R | 06 July 2018 (USA)
Whitney Trailers

Examines the life and career of singer Whitney Houston. Features never-before-seen archival footage, exclusive recordings, rare performances and interviews with the people who knew her best.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
govindamadipurusham This movie does not even begin to see the greatness and influence of Whitney Houston on music and female vocalists. Poorly edited, the movie does not really know where it's going. You have to have lived in the 80's to really understand WH's mystique. There are so much existing footage of Whitney singing live at awards show with a greatness and quality that very few vocalists can achieve. She was named the VOICE.. not for nothing. I really hope someone who REALLY loves her and truly appreciated her talents and beauty could make a film on her so that future generations can really understand her place in history and pop music. I will be waiting as it is NOT the one!!!!
Desiree This movie is the worst of filmmaking: it's uninteresting AND it's offensive. You can always see the hand of the filmmaker in any work, but it's especially evident in a documentary. Here you can Tell that Kevin Macdonald, the writer director, has little to no respect for the audience or for Whitney Houston. He mines her life like a self interested thief continually looking for bits that will sucker punch the audience. He wants people to see this film obviously, and to talk about it. So, he throws in sensationalistic footage of Whitney, for example, negatively critiquing Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson. We are all entitled to dish, and yes somebody filmed it. It seems like somebody was always filming Whitney behind the scenes. But this footage didn't come out under Houston's watch. Not till Macdonald gets the go ahead to mine these films for his work. And of all the footage he found he sticks this in? Why? Apparently because it will make the press and get people to talk about and possibly see the film. Because it certainly adds little to the revelation of Whitney besides the fact that she said she didn't want to sell out. But he could have shown her saying this while leaving the critiques about the two ladies out. Again what does putting it in add to what we know about Whitney? And did Macdonald think at all about the effect showing this would have on the two women in question? An artist makes decisions about what they will do to others in order to make their work. And this the major problem again and again with this film. Macdonald's hand is careless. And the number one example of this: He lists the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown in the postscript of the film. Most people have heard that she died. But to tack this tidbit to the postscript of a film about her mother's life is base. Avoid this film at all costs. Whitney, you deserved a lot better.
view_and_review Whitney is a documentary about the beautiful and immensely talented Whitney Houston. I don't think I've seen a documentary yet that I thought was bad. The goal of a documentary is to bring forth information about a person, place, time, or otherwise that you may not have known. That was definitely achieved in this documentary however speculative some of the things may have been.I knew the inevitable ending of this documentary yet I still wasn't prepared. In fact, her death was made even more gut-wrenching after watching an hour of her tremendous ascendancy and another 50 minutes of her downward spiral. And this documentary was especially impactful to me because Whitney Houston was a staple in my house as a kid; it was her, Prince and Michael Jackson, then a little later it was George Michael... now all four are gone.Watching this documentary you will be swelled with emotions as you listen to her amazing pipes as she was tearing up the charts in the 80's. Her voice brings chills and goosebumps it's so incomparable. And from that emotional high you really get dragged down to a supreme low as she is reduced to attempting a comeback tour in the 2000's and her voice is not even a fragment of what it once was; and there would be no comeback, only a passing away. We couldn't even witness a one last hurrah from this singing legend and that was probably the saddest thing of all. I don't even know if I could recommend this documentary because it weighs so heavily upon the heart. You absolutely have to emotionally prepare yourself for this. If you think you can brave this documentary then by all means watch it. I only wish that her life ended differently.
crosbyp12003 No hold bars. I didn't want to see just concert footage. I can see that on you tube. There wasn't much I didn't know but the little tidbits and extra revelations made me feel compassion for Whitney. She went through a lot. People failed her and she failed herself. I believe she was a very good actor by that really good at covering up her true feelings. Hopefully this family will stop being in denial about the role they played.