Arn: The Knight Templar
Arn: The Knight Templar
PG-13 | 25 December 2007 (USA)
Arn: The Knight Templar Trailers

Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
carlhindsgaul This is one of the best series ever. It shows the back story of a man of pride, it portrays the crossroads and northern Europe in the high middle ages. This series is so much more than the American action series with special effects and action scenes. This is a complex experience of feelings such as pride, honor and love, and it captures the dilemmas and problems in these times. It shows the audience different sides of religion and the crossroads, it shows that the normal generalizing of the templars isn't always right, and some can fight a good heart, just like Arn. The innocence but still integrity and honor. I recommend this series, and the crusades trilogy by Jan Guillo, to everyone who enjoys series or films, that makes you think, and makes you feel. You will love this.
joebelleza I do recommend this film - there are some great references to medieval life and a very good transition from one language to the next...not a typical Hollywood film where even Saladin will know Swedish or for some odd reason nuns in a convent would be speaking in very strong American accents...but that being said... Contains a bundle of trailer worthy moments, however, does not build on any proper story line. Cuts in and out of the story to include so many other and it sometimes leads to a failure in a good flow and leaves the viewer wondering. But that being said, wasn't bad...good acting...some decent action...but an advice to the screenwriters and directors for any future endeavors: the writer wrote three books for a reason Watch won't kill you
Catharina_Sweden I think it is such a pity that the producers put so much work and money into this - news from the production and all its troubles was a serial story in the Swedish newspapers for several years. And then they chose so bad actors! Especially the main actor - Joakim Nätterqvist - is a disaster! A movie like this is totally dependent on its main actor being handsome, shining, interesting, admirable, lovable... and Nätterqvist is none of it. I cannot understand why he was chosen in the first place! Sofia Helin, as his love interest, is beautiful enough - but that is _all_ she is...The dialog is stultified, and the attempts to make the language more medieval are simply ridiculous. Almost all the actors are stiff and take themselves very seriously, and nothing feels natural. It is not possible to forget that it is actors one is watching, and to lose oneself in the story...Or maybe there simply were no better actors to chose from, either..? Although I am Swedish myself, I must admit that our actors at present are _very_ bad. The really great ones - those who had great beauty and that mystical star quality - for example Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Gösta Ekman senior, Georg Rydeberg, and Lars Hanson - are all dead long ago. And those who were fairly good - such as Anita Ekberg, Emy Storm, Jan Malmsjö, and Thommy Berggren - are old people now.The only movies that today's Swedish actors can act in, are comedies in which they simply play themselves. Such as the movies by Måns Herngren and Hannes Holm, that make fun of contemporary Swedish society, and also a few TV movies for children.With all this said, I must admit I was never over-impressed by the original Arn novels by Guillou, either. They are good enough as light entertainment, but they do not even come close to many other novels that take place in medieval times, for example "Kristin Lavransdottir". So even with the best of actors, it would have been impossible to make a great movie or TV series out of the books.Still, I think the Arn movies are good enough for watching on TV or on your computer, as simple entertainment, if you can get them for free. There is some epic scenery, elaborate clothes and armor, etc., that are beautiful to look at. A cinema ticket would be money wasted, though.
Tommy Miller I actually put this in to my Netflix Instant Queue and then avoided it like so many others that I told myself I would get around to. After a few days I figured I would give it a shot. The movie had wonderful acting and the camera work was beautiful! I watched the American version and have since read that the American version is a combination of two movies that are almost twice as long. I will be spending my weekend looking for a copy of both movies to purchase and the American version as well. I will also be looking for the books. I have read that there is now a fourth book so I cant wait to find all of these so I can relive in over and over. Wonderful movie, stellar cast and beautifully shot. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I hope you find this helpful in your next movie selection.