| 04 February 1985 (USA)
Adela Trailers

The story of an impossible love: doctor Emil Codrescu is reunited 20 years later with Adela, the one he had only known as a young girl. The two fall in love, but circumstances and hesitation prevent them from getting closer.

SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.