Android Apocalypse
Android Apocalypse
PG-13 | 24 June 2006 (USA)
Android Apocalypse Trailers

Machines have taken over, but left humans thinking that they are still the ones in charge. The androids need humans because of the human brain fluid; without it the android brains can't work. Until the mad scientist finds out how to make this brain fluid artificially that is.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Jay Wulff In my opinion, those that have rated & reviewed this film as poor must have no heart! If you have seen Enemy Mine and loved that as I have, you'll understand and appreciate Android Apocalypse as I did. It's not quite up to the standard of Enemy Mine, but is written and created with a similar heart. In many ways it is a similar story.Bear in mind that this was not a big Hollywood movie, judge it in this context, watch it through the wonder-filled eyes of a child, immerse yourself into the lead characters and the relationship between beings from opposite sides of a divide, and you'll find this is an enjoyable film.A quick word on the soundtrack by Todd Bryanton. Tron-esque. That's a good thing!
Richard Mayes This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Best approached with low expectations.The actress playing Bairstow's character's wife was so wooden, when we met her I had trouble determining if she was meant to be a human being or some kind of android concubine. I wish she had been the latter, as that would have made his hostility to androids actually interesting. But this is not the sort of movie in which a flawed, believable, possibly self-loathing character confronts his inner demons, and in doing so illuminates some facet of the human condition for us.This is about a mixed ensemble of fair to mediocre actors doing their best to stumble through an awful script, delivering their clunky lines against a backdrop that is at once expensive-looking and yet full of inconsistencies. There is a key action sequence where androids saddle up in shiny new Jeep Renegades from the 1990s to battle each other (and some knife-shooting, levitating drone robots)in a hectic car chase. The use of lighting is "hey look we can do THIS effect too!" more than it is genuinely atmospheric. Overall look is one of daytime television at its worst.Meanwhile, a Nazi-themed evil genius villain stalks around his neon green illuminated lair, wearing his Count Dracula coat, and shooting the camera a series of laughable looks to make sure we get that he's bad and he's almost ready to hatch his evil plans.I felt the central relationship between Scott Bairstow's tough guy and Joseph Lawrence's android developing his own humanity was well played, and was pretty much the only good thing about this film. I wish those two gentlemen well in their future endeavours, hopefully they will leave this sort of thing well behind them.
Jennifer I've seen a lot of SyFy channel produced crap and by "a lot", I mean.. A LOT!I know how bad they can get, I've seen the worst SyFy could do and you know what... "Android Apocalypse" may be the best they can do.We all know that when the SyFy channel makes a movie, it's either so bad it ends up being hilarious or it's so bad it makes you want to gouge your own eyes out with the TV remote. This movie, on the other hand, managed to be interesting, funny because it was supposed to be funny, have good acting, have overall good CGI and just be entertaining!There are the unavoidable flaws that every SyFy-movie has: 1) The crappy CGI. (As good as the overall CGI was, some parts... were really bad!) 2) The originality. (We've all seen this robots-revolting-against-humanity type of movie before)On the other hand, the acting! There is no other SyFy-movie that has actors that are this good! I'm not saying that ALL of them are perfect, but compared to "Annihilation Earth" they pretty much deserve an Oscar each and every one of them. My point is: Yes, it's not a great movie. But unlike about 98% of the SyFy-movies, this one will not make you feel like you've just wasted an hour and a half of your life. If you feel like you're the type of person that can appreciate or even enjoy a B-movie, then I definitely think that you should see it!
sarastro7 Machines have taken over, but left humans thinking that they are still the ones in charge. The machine people (androids) need humans because of the human brain fluid; without it the android brains can't work. Until the mad scientist (who was once a human but has replaced all his parts with android parts) finds out how to make this brain fluid artificially. Now the androids no longer need the humans.Just as this scheme is running its course and the humans are about to be wiped out, one renegade android who was an experimental specimen that turned out to be a bit too human, thwarts the entire scheme, aided by the human man who befriended him and made him see things the human way.It's not bad. There are built-in references to a lot of classic sci-fi tropes (and movies), and both the two main characters, Scott Bairstow and Joseph Lawrence, are surprisingly likable and act very well. Too bad the budget was the pits (sand pits, to be precise), and the story - especially its resolution - didn't have much depth, but at least the characters felt real, and that's more than I was expecting. I'm going to seek out more work by these actors.So, a fairly entertaining sci-fi movie. I kinda liked it.6 out of 10.