An American Terror
An American Terror
| 10 May 2013 (USA)
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Josh wakes each day to a series of Hells. Between uncaring parents and bullying at school he has little to live for. After a brutal event and ensuing humiliation of an online video, Josh and his friends decide to take revenge by staging a massacre at the homecoming dance. Searching for weapons, they find a man who perpetuates a far more murderous darkness than even their plot might suggest. Trapped in his lair, and finding a kidnapped girl from the opposite clique, the boys learn a lot about each other’s character and their own. Even if Josh can rescue the captive cheerleader, he must still lead them both out in time to stop his friend from completing the pact to massacre their school. An American Terror is an explosive and surprising modern day horror mash-up. Totally and relentlessly disquieting – great atmosphere and sound and perfectly gruesome.

Micitype Pretty Good
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
DBLurker First things first. See that poster? That guy is in the movie, except the guy in the movie is a fat hillbilly guy wearing the same gear. Right there, the movie fails. Hillbilly's are NOT scary, no matter how edgy you try to make them (in this movie's case, watching a cartoon and making love to a doll.. I think, I couldn't tell, whole scene was 99& darkness).Second, the protagonist is a emo dude who wants to do a school bombing/shooting with his friends. Right there? You stop sympathizing with him even till the end, when he changes his mind (and how is he not in custody over planning it all? they just let him get back to the school next day..) Third, the moment our "heroes" enter the lair of the guy on the poster, whole movie turns the contrast up 50% and increases the darkness level in all scenes. That means, good luck recognizing what is going on in 99.9% of the scenes. You won't be scared, you'll be just really REALLY annoyed.Fourth, the "big bad" guy on the poster is beaten up and defeated by two scrawny kids. Rest of the movie is a crappy school bombing plot, that never happens. In whole movie, only two people get killed and that includes a cop and the kid who bombs that cop. Yeah, that's the real terror, school shooting/bombing.So basically, this movie is trying to make a statement on school shootings, telling all of the nerds who get beaten up that "Don't shoot up the place, it isn't worth it.. just take the beatings and humiliation." There, I saved you the trouble of watching the movie. That was the message all along. Go watch some good horror movie.TIP: How to watch this movie for free? Turn off your monitor/TV. See that dark screen? That's the movie. Enjoy.
Kiri_Jolith98 While this isn't the best horror/slasher movie in history, it is a very pleasant surprise. The "Evil" in this movie is more than just some demented freak in a junk yard, it's the evil that we do to each other to make ourselves feel better. The underlying themes of bullying and kids struggling just to make it through high school are pretty effectively presented and you find yourself understanding where the frustration and anger comes from, even if you don't agree with their extreme methods. In addition, the film even tackles complex ideas like redemption and equality, not something you routinely see in a slasher flick.I was very pleasantly surprised, the movie had a creepy villain and some characters you can root for in earnest. Not the best movie out there, but there are way worse movies to watch on something like Amazon instant video or netflix.
Daniel G. True It wasn't that bad to be honest. For being what it was, and independent film, it was well done. You can tell the movie wasn't made with a huge budget, camera shooting was a bit strange and I had to get used to it, but the story line was pretty good.The acting takes a bit getting used to IMO. I liked how 2 stories mixed into 1, and the ending was something that I liked. All in all, it's a great movie to watch.Pros: Great story line, editing, some gore. It's different from a lot of the crappy horror films that have come out as of late. Cons: camera work was a tad strange for me, the acting could've used work.I give a 6.5 out of 10.
sgtgunner-1 I really wanted to like this movie. Based on the initial stars (7.4 at the time) I was expecting a throw-back to the vintage slasher films. What I got was a mess of choppy sequences followed by a few minutes of actual dialogue, then some weird angle nonsense. It seems like they used every scene transition from every horror movie they could get there hands on and just couldn't decide on one.I also could have done without whatever filter they used to film this...some sort of a greenish hue was cast over everything.One review refers to Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc... as a benchmark for this movie. This is nothing like those movies. The 'lunatic' reminds me of one of the Spy vs Spy birds from the Mad Magazine.I'm convinced that the good reviews were given by people affiliated with the creation of this film.The acting is not horrible, but there is no character development so you don't really care what happens to any of them. I didn't even remember which character was which..though the Mohawk fellow seemed to be the best actor of the bunch.I've watched a lot of B horror movies and have seen quite a few decent ones and some I recommend to watch as a time waster...This does not fall into either of those categories.I gave it two stars because I have seen worse, but not by much. Also, there was mention of awards being won for this film in another review...I don't know how true that is, but I would hate to see the other movies this was up against if that is the case.
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