5 Centimeters per Second
5 Centimeters per Second
PG | 03 March 2007 (USA)
5 Centimeters per Second Trailers

Three moments in Takaki's life: his relationship with Akari and their forced separation; his friendship with Kanae, who is secretly in love with him; the demands and disappointments of adulthood, an unhappy life in a cold city.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
nojunk-46182 Boy meets girl, fall in love, went their separate ways, boy pines for girl, that's about it. Beautiful drawings of the sky of sunsets and starry nights. Not much by way of a story. Much prefer Miyazaki's cartoons.
CinemaClown Makoto Shinkai's sophomore feature is an intimately crafted, elegantly narrated & gorgeously animated tale of young love & yearning desires that unfolds in three interconnected segments. A very grounded effort compared to his previous work, it is a touching & nostalgic reminiscent of first love.5 Centimeters per Second follows the life of a young man named Takaki. The first segment, set in elementary school, focuses on his first love and the long journey he takes to see her one last time. The next segment, set in high school, is about a girl who has a crush on him. And the final segment illustrates his present life.Written, produced & directed by Makoto Shinkai, 5 Centimeters per Second paints an exquisite portrait of real life struggles through its protagonist, and is brought to life with affection & intimacy. The animation in itself is beautiful, evocative & radiates a heartfelt warmth, and the attention to detail is breathtaking to say the least.The slowness of time felt when you have no choice but to wait is wonderfully depicted in the first chapter and the smallest of details presents in this segment add to that relatable feeling. That longing for love yet difficulty in expressing it is effectively portrayed in the second story. And the final segment is a reminder of just how detrimental living in the past can be.Exhibiting noticeable improvements & welcome maturity in Shinkai's direction, every scene is allowed to simmer & unfolds in an unhurried fashion. Every image is gorgeously rendered & absolutely beguiling to look at. Characters arcs' carry enough depth, plus many will be able to identify with their predicament and may find snippets of their own lives in their journey, which is always helpful.On an overall scale, 5 Centimeters per Second is an affectionate, heartwarming & emotionally stirring anime that's handled with care, told with composure & brims with warm feelings. Its sentimental quality may not go well with every viewer but for those who can connect with it, the film will turn out to be a mesmerising trip down memory lane. Worthy of your time & money for its spellbinding animation alone, 5 Centimeters per Second comes delightfully recommended.
ayesh-malshika part 1 : shows us a pretty nice connection between two kids growing up with each other and despite their increasing distance their love for each other never looses and at the end of the day they'll always find each other.part 2 : introduces this new girl who is madly in love with the boy but never confesses herself to him at that time . even tho he acknowledges her interests he couldn't find himself to move forward from his past (which was very nicely done hats off ) even if he wanted he is still attached to something part 3 : it just nothing i imagined i don't know what to say the movie is filled with beautiful scenes very very beautiful story was like all over the place some times i took few minutes to get things straight seriously hated the way everything ended i just not right. after all this is life nothing end the way we want it be very good movie highly recommend it
Magsi Rover (magsirover) It was one of the first movies that I've watched from Director Makoto Shinkai and as expected as ever coming from Japanese animation the illustrations were fantastic as well as the premise were simple and yet, utterly heartbreaking.The details of the story and how the it progressed was definitely relatable (well, to me I suppose). I think there is much truth to this animation to anyone whom has fallen in-love at one point in their lives. Times change, people change and feelings/emotions change. If you're looking for a feel good movie, I don't really recommend this however, if you're look for a movie that would somehow explain to you the harsh truths of heartbreaks. I suggest you watch this movie (Especially if you're the type that would rather relish under amazing canvas like images to further impact your experience. Not to mention the quote of the film explains the whole story.
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