Right at Your Door
Right at Your Door
R | 23 January 2006 (USA)
Right at Your Door Trailers

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Luca Dryden I pay for so many rentals, that I decided to look up free stuff to watch on my DVR. I found this flick on Friday night and planned to watch it Saturday night since I knew I'd be staying in and chilling at home. Then the news hit about the London Bridge attack. This was an hour or so before dinner and the movie. So I honestly admit that the impact of the movie is incredibly heightened because it made me stressed out. I still think the movie was very well done and the twist had me stunned, but the day's awful news probably amped up my viewing experience. Definitely worth the viewing, just don't watch this if you're feeling depressed.
dawulf I found this movie one night on Netflix and thought what the heck? There was nothing else on. I was delightfully surprised.I am a fan of apocalyptic themed books and movies and thought this was very good despite its small budget. There is not a lot by way of sets and does not have a huge well known cast..but the plot is incredible.A dirty bomb goes of in the city. The main male character tries unsuccessfully to follow his wife who works in the city. He can't and ends up back at home where all news reports are saying to seal up all your windows and doors, don't you dare go outside or let anyone in, they are contaminated.So what do you do when someone comes to your door for help and shelter?What if it's a stranger? What if it's family? I found the movie to be very riveting and the irony of the end is unbelievable.
matthewchermside Sorry, but I have to agree with a lot of reviews I read about this film. It starts well and drops dramatically into pointless tedium. I would never recommend this film to anyone. I do not consider it a good example of independent film-making.The way that Lexi comes and goes freely while the rest of the neighborhood is rounded up defies any logic. I really did not understand the point of the character of the neighbor's handyman. He served no purpose in the film at all, the character and his conversations with Brad contributed absolutely nothing. The character added nothing to the plot whatsoever. The character comes and then leaves, offering an explanation contrary to points he makes earlier in the film for seeking refuge in the first place, making no sense at all.The only positive is that Mary McCormack and Rory Cochrane really make a lot out of a truly awful script. The series of pointless conversations between the main protagonists loses all of the tension built in the opening 20 minutes but at no point did I think that their performances were poor. Good actors making the most of poor material.The ending was very clever, even if it was revealed in one mumbled line proffered by a faceless character in a HazMat suit, but by then I had given up caring about any of the characters at all and couldn't wait for the film to end. The ending would have made more sense if we had followed either Lexi or Brad through the whole experience (probably Lexi to be honest) just to have it all juxtaposed at the end. If the scriptwriters had mad Brad a total S.O.B. and Lexi a victim of his selfishness, then the ending may have had more shock value and currency.
thesar-2 Thanks, Fox for cancelling 24. This is what you get. You'll see how much we appreciate Jack as he would've absolutely adverted this movie's catastrophe. If they hadn't cancelled 24, I would've just assumed this was one of Jack's day off.Right at Your Door tells the story of several dirty bombs going off in downtown LA causing all kinds of havoc, sickness, and chaos it caused. But more directed towards a married couple, one stay at home male and his female counterpart who supports the (new) household. In fact, she's on her way to work when the bombs go off and she lands directly in the middle one of the dirty bombs.The male half, Brad (played wonderfully by Cochrane) goes after her, but is forced back home and when a neighbor comes over, they're both forced to seal off the new home to avoid contamination. It's so new, no cable installed yet – so no TV on for the news, just radio. Also, the a/c's not on, so it's enormously hot. Wife Lexi, (McCormack) returns, but too late to get into the house. As much as Brad loves her – and Cochrane sincerely shows this, he still can't allow her in, unless he would just be as damned as she's turning out to be due to the infected air/bomb.The rest of the movie plays on the confusion, claustrophobic atmosphere, hopelessness and conversations between the couple through plastic. It was an interesting story, a more human approach to a huge terrorist disaster in a major city. The movie screams Independent cinema and/or the theatre. So, if that's your bag, you should see this. Even if you're not, the performances are above notch and worth your time.