33 Postcards
33 Postcards
NR | 17 May 2013 (USA)
33 Postcards Trailers

Dean Randall has sponsored a young Chinese orphan Mei Mei for many years, when she arrives in Sydney out of the blue to thank him, their lives are changed forever.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Matt Johnson This film was beautifully conceived, and started well. The characters are deft, subtle, and well-played by the excellent cast.Leading into the last act, though, the characters start behaving erratically, with no discernible motivation. Sadly, the movie overall fails to recover, and it ends up being a frustrating experience. A great deal of potential, squandered in an apparent attempt to generate conflict, which in the end feels unbelievable.Worth a watch, if you like any of the actors in particular, as their performances are still quite good, even from newcomer Zhu Lin as the delightfully naive-yet-savvy Mei Mei ("Little Sister").
perkypops It is incredible how hard it is to write a good story and yet this film takes the simple premise of an orphaned Chinese girl sponsored into schooling by a benefactor she has never met except via postcards and letters and turns it into an achingly good two hours of entertainment.Mei Mei, Little Sister (Zhu Lin), is a sixteen year old whose life in a Chinese Orphanage has been supported by regular payments made by Dean Randall (Guy Pearce). Mei Mei is training to be the conductor of a children's choir who are to tour in Australia which is where the bulk of this film takes place.The plot and screenplay are developed with such simple brushstrokes you know there is a masterpiece being painted before our eyes. And this film doesn't let you down through all its wonderful and deft touches. Even the violent scenes are made to fit the delicate canvass the whole is painted upon, and we are never driven to the need for explicit artistic license.The soundtrack too is so finely tuned to the images, with some breathtaking choral singing at appropriate moments. The acting is strong, brilliant from Zhu Lin and Guy Pearce, and only occasionally overstated by the support. The script is just wonderful but then the message from this film is wonderful too.Recommended viewing. Nine out of ten.
Jon B I hadn't planned on watching a film but I stumbled across this when channel surfing. Obviously this isn't a blockbuster but it's a movie I recommend watching if you get the chance. Why? well because it's something different. It has an unusual story and plenty of emotion. We follow Mei Mei (a sponsored orphan) and her search for her dream family but her dream and the reality are completely different. However, her good caring nature shines through as she tries to make the best of what she discovers. There are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing and each main character has an interesting and unique story.I couldn't decide between a 6 or 7 for this movie so a 6.5 it is. Obviously with this not being a mega funded blockbuster there are going to be one or two things wrong with it but I'm not going to point out faults as I feel the positives far more out weight the negatives. If you get a chance, watch this movie!
Prathyusha Kokku I hadn't heard of 33 Postcards and stumbled upon it online, there was no good reason to watch it, but I did and I'm so glad I did. It isn't the usual blockbuster drama, but weaves emotion like no other. I'm (for lack of a better word) gob smacked! The film's and the performances' simplicity and earnestness blew me away. It created the magic of an international film with the determined oriental passion. I owe thanks to Pauline Chan, Philip Dalkin and Martin Edmond for wiping the blues away from my evening. And very specially to Guy Pearce, who acted with so much care for the story!You take away a lot of food for thought, in terms of changing priorities, innocence and holding your ground. I've just watched an amazing movie and that it moved me so much that I cared to register on IMDb to write a review for it, says a lot to the movie's credit.Do watch it, you will not regret it.
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