Anatomy 2
Anatomy 2
R | 13 August 2004 (USA)
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The doctor and soccer player in the leisure time Jo Hauser decides to move to Berlin and be an intern in a famous clinic, expecting to increase his knowledge and expertize, and help his handicap brother Willi Hauser. He joins a secret fraternity of doctors, under the leadership of Prof. Muller-LaRousse, who is researching the use of bionic muscles in human beings without any ethics or respect to the laws. The team is also volunteer to the experiences, and is under investigation of Paula Henning. When Jo gets close to a Filipino nurse, and becomes addicted in the drugs used in experience, he realizes the truth hidden in the methods used by the secret society in the development of science.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
arkos This movie fails pretty much. It starts with playing around with medical terms and such but then it quickly turns into a scientific version of X-Men. It copies some elements from the first movie but its still hard to connect it to the first movie if not for the anti-Hippocrates. The anti-Hippocrates in this movie annoy me the most, they are supposed to be just normal scientists who want to experiment beyond ethical boundaries, thus achieving good for the humanity. In this movie they are nothing like that, they are evil bastards who want to do evil things! Still the major plot hole is that nearly all the disciples of this Charles guy are against killing someone for the good of science, but I thought that was the whole point of anti-Hippocrates?
Roland E. Zwick From Dr. Frankenstein to Dr. Mengele, Germany has developed quite a reputation for…hmm.. how shall we put it?…"unconventional" men of science.It's appropriate, then, that the German film "Anatomy 2" should be a brave-new-world sci-fi thriller that deals with the issues of biomedical ethics and just how far science should be allowed to go in trying to "improve" on Mother Nature.Professor Muller-LaRousse is a world famous neurosurgeon who has been covertly conducting questionable experiments, implanting synthetic muscles into perfectly healthy young men and women (who also happen to be his devoted interns). Even though a disturbing number of these "guinea pigs" have died as a result of the procedures, LaRousse forges on, undeterred and undaunted, convinced - as any mad scientist worth his salt would be - that scientific advancement cannot be allowed to run aground on the shoals of a few trivial dead bodies. His plan is to create some sort of "master race" of invincible semi-humans. Jo Hauser is a promising young doctor who has come to Berlin to work and study under LaRousse, confident that he will be able to make a real difference not only in the lives of others but particularly in the life of his younger brother who has fallen victim to a degenerative neurological disorder. Filled with idealism, Jo allows himself to be pulled into LaRousse's group of sycophantic acolytes, perhaps to his everlasting regret.The film is obviously intended as a modern day allegory of Nazism - what with its emphasis on group-think, unethical medical experimentation and talk about creating a "master race" - but the movie feels just too much like other - and better - dystopian sci-fi fantasies to be very effective. The intriguing medical ethics issues are eventually shunted aside for a series of protracted action scenes overflowing with typical mad scientist malarkey and man-on-the-run clichés.That's a shame because the movie starts off with a better-than-average premise that promises a thoughtful re-examination of an age-old theme. However, "Anatomy 2" just winds up being silly where it most desperately needs to be serious.
Libretio ANATOMY 2 (Anatomie 2) Aspect ratio: 2.39:1Sound formats: Dolby Digital / SDDSAn intern (Barnaby Metschurat) at one of Berlin's top hospitals is targeted by a charismatic doctor (Herbert Knaup) who's been conducting illegal experiments on some of his students, involving the replacement of various muscle groups with powerful synthetic substitutes. But the drugs needed to curb the various side effects are highly addictive, and lead to madness and murder...This unnecessary sequel - only tenuously linked to the original ANATOMY (2000) - foregoes genuine horror for a slow build-up of tension as Metschurat is first seduced by his newfound friends and then rejects their dreams of a Nazi-style 'master race'. The Gothic setting of the first film is replaced by the faceless corridors of an ultra-modern hospital, and - aside from a horrific opening sequence - there are few memorable set-pieces to distinguish the movie from its run-of-the-mill US counterparts. Bombastic music score, fine performances, but the film is pretty unsatisfying as a whole. Franka Potente (THE BOURNE IDENTITY) makes a brief cameo appearance, purely for marquee value.(German dialogue)
Kosinus the first one was great (a common sequel-problem...?)... this time it's a different approach to tell the story: more action, which results in fast cuts and steady-cam... but also in a lack of time to explain all reused elements from the first one (good!) and to introduce them (very bad!). The main characters are too stereotyped and don't show enough plausible development... at least it isn't boring for a second but it could have been done much better...