Ardennes Fury
Ardennes Fury
| 11 November 2014 (USA)
Ardennes Fury Trailers

As the Battle of the Bulge rages on, an American tank unit gets trapped behind Nazi lines. With just hours before the bombs of Operation Ardennes Fury fall, the tank's commander makes the risky decision to rescue an orphanage.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Bereamic Awesome Movie
to-84159 I agree with all the other posts but I also would like to say the German uniforms were mismatched bad. The officer wore a 3rd Ss isignia but the arm band didn't say totenkomp is appeared to be Adolf Hitler! What the hell was the fake truck that couldn't out run a tank that had what looked like the front of a dodge weapons carrier w a fake axle and a humvie bed! And firing an unloaded German m-g 42 out the bank! And the airplanes come on! Or the officer shoots the lady in the back from 5 feet but then it shows them 300 feet apart!! Should I go one.... Plz quit making films u suck! How old is the private getting tortured 35? Why are they they so unable to take a direct order rather than debate it? Why do they all clump up in a mob rather than spread out so they don't all die at once? Why do they burry the kid way out in the open fearing being shot? The Ss were the most furocious fighting force way better than ours just not enough of them and you make them look like the draft is idiots! You suck
julian-640-544058 World War II movies are reappearing and I am all for that. It is important that we not forget the sacrifices made by our brave men and woman during this horrible war. We are loosing them all to time and it is fitting that we honor them before they all leave us. However, there is a point where a tribute becomes a farce and this film demonstrated how to cross that line. The acting reminded me of a thrown-together High School play. The plot was ridiculous. The dialogue poorly written (and I am being kind saying that). There was nothing that spoke to me. I was hoping for an action filled war story and instead I got a disappointing waste of time that was full of itself. Also having the Germans speaking accent-less American only further detracted from any realism that costumes may have tried to create.I further resent the attempt to capitalize on the Brad Pitt film (FURY), by putting this word in the title as an attempt to trick people into viewing this film, but after 5 minutes even an neophyte would realize this was not made by professionals.The film school student that did this as a project should find another profession.
Loudeli208 THIS MOVIE IS TERRIBLE I made an IMDb account to warn people of it. In the first few minuets I saw that there was a German T34 i wish I was joking and it still had Russian markings on it. If you are STILL WATCHING THIS MOVIE AFTER THIS you will notice that all the soldiers are a bit chunky for being in the army also they are very old for the army also. Like the tank commander is easily 50 which would be OK if he was a colonel but he is a Sargent. I stopped watching this move at this point because of how bad it was. The day before I watched this movie I watched Fury on demand and I said wouldn't it be funny if asylum made a movie called Anger or something like that. Apparently this is the mock buster of Fury which was an amazing movie and paided WAY MORE ATTENTION TO HISTORICAL DETAIL THAN THIS. Please for the sake of your sanity if you are a WWII nerd like me do not watch this movie and watch Fury instead.
Shamu Redkar I was going through IMDb best movies of 2014 so that i could download and watch them later..Saw Brad pitts Fury in the list. immediately went to torrent to download it. in search result saw Ardennes Fury and i thought Ardennes is German name for fury. Immediately kept it for downloading. after almost a week thought of watching it. when the movie began i couldn't believe myself looking at such cheap world war fight and computer graphics also the ground battle looked sooo pathetic.. for almost half the duration of the movie i was wondering how could brad pitt act in such crap movie? was waiting for Prad pitt to show up, the movie came close to end and i just thought of rechecking and i got the biggest shock of 2015.LOL ROFL LMAO.. this is epic fail. the movie as well as me. God bless those who saw this movie by mistake and were waiting for Brad pitts entry. I've rated 3 for the movie only for that Gorgeous looking girl. rest everything is not to be talked about.