Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
NR | 05 June 2009 (USA)
Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Trailers

When a scam goes horribly wrong and leaves the neighborhood kids furious, the Eds embark on a journey to find Eddy's brother in the "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" series finale.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
ShelbyTMItchell Really glad that the show ended on a high note. The happy ending all three Eds deserved indeed! As they are on the run from the other kids, for a failed scam that blew up their beloved Cul De Sac as everybody is messed up badly. In order to run away and find Eddy's brother, we see each kid have some kind of development.Jonny with his Melonhead persona, Nazz and Kevin developing into a would be relationship but Kevin loves his bike and Nazz deservedly slapped him for it. And dumps him it seems. But at least, Kevin redeems himself in the end. Sarah and Jimmy try to get away from the Kanker sisters who are trying to save the kids from beating up their "boyfriends" aka the Eds.Rolf abusive to his pet pig who gets away from him. As he did not have much to do really. Except complain and run into stuff. As the Eds bicker about the failed scam with Double D aka Edd nearly breaking up with Eddy, who admits finally proclaiming responsibility.Stop if you do not want to read the ending...HERE IS THE SPOILER! As they are on their journey to find his older brother, the three Eds bond a bit. As they find his older brother along with the other kids and Kankers "saving" them. We see his older brother unnamed but really he turns out to be an abusive bully.At the carnival in which his brother runs and possibly owns. He takes great pleasure on beating up and torturing Eddy and plays a game of "uncle" as the other kids do not see his brother for the "cool" big brother he is.It is up to Ed aka Lumpy for unhooking the door to his brother's trailer shaped like a teal whale to stop his brother's abuse as he falls to the floor and saves Eddy.Eddy tearfully apologizes as he was just a misunderstood character and just wanted to fit in and made up all of these lies and scams to be accepted.As the kids are looking to beat him up, they finally accept the Eds and accept their apology! As they throw Eddy up in the air! As the kids are accepting the Eds as friends, Johnny aka Melonhead comes to think he can "save the day" and tries to beat up on the Eds until the kids come to the Eds defense and beat up Johnny.After they do, Kevin invites the kids to come to his house for jawbreakers. As the Eds are excited to finally be having that happy ending as Double D breaks the fourth wall and says it only took "133 episodes, four TV specials, and a movie to do so!" As they sing the Friendship song that they had in an earlier episode, Johnny lies beaten up and the now ex pig of Rolf eats Johnny's melon, the Kankers decide to give the not so tough big brother "mouth to mouth" as they close up his trailer.Finally Ed fans will like this movie. Very touching but also shows that Eddy was just a person that was misunderstood and sad! End of the Cartoon Cartoon era for Cartoon Network! RIP 1990-2009!
leonard22791 I was waiting years for an Ed Edd n Eddy movie. The beginning was almost heart pounding, especially since it was like the wildest car-chase I have ever seen. The heroes where on the run in a car, Flintstones-style, being chased by a foreigner on a pig, a jock on a bike, a cheerleader on roller skates, and a skitzophrinick who talks to a plank of wood. The ending was, in my opinion, perfect for the series, and the revelation of Eddy's brother, was no surprise to me, because the series did hint about his true colors. Can't wait for it to come out on DVD. This is what I think the summary on the back wold be. "From director Danny Antonnucci, comes a motion picture event of 'Ed'-normous proportions. Eddy has come up with his most ambitious scam ever. But it has gone horribly wrong, now Eddy, and his friends Ed and Edd (Double D) must turn to the one man who can help them: Eddy's Brother. But the kids have learned where they're heading and follow them. The Kanker follow suit, determined to save their 'Boyfreinds'. The 'Ed'-pic conclusion of Cartoon Network's critically acclaimed series, filled with laughs, sorrow, an action-pack car chase, and the shocking revelation of Eddy's Brother."
kendodragon Sometime after "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" came out in 1999, I immediately became a big fan of the show. I loved how all the characters had their own unique personality, the great story lines, and the hilarious humor that each episode had. And now in 2009, the movie entitled "Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show" comes out and it is bigger and funnier than any of the episodes that the series had to offer.The story of the movie is about another scam that the Eds have come up with making a turn for the worse and now all of the kids of the Cul-De-Sac want to get revenge for what happened to them. The Eds come up with a solution that the only place that they will be safe at is where Eddy's brothers lives, so then they begin a journey to get there before the kids catch up with them.Aside from the humor and great story, the movie also offers some good references from the show that really brings back the memories from the old episodes of the series. The animation and character development was pretty good as always and some scenes, such as action sequence during the beginning, were very well written and directed.As for the ending, I won't spoil it for anyone but I will say this: it is an ending that the fans will very love. And although this movie marks the end of the series, it was great living the memories again.Rating: **** out of **** P.S. Stick around after the movie ends because there is an extra scene after the credits.
Benjamin_406 If certain theatrical films, like "the Lion King", "Finding Nemo", and "Kung Fu Panda", can be very successful and memorable in characterization and storytelling, then TV movies can be like that, too. And "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show" is one superb example.Basically, the movie centers on the Eds searching for Eddy's brother after Eddy's latest scam backfires big time. (Only the Eds fans know exactly why the scam flops out - sort of.) And all the kids of the Cul-De-Sac have to track them down to avenge for themselves before those troublemakers can reach their destination. Aside from maniac animation and ultimate level of humor, there's one thing that hasn't been overlooked throughout the whole film: heart.The story of "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Picture Show" has been split into many parts: the Eds, Kevin and Nazz, Jonny and Plank, Sarah and Jimmy (later merged with the Kanker Sisters and Wilbur), and Rolf and Wilbur. But unlike "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa", there's a sufficient amount of story for each set of characters - not too much nor too little. It's all because of the superb sense of direction of the movie. Even the film is almost well-structured, too. (The beginning is a perfect example!) And it seems that the creative artists of "Ed, Edd n Eddy" had managed to take the TV movie to "the place it has to be" big time.So if you are looking for TV movies with superb comedy and heart, like "Escape from Cluster Prime" and "Rugrats: All Growed Up", then "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show" is one best example to see.