Aimy in a Cage
Aimy in a Cage
NR | 08 January 2016 (USA)
Aimy in a Cage Trailers

A teenage orphan and delinquent rebels against her evil family during a global virus outbreak.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Maya Mevorach (mayitamiami) Hahaha... Just watched this Indie Film and I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone. It has many random scenes that many would claim to "not to make a lick of sense".Perhaps I may have seen the plot a little too deep, for what I saw, was a girl living under a lot of criticism, forced to be a "perfect little lady", bullied by her family for being different, tricked/manipulated/back-stabbed by them to make her do things she clearly does not want to do and has to put up with all of it daily. Everything in the movie (to me) was shown as over exaggerated and symbolized.I saw Aimy as a broken spirit. Just by living with those people who judged her constantly... no wonder she's lost her mind, no wonder she felt over protective of herself and felt that she couldn't trust her own family. After all the daily torture, she was fed up by it all. Personally, throughout the entire film, I felt like reaching out to her just giving her a hug.Aimy just wants to live her life her own way and be accepted for who she is.And just to include, I think Allisyn A. Arm did a remarkable job in bringing out Aimy's character uniqueness and features. You rock girl <3
travisbickle86 I can imagine Aimy in a Cage causing great distress to a casual audience during screenings. Not so much for the content, as it's artistic and experimental form. I pity those who don't have the imagination or capacity to dream of cinema outside of a prescribed copy & paste format. There is a lot owed to Tim Burton - with the colored lighting, gaudy sets, costumes and props reminiscent of Burton's earlier works. The theme of being a repugnant and excluded artist is also present throughout. I saw the film as a subverted allegory for a girl struggling with an eating disorder, but who knows. Like the best surrealist cinema, the film flows subconsciously, like coming in-and-out of deep sleep. The cuts don't necessarily match and the audio isn't always synced, but it only adds to the orchestrated chaos of the film. Intentionally or not, I found the film hilarious in parts, especially scenes involving the Grandmother or Crispin Glover. Unfortunately, the narrative does fall-apart around the 50-minute mark (somewhat amusing in itself) as the cast shrinks downs to a trio. No doubt due to budget constraints. Still, I commend the filmmakers for creating this nightmarish fairytale, experimenting with cinema as an art-form. Which - lets face it, in recent times has reverted to being spoon-fed warm diarrhoea by major corporations.
acerbic-1 If you started watching the movie, got confused and irritated and then decided to check IMDb for reviews, just in case you are missing something.Some puzzle piece that will make this mess into a coherent experience - well, I hate to break it to you, but there isn't one.The only way for this film to be perceived as "good" is if you genuinely want to take a dive into a delirium.Summary: It's bad, it doesn't get better to the end, no answers or 'endings' will be happening.P.S. I hate "10 lines minimum" policy. This sht shtick doesn't deserve 10 lines.
gimpchrist It was absolutely perfect in every way. The lead's acting was off the chart...I was really impressed and giggling along sometimes at the character's antics and the way she just ripped right into her role, it must have been just fabulous on set... It was the very first time I'm not very impressed by Mr. Glover simply because I felt like he was doing a woody harrelson thing or something, but I love him anyway and the role could have been more well defined or rounded as a character, but overall, it fit. I loved Miss Paz, she added an extra kick, and I just loved the writing & the set design. The lighting was also absolutely perfect. Perfect movie.