Assassin's Bullet
Assassin's Bullet
R | 02 August 2012 (USA)
Assassin's Bullet Trailers

In Assassin's Bullet, Slater plays Robert Diggs, a black ops agent who comes to work for Ambassador Ashdown (Hunger Games star Donald Sutherland), tracking down a vigilante assassin in Eastern Europe. The maverick hit(wo)man has been taking out high-profile targets on the U.S. hit list, and Diggs must uncover the killer's identity before there's an international incident. The usual game of cat and mouse ensues.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Michael Ledo Not being satisfied with killing the western genre, Christian Slater turns his sights on spy thrillers. Slater plays a former FBI official who now works at the US embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria. There is a vigilante assassin of "bad" Muslims that for some reason is a problem. We get to see that the killer is a dark haired woman.In order to get Christian Slater back into the FBI business, the film incorporates the acting of Donald Sutherland, Hollywood's go-to guy for black ops since "JFK." In addition to the killings, the movie centers around Slater's obsession with a red headed belly dancer and a psychologist talking to a blond woman who teaches English.The film gives you clues and key plot points almost in a manner of "Student Bodies" with a big arrow and the word "clue" by it. The camera will zoom in and pause to let us know the director thinks his audience is composed of idiots. Slater was unconvincing. Elika Portnoy was boring. This is not an action thriller, but a poorly developed drama/mystery.On the plus side we did get to see some of the old architecture of Bulgaria.Parental Guide: No f-bombs, no nudity, minor bed scene.
Peter Pluymers Slater and Sutherland in the same movie ... that couldn't be bad. It was worse than bad. What a terrible B-movie this was. For those who want to learn belly dancing, buy that movie. There's plenty of tutorials in.There are also some really ridiculous blunders: a VHS tape that catches fire after being thrown into boiling water. A teacher who exposes half her buttocks showing a tattoo there. Afterwards she appears to be the belly dancer, but where did that tattoo go?I had a flashback into the '80s when you could rent such crap movies by the hundreds at your local VHS rental store. Better forget about this real quicklyMore reviews at
ohhwell0525 I'm not sure what this movie was supposed to be but it came off as the wet dream of a belly dancer enthusiast with some unrealistic and confusing story thrown in. I don't know how to write 7 more lines when all that really needs to be said is that this movie sucks! I don't know how you could write a spoiler to this movie as the plot is so full of holes or any shred of believability that it is spoil proof. Actually, saying that the movie sucks is a bit of a spoiler because that is the core of the whole thing... suck-dom. It's a complete mess and awkward. Even the ending sucks big time. It was such a simplistic story that they could have wrapped it up easy but they did not. There are characters introduced and developed (Well, kinda but not really of course) and then they disappear...This movie sucks!
dvalev-656-525509 It is a real shame to see all the crew perform really bad, and I mean really bad. Cameraman performance - zero. Editing? zero. Story? zero. Director? zero. The infamous Elika Portnoy (unknown and obscure actress and writer?, now it is clear why she is and will stay unknown) was/is so untalented and worthless that I was really tempted to fast forward the movie... It is also sad to see great actors like Christian Slater, Timothy Spall and the legendary Donald Sutherland (omg, did they really need that money?) being involved in this joke and, yes, also playing terribly! Is it contagious?And I really don't want to talk about the plot (story by Elika Portnoy?!?) which is so bad and flat and trite and and and... I am speechless.