We've Never Been Licked
We've Never Been Licked
NR | 29 July 1943 (USA)
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Young Brad Craig enters the military school with a chip on his shoulder which upperclassmen quickly knock off. Once adjusted, Craig falls in love with a professor's beautiful daughter, only to find she is in love with his roommate.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
systemsprof There was a time when everyone in the United States was truly "united" following the attack on Pearl Harbor, there was no doubt about what had to be done, and the military might of the U.S. was there to do the job. In the wake of 9-11, there was another groundswell of patriotic feeling, but over time we have forgotten how priceless are our freedoms and how they have been protected over the years. This film reminds the history student (or anyone who has listened to their ancestors) of how real a threat can be. Cadet Craig, for reasons of nobility and integrity, sacrificed himself and his reputation for his country, his family and his alma mater. Who would do such a thing today? Maybe the first responders on 9-11; the threat in 1942 was real, the threat in the 21st century is real. This film reminds us of heroes, and duty, and country. It is well worth your time. Not the best acting, or the best story or the best filmography, but you are free to choose.
docadams This World War II propaganda film is not to be missed. As one of my father's friends described it: "The other night I saw this crazy movie about an Aggie kamakazie..." Well the plot is odd, set at Texas A&M College (Whoop!). You have to see this movie at the Grove, on campus in the summertime to really get the full effect. Audience participation is essential.It is a classic of sorts, along with the Victory at Sea series, this belongs in a time capsule about political incorrectness. Still, it's fun to see Robert Mitchum playing his minor part. The voice will grab you anyway. Fun stuff from a bygone era. The closing scene is worth waiting for.
drpayne Typical WWII tear jerker. If you are part of the generation that came of age around that era you'll still get some goosebumps when you see it even though it is really quite corny. I just wished I knew when it was ever going to be on TV again so I could tape it.
pshukis I thought it was horrible and Robert Mitchum fans should avoid it like the plague in order to hold any long-term respect for the man's talent. He was wasted in this movie, but then again, he didn't exactly do anything with his part either.That being said, it's funny if you're an Aggie. I'd give it a 5 as an Aggie, but i gave it a 1 as a movie afficiana... aficcinad... afficcinna... er... movie buff. ;)
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