30,000 Leagues Under The Sea
30,000 Leagues Under The Sea
PG | 09 September 2007 (USA)
30,000 Leagues Under The Sea Trailers

Captain Nemo goes even deeper into insanity in this mesmerizing fantasy tale. Once again at the helm of his fearsome, wildly advanced vessel, the nautical madman endeavors to turn the world above the waves upside down.

Wordiezett So much average
Micitype Pretty Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Wuchak Released in 2007, "30,000 Leagues Under the Sea" features an eccentric billionaire madman, Captain Nemo, who's obsessed with the underwater world and threatens to destroy the surface with only his underwater utopia remaining. His ship, The Nautilus, is a mobile submarine city and includes civilians. It's up to a Naval rescue crew, led by Natalie Stone and Lorenzo Lamas, to stop him.This is a The Asylum flick, a company known for its low budget knock-offs of major productions. I've only seen a couple of their films and actually liked 2009's "The Land that Time Forgot" by C. Thomas Howell. That plus the fact that I'm a fan of Jules Verne, Captain Nemo and Mysterious Island gave me hope.The movie attempts a James Bond/Jules Verne hybrid in that it has the same plot as 1977's "The Spy Who Loved Me." Captain Nemo, played by Sean Lawlor, even looks like Charles Gray's Blofeld from 1971's "Diamonds Are Forever." Unfortunately, it fails on many levels. Lamas and Lawlor are effectively charismatic in their roles, but most of the rest of the cast are okay at best and sometimes downright bad. The CGI is cartoony, but serviceable for a low budget flick. I can forgive practically any production weakness if the story is captivating, but this is where the movie fails most. The set-up of the first half hour is relatively dull, but things perk up when Nemo appears. Unfortunately, the movie doesn't capitalize on this and it spirals into a boring darkened vessel adventure, like a bad episode of Deep Space Nine. On the female front Kim Little is fetching, but they don't do enough with her. By the last 12 minutes I couldn't wait for it to be over.The movie runs 86 minutes.GRADE: D+
micha_gpunto Most impressing: The "Rewind-scenes" - Bubbles turning back into the sub while undocking...To honor the work of B-movies, even the Chinese alphabet is to small to find any letter describing such kinda "action". Actors? You won't find some. Dialogues: I was in the happy situation to watch the German version. The mixing with sound-effects and the (oscar-suspicuious) music (that, by the way, never fits to the situation) made it nearly impossible to understand them clearly. Thank god! Special thanks for the impressing views of the USS MISSOURI (here declared as USS LINCOLN, the U.S. Navy must be very surprised to have much more heavy battleships, than self-expected), even, when they were much better in "UNDER SIEGE" and surely a dozen other movies. Very funny were the on-board-scenes with lifebelts hanging in front of bulleyes and command-bridges in total disorder.This "movie" is surely one of the best examples for waisting money and material...
Theo Robertson In a previous review I stated that the cast of certain mockbusters unconsciously reminded me of " adult films " . 30,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA continues this trend . We're introduced to haughty , arrogant , abrasive Lt Commander Conseil played by Natalie Stone . I don't know why , perhaps it was her grating accent and the fact her face is caked in make up that I just expected her navy colleagues to say something along the lines of " Okay baby you gonna need to lighten up and I've just got the thing for it " . Cue clothes being ripped off , grunting and groaning and body fluids being splashed everywhere . This never happens , though if it did it might have made the film more watchable There's a few problems with this mockbuster . The acting is totally wooden , you're never convinced that the characters are USN sailors or that the action is taking place outside of a very small studio set but worst of all nothing really happens . The main plot revolves around a small team of US Navy personnel trying to find out what has happened to a nuclear sub , they get captured by Captain Nemo and spend the next hour talking . Yes it's the same Captain Nemo created by Jules Verne and most famously portrayed by James Mason . Remember in the book and Disney version he was bitterly misanthropic ? Well here he's someone who walks around corridors that look suspiciously like a small film set not saying or doing anything of any importance . Apparently he also steals some trident missiles to zap a few countries . Why ? Apparently because ... well ... well ... just because Character motivation is not the strong point of this movie . The nearest we get is Lt Commander Conseil smiling at the end which absolutely shocked me because it meant Ms Stone doubled the number of expressions she gave in the entire film . Nor is it a film that will be known for its heart thumping action sequences because there aren't any . Say what you like about The Asylum film company but they usually have several action scenes in their movies . Okay they're usually composed of dire CGI and must have cost all of 17 cents but at least they try to make things entertaining no matter how badly they fail . Here no one even seems to be trying
ourdatateam Donot ever make the mistake of watching this movie. I got this movie free from someone and the person told me its a waste of time. I was told that this is the worst movie ever made after watching the movie, But I have had seen the original Captain Nemo movie a long time ago I thought with new technology it might be made better but after watching the movie I totally agree its not worth of watching even for free. waste of time and waste of a great story I have seen the original captain Nemo comparing to that movie its as bad as it could be the director did his best to make it the worst movie ever. and the actors they never let the director down by helping him doing the worst acting of there carriers