Back to 1942
Back to 1942
NR | 30 November 2012 (USA)
Back to 1942 Trailers

In 1942, Henan Province was devastated by the most tragic famine in modern Chinese history, resulting in the deaths of at least three million men, women and children. Although the primary cause of the famine was a severe drought, it was exacerbated by locusts, windstorms, earthquakes, epidemic disease and the corruption of the ruling Kuomintang government.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
leonblackwood Review: This is an epic and interesting movie about the famine in a place called Henan during the 1942 Japanese war which took 3 million people's life's. It follows a wealthy family who are forced to flee Henan with the rest of the many families who struggle to reach a better place, which will supply them with food and shelter. The journey takes its toll on the many families and the lack of food and freezing weather takes many of there life's. There's a lot of political issues connected to the reasons why they are forced out Henan, which are addressed in the movie but it's the touching story of the family which really made the movie for me. The acting is great from all of the cast and I really can't imagine how it must have been for the real people that were forced into this gruesome situation. I would have liked it dubbed in English so I could have concentrated on the emotional scenes but thats just me being picky. Although the subject matter is quite deep and the storyline was pretty interesting, I did get bored in some parts and it did seem to drag after a while. With that aside, the true story is amazing and I'm surprised that this epic journey about the people of Henan and there search for a better life, wasn't told earlier. Watchable!Round-Up: This is another one of those films were they put the big names on the poster and there not really in the film. In this case the people are Adrien Brody and Tim Robbins who only had small parts in the movie. To be honest, they were the reason why I rented the movie because I was wondering how they were involved in this epic tale but they wasn't the main characters in the film. Brody did play a massive role in getting the aid to the starving people who took part in this amazing journey but I didn't really see the point in Tim Robbins role. Anyway, I personally enjoy movies were you actually learn something and in this case, it's a piece of Chinese history which I hadn't heard about before. Its a shame that it didn't get the big Hollywood treatment because I'm sure that a lot of people will be shocked when they see what these individuals had to go through. They ended up thinking that dying was a blessing because the journey became too much for the people of Henan and the ones that survived, had to live with the fact that they lost there families and loved ones in such a terrible way.I recommend this movie to people who are into their epic dramas about the famine in Henan and there epic journey to find a better life, which took 3 million people's life's. 6/10
Pierre Radulescu The epic of a disaster: a whole province in central China caught by drought, the people having no choice but leaving their households, taking the large road toward unknown, toward some illusory place where they could find food. Winter 1942-43, war, the army looting the refugees, the enemy bombing army and civilians together, the mass of refugees becoming a mob, all moral values forgotten, episodes of cannibalism, the political leaders caught in a cobweb of petty politics, corruption, and ineffectiveness... the death toll being somewhere between one and three million.Other stories of war and famine will keep coming, repeating the same script, endlessly, going on nowadays and forever... and as always people around turning a deaf ear, pretending unawareness, if not taking advantage:The story of the Honan famine rolled into Chungking like tumbleweeds blown by the wind. "I heard from a man who was there …" "I saw in a letter from Loyang …" "In Sian they say that …" (Theodore H. White quoted in a site of the San Jose Stae Univ.)A survivor's grandchild would tell the story, and based on his novel this movie was made in 2012. A movie with epic breathe, shifting from the mob of refugees to the regional leaders to the national level, up to Generalissimo (Chang Kai-Shek), coming back to the victims, one of the heroes repeating the story of Job, among all atrocities around, nobody's innocent, nobody's evil, it's just our human condition here, it's about us, humans, in one of our worst moments.
yimcha123 A well made and serious film you shouldn't miss.Back to 1942!How many movie-goers were born before 1942? I think very few...The film is all blood and tear in Chinese history-if you ever read any Chinese history you would know a bit of how the corrupted national party of China ran the country(how they handled the famine) and the history of Japan invaded China (how cold blood of their behaviour against civilians)at the time.To younger people who never experienced war and hunger...please don't expect entertaining plots.
jwxujerry This movie is a rare gem in the Chinese movie industry that's seeing crappy movies bringing big revenues. After all, talent is talent. Talent refuses to be swamped by the toxic environment. The movie is shocking to watch. It's so realistic, dramatic and sad, that the weight is almost unbearable. It looked at a historical event with a new lens, a modern Chinese view. It calls Chinese people to rethink patriotism. In a time when your life is in grave danger and would vanish at any moment, your government sits there doing nothing and kicks you around as baggage and throws you to the enemy, and the enemy gives you food that saves you life. Do you pledge patriotism to the government? Do you blame the people who avert to work for the invader? What does patriotism mean when our government doesn't care about your life? Chinese history is full of sad stories, and the movie is one of the first that tells those stories in a realistic way, such as the irony that the moral of situation all falls on a foreign reporter.The acting is respectable, especially in all the male characters. Some of the female actors are not well selected (including Xu Fan), and not well situated in settings. Overall, a great movie for Chinese to relive a dark time, to rethink about many fundamental questions about Chinese culture and society. It is probably good for foreign viewers who have some knowledge of Chinese history and culture to appreciate the movie.