionally watch Barbie films for fun. They're always cheesy, but they can be enjoyable to watch, and I always laugh at the cheesier/weirder parts. Some I even enjoy unironically.But then there are the ones with absolutely no effort. And that's what Rock 'n Royals was.This movie is a mix of Barbie Princess Charm School, Barbie Princess and the Popstar, and both Camp Rock movies. The basic plot synopsis? Due to a mix up with the servers of two different summer camps, Camp Royalty and Camp Pop, a pop star named Erika ends up going to Camp Royalty while princess Courtney ends up going to Camp Pop. They find they each like the change of scenery, but the leader of Camp Royalty plots to get Camp Pop shut down by challenging it to a singing competition.The plot is so completely predictable, but that could be forgiven. However, what I refuse to forgive is the blatant ripping off of Camp Rock. I mean come on, one camp is called "Camp Pop," and if you think that's just a coincidence, guess again. British camp leader who was an x-rock star? Camp Rock. (Seriously the Two characters have the exact same accent). Two competing summer camps on the same lake? Sounds like Camp Rock 2. Deciding which is the better camp through a singing competition at the end of camp? Again, that's Camp Rock 2. The two rival camp owners having a past together? Camp Rock 2. The really good female singer becoming a control freak because she wants to win the competition so badly? Camp Rock 2.And then there was the piano scene. Courtney sits at a keyboard and starts to play, turns her magic scepter into a microphone (Ripping off the magic microphone from Princess and the Pop star) and starts to sing about how she's had to hide herself all her life, but how maybe she wants to break free and be herself now. If you've ever seen Camp Rock, this should sound familiar. Because that exact same scene happened at the beginning of the first Camp Rock. The only difference in the Barbie version is that it happens later in the film and her friends immediately join in the song. (Also, the Camp Rock scene was missing the magic pink sparkly microphone). The song is even called "What if I Shine," and one of the lines in "This is Me" from Camp Rock is "Gonna let the light shine on me." These scenes are just too similar. If this sequence isn't a blatant rip-off I don't know what is.This is a lazy, lackluster, and obvious rip off. Not only are these movies ripping off cheesy old Disney Channel movies, but they're rehashing their own plot points. There was the previously mentioned magic microphone incident for starters. Then there's the fact that Camp Royalty is exactly like Princess Charm school. Both are royal academies that teach royal children how to be "proper" without actually teaching them how to run a country one day. The only difference is that Camp Royalty admits boys. Then there's the fact that this is the THIRD Barbie movie to take inspiration from the prince and the pauper. Clearly, these films are either running out of ideas or realizing that they don't need to put a shred of effort into these films. And then the cherry on top is the animation. Did Barbie seem off to anyone else? I can't tell if her eyes are too big, her face is too small, her forehead is off… but something about her face was straight out of the uncanny valley. When you can't even animate your titular character correctly, you know you've royally messed up.Long story short? Unless you want to see a bland, predictable, lazy, cheap, thoughtless, soulless rip off of Camp Rock, don't watch this film. Instead, go watch Camp Rock. It may be cheesy, but at least it had heart.
phoebe_chenxing_tang If you're not a fan of synthetic Barbie dolls walking around like robots with limited movement, then this will probably be first on your Horrendous Movie List. But if you are a huge fan of pop music and you're a kid, this movie would be totally ideal for you. I have to be honest though, I was criticizing their way to polite movements the whole time. The laughter and hand movement especially seem forced.But the end part is always the best part--the outfit change and combined music, Rock 'n Roaylty. This movie taught me that we should always be open to new things, new opportunities. Sometimes traditions and old habits should be changed, especially in our modern society, changes are always made. Also, I learn that, you shouldn't label people on how they look like on the outside. You never know, that person you just criticized could have been a potential friend if you let her. Rock your own story - Barbie
Sabrina I have to say, I'm disappointed. To be fair, when the Barbie movies first started coming out (2nd generation onward, I mean), I was already way older than the target audience LOL So yes, watching them now is really just for kicks and giggles. That being said, the quality of these movies has gone so far downhill it's rather cringe-worthy. The fact that this is the third movie to riff off the Princess and the Pauper storyline suggests that Mattel isn't even TRYING any more; they know as long as they slap 'Barbie' on it, it's going to sell. Something that was further reinforced when I noticed that the flautist in the movie is holding her flute wrong EVERY TIME SHE'S ON SCREEN. And yet, NO ONE CAUGHT THIS!! So yeah, maybe a decent movie by target-audience standards, but a sad effort by Mattel overall.
Jessica O'Brien Yes the plot was predictable (they pretty much revealed everything in the trailer after all) but the animation was beautiful. The fact that everyone's faces weren't the same model but having differences (wider, thinner, shorter faces than the usual heart shape) was a plus to myself and my younger sisters. Especially one of my sisters due to the fact she is rounder in the face and now can see such reflected in the film rather than all the same. The expressions were amazing as well considering how they aptly changed with practically every word (Finn Oxford is a good example of this) and all the little expressions made it much more enjoyable. The songs were catchy and there was funny movements, myself and my sisters included found it was a step up from the last movie (Princess Power) and we enjoyed the easter eggs (Lady Anne's office - see you can spot them.) As an enjoyer of Barbie Movies having watched them all with my younger sisters, this is not our favourite of the Barbie films but it is reasonably high up the list. We found it enjoyable and fun.