Babylon 5: In the Beginning
Babylon 5: In the Beginning
PG | 04 January 1998 (USA)
Babylon 5: In the Beginning Trailers

Londo Mollari, the Centauri Emperor, recounts the initial contact between the Humans and Minbari, which resulted in a major incident and subsequent war, for an eager pair of youngsters wanting a story about love and conflict.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
kevin-623 I was a fan of Babylon 5 as a kid, but I didn't remember the story before seeing this movie. However, seeing this brought out a whole lot of goosebumps. Not because I am the greatest fan, but because of the amazing acting and setting in some of the scenesWithout doubt the movie that has brought me closest to crying in a whole lot of years. An absolute recommendation goes out to all! But be bewared: It will be tempting as hell to join the wagon and see the series :DIf you are already a fan of the series, you have no choice. An absolute must-see for fans, and a "should see it anyways" for all others!
roachdc22 Although this movie came a long time after the series premiere, it was actually the first piece of B-5 I saw. It's a great movie on it's own, and a perfect way to start the whole series, because you get all the background info. The movie revolves around the Earth-Minbari wars, a war erupting when a captain from an earth-warship reacts to a Minbari greeting in a hostile way, resulting in the death of several hundreds of thousands of Earthlings. And that's all you need to know, the rest will show itself when you watch the movie.The action is great, special effect OK (they were never great, sad to say) and the acting first-class! So go see this movie, and then follow up with probably the second-best Sci-Fi series EVER (after Enterprise of course...:))
FlipperPA I will not try to sell you on Babylon 5. If you're actually reading this review, my guess is you have already seen the greatest sci-fi series of all time in one form or another.I am an ultimate Bab-5 junkie. I confess to the typical crimes: I own the pewter figures (both the black omega star fury and the space station) as well as the halloween outfits. I have taped each episode 4 times. Yes, I have the pilot with the original Stewart Copeland soundtrack, as well as the Chrisopher Franke version, tiwce. Before you ask, yes, I have the DVD version (which I finally saw tonight).Now, with all the formalities out of the way... let me tell you, in viewing the DVD for the first time, I feel like I've SEEN BAB-5 AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME!Coming from a viewer with a less than stellar cable company - in other words, my reception sucks - viewing it on DVD for the first time is a complete and total treat.Babylon-5 set a recent trend, which has been noticed not only by the viewers, but by everyone. It has set a new fad if you will; it transmits television in the widescreen format. In the modern television spectrum, such shows as Enterprise, Angel, and 24 are all shown in the widesreen format. Babylon 5 was the first to even contemplate this format.Now there are legions of fans demanding this format.I still find it amusing that the fact that in "The Gathering", the Babylon-5 pilot aired in 1994 (?) most of the concepts and graphics are far bayond what most sci-fi has achieved to date.Any way you look at this, whether Babylon-5 fan or not, this the best DVD released to date. Does it have an of those "extra features"? No. Does it have any of those "unreleased scenes"? No. However, does it have the best video and audio transfer, which you haven't seen, throughout the days of PTEN, TNT or the SCI-FI Channel? Yes. Buy it. For quality. Not for extras, simply for quality. It is that good, on its own. The quality of the story is that good; the quality of acting passes: and the innovation surpasses anything within the past 30 years.-Tim
butlerd Having only recently become interested in Babylon 5, I eagerly picked this movie up after watching a few snippets of it on TNT. Although unfamiliar with the characters and storyline of the series, the format of the movie(as a story told by Londo Mollari) helped make it more understandable.Furthermore, I also found the characters and story here to be very engaging and enjoyable. Sheridan(Bruce Boxeleitner) and Delenn(Mira Furlan) were especially well written and acted. Being a hard-core Star Trek fan, I didn't expect to find a science fiction series that could equal(or in some aspects, surpass) it, so I was pleasantly surprised discovering Babylon 5. This movie has encouraged me to take more notice of the series and learn more about the storyline mapped out in this movie.Kudos to the writers and directors. It's a shame that the series is over with. I hope that they eventually release the entire series(especially the third season!) on VHS and/or DVD.
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